
Khaos Brigade Attack

"Is the meeting has begun?"

"Yes. Right now, Rias Gremory and Sona Sitri are explaining about their encounter with Kokabiel and his minion."

"I see. So we only need to wait for the surprise attack, huh?"

"Yes, Master"

I nod at Medea before looking at the sky above me. I'm not too fond of this situation. The feeling of dread creeping up to your spine and the cold feeling that begins to spread all across Faysummit. I wouldn't say I like this feeling at all.

Right now, all the troops of Faysummit are already prepared to the brim with all kinds of equipment. From enchanted weapons to the high-grade potions we had. If the Three faction leader sees our troops, they will think that we are prepared to ambush them, and that is not good. So I order them to wait in the barrack, and when the intruder attacks the Faysummit, they will immediately come out of the barrack.

The only one allowed to roaming around is the Shinobi squad as they can hide themselves using their Jutsu, magic, and flame. They also have a job to evacuate all the citizens of Faysummit to the underground bunker we prepared a long time ago in case something like this happened back then.


I snap from my thoughts when Mordred calls my name.

"What is it?"

"Above us! Someone is floating in the air."

I look where Mordred points her finger and see a person floating in the air. By the look of it, the person floating is a woman, but unfortunately, I cannot see her clearly from here, but I know that she is holding a staff in her hand.

"Katerea Leviathan"

It was here. As I use a little bit of magic into my eyes, I can see her face clearly, and I also can see her looks at me directly. After a few seconds of staring at each other, Katerea raises her magic staff in the air, and suddenly a massive magic circle appears in the air.

"Oh, dear. Valerie, can you tell the leader of Three factions that we have an uninvited guest appearing out of nowhere for me?"

"Yes, brother!"

With that being said, I look at Mordred and say.

"Mordred, can you inform the troops that we need their presence now?"

"Roger that!"

With that being said, I look at Katerea once again and see that the Magic Circle begins to expand once again, and coming from the magic circle is another member of the Old Satan faction except for Rizevim and Euclid.

However, there is something strange. The people that come from that magic circle are not only the Old Satan faction but also the people of Hero Faction. There is also a Magician among them, and the last group that comes out of the magic circle is an army of Evil Dragons.

"Sir Lexian, what is the situation?"

I look at my back and see the Leader of all Three Factions already come out from my castle. I then answered Sirzechs question.

"You can look above. That is our situation."

"That is…"

"An Evil Dragon. Do you guys invite these guys?"


After saying that, I see Mordred appear beside me and nod her head. I take a deep breath and use a spell to amplify my voice before shouting.


Hearing my command, the people in charge of Melammu Dingir fire the cannon.

*Boom* *Boom* *Boom*

"Continuous Fire! Rain Storm! Enchant!"

After shouting that command, I spread my sky flame to harmonize the Storm and Rain flame combination. So when the next attack happened, it was not the previous golden beam; instead, it was a Red beam with a blue fire dancing around it.

I order this combination because I can see a massive barrier erected around the Khaos Brigade troops. With this combination, the barrier will not be a problem, or so I thought.

I can see the beam from Melammu Dingir hit the barrier, but it did not break or even make a crack on the barrier.

"Tch, How?"

"Ladon. They have Ladon on their side."

I look to my side and see Azazel look at the sky with a frown on his face.


"They have an Evil Dragon Ladon on their side. Ladon is known for its use of Barrier Magic that can rival the Bald Satan over there…"


"Even though he creates the barrier in a hurry, it is still strong enough to block most attacks."

"I see."

It looks like Rizevim successfully resurrected the dead Evil Dragon from the grave. However, I did not see Crom Cruach or Apophis. It looks like Rizevim did not meet Rizevim yet and also cannot revive Apophis or Aži Dahāka yet.

However, even without those three evil dragons, this situation is bad enough for us.

"Lexian, let me help you. Shemhazai Baraqiel attacked the barrier with me. Armaros anti-magic blast."



"Let's do this."

Seeing the Fallen Angel fire their Light Spear and magic, My guardian and I begin to attack the Ladon Barrier as well. Slowly I can see the barrier begin to crack, and after attacking it for a minute, it begins to break and hits some member of Khaos Brigade.

"Continue fire! Kill as many of them as you can!"

We continued to fire our attack at the enemy, but this time instead of focusing on one point, we spread our attack to all members of the Khaos Brigade. However, instead of sitting behind the Ladon Barrier, they flew around the air dodging the attack.

As we continue to fire our attack, I see a few of the Dragon fly toward the Faysummit barrier and attack the barrier with Magic and its fire breath. Soon the rest of the Evil Dragons begins to attack the barrier with their magic and fire breath.

The Hero Faction also begins to join the evil Dragon in attacking the Faysummit barrier. I also see Cao Cao is the one leading them with his True Longinus.

"Lightning! Cloud! Go to the barrier and repair it as much as you can! Storm Rain! Focus your attack on the one attacking the barrier!"

With that being said, I summon Lily to my side and change her into her Rifle form.

"Target Locked! Load all flame! Load complete! Fire!"

Without even looking, I create a solid illusion of a stone wall behind my back, so I didn't get thrown away by the recoil.

I also didn't use the Laser Beam that focuses on attacking one person, but I fire an attack that split up and multiplied and attacked many enemies at once.

I continue to shoot down the Khaos Brigade member with my attack. However, I only target the one that can be shot down with a single blast from my weapon while my guardian targets the bigger target. With this, we can cut down the number of people in the Khaos Brigade army.

As I continue to attack the enemy, my intuition begins to scream at me, saying that I should call back the people that handle the barrier. At first, I was confused about why my intuition said that, but I obeyed it as it has never been wrong before.

"Lightning! Cloud! Fall Back!"

After hearing my words, I can see they hesitate for a moment because if they are not repairing the barrier, then it will collapse. However, they obey my command and begin to retreat from the frontline.

A few seconds later, as my men are gone from the front line, I can see a huge explosion from where my troops are previously located.

"Vali… You fool"

I look at Azazel with a shocked expression before seeing that indeed Vali is nowhere to be seen. Damn it. I forgot that Vali is still a member of the Khaos Brigade.

"Azazel, I don't know what is happening here, but we will talk about this after the fight is finished."

"... Very Well"

After saying that, I look up to the sky and see the Khaos Brigade begin to charge toward Faysummit.

It looks like the fight entered a new stage.

The advance chapter can be found here:


Or if you want to give me some coffee


LuxVonDeuxcreators' thoughts