
MTS: Marvel and Beyond

Title: Multiversal Template System Alex was transmigrated to the body of a newly awakened mutant. The original owner of the body was also named Alex, Alex Locke, an ordinary college student. About a month ago, he suddenly awakened to a mutant ability and used it to escape unscathed from a burning building. Although he survived the disaster, there was no subsequent good fortune. A few days later, his parents discovered his mutant ability and, despising it, kicked him out of the house. He was then pursued by a mysterious organization and was accidentally abducted by gang members from Hell's Kitchen, ending up in this unknown underground prison. As for his mutant ability, it was a weak version of Sebastian Shaw's ability, which was the reason for him being captured. Just as Alex was despairing about how he will die just after transmigrating, a voice sounded in his ear. [ Congratulations, you have awakened the 'Multiversal Character Template System'! ] [ You have obtained the character template: Gojo Satoru! ] [ You have awakened the skill 'Six Eyes' lv1 ] "Oh..." A few hours later [ Template Fusion Rate: 5% ] [ New Skill Unlocked: Limitless Technique ] ===== Link: Påtreon.com/BaphometFiction I post 10 advanced chapters of this fanfic there. ===== I literally don't own anything here, all rights goes to their respective owners.

Baph0met · Anime und Comics
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64 Chs

Chapter 57: Symbiotes

Eddie Brock was originally a journalist on the verge of being fired, but his luck changed when he accidentally captured footage of the "White-Haired Mutant." From the initial street battles involving mutants, to later events such as the killing of Iron Monger, the humiliation of Abomination and the Hulk, the standoff with the X-Men on the streets, surviving a nuclear blast, and finally the destruction of the White House... Eddie managed to capture all of these moments, either by coincidence or intentionally. As he continued to report on these events, his fame grew alongside the notoriety of the White-Haired Mutant.

Now, Eddie is a rising star in the journalism world, especially at the Daily Globe. Today, while attending a certain banquet, he noticed a strange-looking figure killing several people. Recognizing this as another big news opportunity, Eddie immediately ordered his team to start filming and requested to broadcast live for the Daily Globe. Thus, in the midst of the crime scene, an impromptu live broadcast began!

As expected, the live stream's viewership began to skyrocket. While Eddie was excitedly watching the numbers climb, he suddenly noticed the cameraman looking behind him with a terrified expression. Realizing something was wrong, Eddie quickly turned around, but just as he saw the man holding the strange staff, he felt a sharp pain in his chest!

Trembling, Eddie looked down and saw the strange staff piercing through his chest, with blood gushing out. The pain in his chest intensified as the staff was pulled out, causing blood to splatter everywhere. With his lungs damaged and blood loss worsening, Eddie's vision began to blur, and as his consciousness faded, he glimpsed the mysterious man use a laser to kill the cameraman. The man's clothes then began to mystically morph into a bizarre-looking armor as he slowly walked outside.

Just before his consciousness completely faded, Eddie noticed a wriggling mass of black substance nearby that quickly merged into his body...

Meanwhile, after killing several insignificant humans amidst the screams of well-dressed gentlemen and ladies, Loki leisurely walked towards the exit. His illusion-clad suit gradually transformed into his original battle armor. Watching the panicked Midgardians flee in terror, Loki felt immense satisfaction. This is how it should be—this is how Midgardians are meant to behave!

With the end of his staff striking the ground, Loki conjured several illusionary images to surround the humans in the square. Walking slowly forward, he loudly commanded, "Kneel before me!"

The entire scene fell silent; the previous screams and chaos vanished under Loki's command. Seeing the humans frozen in fear, Loki's irritation grew, and he shouted again, "I said, kneel!"

Finally, many of the humans knelt down. Loki smiled with satisfaction as he walked among the crowd, enjoying their worship, and continued, "Isn't this simple? You were born to do this. You crave subjugation. Deep down, your nature is to be ruled, and you will eventually submit to your master."

Suddenly, an old man with a head of white hair stood up, fearlessly facing Loki, and slowly said, "But not to a man like you."

Loki sneered and answered with bus arrogant grin "Oh, but there are no men like me."

The old man replied, "I've seen men like you before."

Loki was immediately angered by the audacity of the weak human before him. Wielding his staff, he pointed it at the defiant man and arrogantly declared to the other humans, "Look at this old fool! He is your example!"

The top of Loki's staff glowed brightly, sending a beam of energy toward the old man, intending to kill him. But just as it was about to strike, a strong man wearing a suit with the stars and stripes suddenly appeared in front of the old man, raising a shield adorned with a star to intercept the energy beam.


The staff's energy beam was reflected by the vibranium shield, hitting Loki and knocking him down!

Captain America calmly said, "I remember someone else who thought they were above everyone else, and they got taken down!"

Recognizing the man before him as Captain America, Loki mockingly replied, "A man out of his time."

At that moment, the Black Widow, piloting a combat aircraft, opened fire with machine guns and called out to Loki, "Loki, put down your weapon and surrender."


But her command was met with another energy beam from Loki's staff, which nearly struck the aircraft!

Seeing this, Captain America launched an attack on Loki. However, against Loki, a frost giant with immense strength, Captain America was clearly outmatched. As the shield was knocked from his grasp, Captain America found himself at a complete disadvantage.

With a desire for revenge after being humiliated by the White-Haired Mutant earlier, Loki no longer had any intention of toying with Captain America. Finding an opening, Loki quickly used his staff to break Captain America's legs, then stepped on his chest and pointed the staff at his head.

"I told you, you are a relic of the past!"

Captain America struggled with all his might but could not prevent the staff from drawing closer. Just as the tip of the staff began to cut into his forehead, Captain America suddenly felt a surge of incredible strength coursing through his body. He shoved the staff away and kicked Loki off of him!

Then, he noticed a thick, white substance covering his entire body, and a great sense of power rising within him. As the white substance fully enveloped Captain America, he heard a voice in his mind:

"Hello, Steve. My name is Serum."

Looking at his now-white suit, Captain America wanted to ask a question, but Serum seemed to understand and immediately said, "Steve, I think we should deal with the enemy first, then we can discuss our situation, don't you agree?"

Feeling his body as if it had undergone the transformation of the Super Soldier Serum all over again, Captain America smiled and said to Loki, "You're right... I can go all day with this!"

Recognizing the white substance as a symbiote, Loki, with his vast experience, identified it immediately. "A Klyntar, interesting! But if you think this will help you defeat me, you're mistaken!"

Loki slammed his staff down, piercing a silver symbiote, and used his staff to control it, erasing its original consciousness. The silver symbiote enveloped Loki as well, enhancing the already formidable frost giant's body further. A sharp dagger formed from Loki's arm as he held the staff in one hand and the dagger in the other, challenging Captain America:

"Round two."


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I post 20 advanced chapters of this fanfic there.