
Old Cryogenic Pod

Dust covered every where, which shows how much time had passed but the holographic images were still on display but it seems as though the system displaying the holographic images was faulty since David couldn't read what it was displaying.

The words which it was trying to portray was all jumbled up.

Making them almost impossible to make out.

On the Black desk, light shone from every corner of the desk.

There was a vase with nothing in it, but there was an holographic image, projecting a very beautiful floor from the vase. It was as though the vase had flowers in it which wasn't so.

Blinking his eyes, even David was doubting if the flower was real or not.

To confirm his thoughts he used his hands to roughly brushed the flower but his hands just passed through it, confirming that it was only an holographic image.

There was a very small book shelf on a wall that looked just like a decoration rather than the real deal.