

He who fight for others is a hero but he who fights for himself is a evil ! . What does a man want ? Fortune? Fame ? Freedom? Family? Features? If one works for his own benefits , Is he considered a selfish or evil ? I don't want to think about all these ! I want to live for myself not for others. ........ He lives in dark ! He works for money ! He loves peace but doesn't mean he don't like chaos !!!! He is neither a evil nor a hero but a Illusionist ! Mr. Illusionist ! The man with mysteries and magic ! Stay tuned !

Drunkenstories · Aktion
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5 Chs

Chapter 4

The mayor of the undead city

Mr. Illusionist was now watching a mansion from a certain safe distance while his mind was pondering about the information he just got from the one handed man.

The Information he got wasn't necessarily useful but it did help him get clues about the missing sorcerers .

"Yesterday one of the missing sorcerer came to this city in bad shape . The mayor who heard this news was very interested in the outsider so he captured the sorcerer and took him to his mansion . "

After getting the answers , he knocked that guy and directly came to the mayor mansion .

What does mayor have to do with the sorcerer ? And where are the other members of the sorcerer? Did they die ?

Or is there something that I'm not understanding ?

He had several questions and the only way to get the answer is from the Mayor itself .

Now should I sneakily enter the mansion and capture the mayor without anyone noticing ?

Or Should I be polite and knock on his door ?

Im not a man of words so it's obvious what should I choose !

He stood up and headed directly at the mansion .

The mansion wasn't that magnificent but it was different from other buildings . It gave the feeling of newly built unlike the rest of the antique building .

There were two people guarding the mayor door and they weren't human's but a lizard monsters .

As if sensing something they looked ahead and saw a strange looking guy heading towards them. They immediately became alert and pointed their spears at the intruder .

"Get lost . This is not a place for outsider here"

That person walked forward as if he didn't hear their words . This enraged them and they coldly said together before stabbing their spears at him .


The guy easily caught the two spears in his hands and slowly raised his head .


He pulled the two spear backward along with the lizard monster and next second he forcefully pushed the spear forward at the door .

The two monster were sent flying towards the door and ended up breaking it .

The loud noise attracted every guards and they immediately rushed to the intruder , completely surrounding him .

"Oh.....you guys are all lizards?...What are you half reptiles ?"

Ignoring his mocking words , the lizard monsters surrounded him completely .

They were glaring coldly at that outsider and if any chance he moved a inch these guards won't hesitate to pierce the outsider with everything they got .

More than fifty guards surrounded the outsider and there were still coming but that person didn't have any fear or tension in his face , instead he looked ahead and said slowly

"Tell your mayor that Mr. Illusionist has came to meet him...."

When the guards were confused by the other party words , He continued

".....and don't point your weapons to me. Unless you want to die"

Everyone became engaged when they heard his arrogant words. They can't wait to charge and kill him but they didn't have the order yet to do it .

"Mr. Illusionist .....I never heard of your name ! Are your from Earth? What are you doing here ?"

A cold voice was heard from the mansion and soon a man in forty slowly approached the soldiers .

Everyone saluted respectfully seeing the middle aged man .

He must be the mayor of this city !

Mayor Ferdous !

Mr. Illusionist looked at Ferdous and chuckled slightly before saying coldly

"Yes ! And I'm here for someone "

Ferdous glanced at his gaurds and said coldly

"Who ?"

Mr. Illusionist said while observing the mayor

"The sorcerer from Earth"

Ferdous frowned slightly hearing this and immediately shook his head in denial .

"Go back to where you came from . Im not giving him to you!"

Mr. Illusionist shook his both hands slowly while saying

"Im not requesting you Ferdous... I'm ordering you to give him back to me"

Hearing this , Mayor Ferdous face changed .

These was absolutely disrespect towards him . These puny human came alone and giving him orders in his own territory.

Ferdous face became normal but his whole body was emitting killing intent .

"How dare you ! Guards kill him".

Hearing the orders from their mayor , the guards charged at him with bloodthirsty .

These guards weren't humans too !

The mayor probably isn't human too!

A city of humans was rulled by a monsters ? Something is definitely wrong in this city !

But who cares ! Im just here to get my job done .

Mr. Illusionist calmly placed his left hand which had two fingers pointing upwards while three fingers closed ,in front of his chest and chanted clearly.

One sec.!

Pharse one : Dark thrones !

Two sec.!

It was like a instant breeze and all the soldiers who were charging at him now lay on the ground .

Dead !

All his guards were dead in a second and he didn't even have the time to react.

This human is definitely someone I can't kill or fight him .

Ferdous started to tremble in fear seeing his guards die within a second . His heart began to race fast and without hesitation he began to run away.

I have to run away from this monster !

But pity he couldn't do that !

A dark sharp throne bigger than his size was pointing at his head . He didn't dare to move or even close his eyes from the sudden shock .

If I move, I die !

His mind collapses from the pressure and he didn't dare to struggle anymore .

"That's a good choice Mr. Ferdous ...Or else this city would have needed a new mayor "

Mr. Illusionist slowly walked forward .

"Now tell me where are they ?"

Ferdous didn't dare to turn back and immediately said in panic .

"That human is in my basement ! As for others I don't know but I only have captured him yesterday and ..I haven't done anything to him"

Hearing that one of the sorcerer is still alive made his mood better. He came forward and coldly said

"Why did you capture him?"

Ferdous hesitated to talk but seeing the Throne moving closer to his head . He immediately yelled in panic

"S-stop ...I-I will talk ...."
