
Chapter 76 I Am Lily

Sophia felt confused shortly and smiled sweetly and said shyly, "Right. I am Lily. James, I am your Lily!"

James rubbed his temples, feeling extremely uncomfortable from being drunk.

Was it his Lily?

Lily was here!?

"You are drunk. Let me send you home." Sophia bent down and helped James up.

"Lily, are you here? Is it real? Am I dreaming?" James said with a voice full of disbelief and surprise while he staggered and leaned on Sophia.

James had been looking for Lily for so many years. And surprise! Here Lily was.

"It's me! Who else can I be?" Sophia stared at the man beside her with a loving gaze.

It was the first time Sophia and James were so close. Although drunk, James's masculine figure and handsome face were attractive.

Sophia touched James's face with her cold and trembling fingers.

It was the man Sophia loved in an unrequired way for years, and now Sophia finally could enjoy the intimate time with James.