
Chapter 12: Beau's Trauma pt.1

Angela said, "Now you known Beau for a little while, but he's  more than he seems. With you, he's gentle and does whatever he can to make you happy, am I right?" Marigold looked down, thinking back to when Beau brought her food and tried to help her. She (Marigold) looked back at Angela and said, "Yes… He's always buying me things and sitting outside my door, waiting for me to ask him for help… It's quite strange to me if I'm being honest." Angela smiled, saying, "Yes, my Beau Bear always tries his best to provide. It may not be in the best way, but he tries to help and show he cares the only way he knows how. Now, some may find his ways strange unless they know his background and trauma." Marigold said, "Beau had trauma… He didn't seem like the type to have dealt with trauma at all. He always seems happy." Angela said, "Yes, he tries to hide it the best that he can. He doesn't like to share what he's been through… He feels like talking about it, is pushing his feelings and trauma on others… And although he hides it for the most part sometimes when he gets angry about the people he loves getting hurt it sends him into a rage. A big rage… A rage I've never seen in him before the trauma took place. He often can only see one thing which is that the person he loves is hurt so he has to make it right, he has to protect them and yes it's natural for a person to protect and defend the ones they love. It's natural for you to want to fight for those you care about, but sometimes I fear that Beau will take things too far and go further than he really wanted to go. I want him to get his anger under control, but I also understand that some anger is just natural and good." Marigold looked down at the ground, thinking back to the night when Trad attacked her. She (Marigold) thought about Beau grabbing her arms and seeing her bruises. She (Marigold) looked back to Angela and said, "I want to understand Beau better… Can you please tell me what he went through that made him so angry?" Angela said, "Well, let's see… It had to have been when he was 10 years old…"

13 years ago….

Deep in the busy city where the building were 100's of stories high, scraping the sky and the streets and sidewalks were always busy walked 10 year old Beau and his mother Angela. Beau wore black dress pants, a white button-up long sleeve shirt, and black lace dress shoes. Angela wore a black, sheath, knee-length dress that had a gold belt, and black dress shoes. Angela's long hair was pinned to the side while Beau's short hair was done in a side part. 

Beau held Angela's hand as they walked down the busy sidewalk, avoiding people that walked the opposite direction. He looked up at Angela looking back at him smiling and he said, "Mom, why do I have to wear these clothes? They're so itchy!" Angela kneeled down to his level and said, "Because you are an heir to a million dollar company, which means when we go into the office, you have to look presentable." She grabbed Beau's arms and said, "You will one day inherit the company from your father, and you will be the CEO. So now we must set you up for success. When you go to your business, you must always present yourself as a well-respected boss. You must always look presentable, and you must always treat your employees with respect, or else your business will fail. The employees are the foundation of your business, and never forget that." He nodded and said, "Okay, mom, but I still don't like this outfit." She smiled while she gently pinched his cheek, saying, "And I don't like wearing pinchy heels and a dress while walking down the busy city sidewalk." Beau laughed, and a man in his late 30's approached them. Angela and Beau turned to look at the man, and Angela stood up while saying, "Oh Austin, where did you come from?" Austin wore light blue jeans, a white circle neck t-shirt, and black shoes. He (Austin) had his hair done in a neat curly quiff and had a toothpick in his mouth. He took out the toothpick and said, "I'm here to see if you need a ride." Angela said, "Oh, that's quite alright. we are almost there anyways, and Beau wanted to walk with me." Austin said, "Well, Mr.Bax requested me to bring you to the office because he said you two are taking too long for his liking. He wants you there immediately." Angela said, "Oh, my love is so impatient! I told him Beau wanted us to walk there so he could spend time with me… I'm sorry he called you on your day off Austin, but it's really okay. Besides, Beau and I are almost there." Austin said, "Look I don't want to upset Mr.Bax and besides it's no trouble at all, he's paying me extra to pick you up myself and what kind of bodyguard would I be if I let the wife of a millionaire and his son walk down a busy sidewalk. You could get hurt or kidnapped." Angela sighed and said, "Alright, just bring the car around, please." Austin said, "Mrs.Bax, that's how you get followed by creeps and paparazzi. I have my car parked safely away from the crowd, please if you would come follow me…" Angela nodded, said, "Come along Beau," and they Austin as he led them to a dark back alleyway. The alleyway was between two brick buildings and had rocks and trash scattered on the ground and dumpsters sitting next to a tall chain fence. A large, dark, black, shiny van sat in the middle of the alley. Austin took the keys out of his pocket, clicked the unlock button, and the car flashed. Angela said, "Was it really necessary to park back here? The place smells of fish and dirty diapers." Austin said, "This is a place nobody goes, so you won't be followed or tracked… Besides, you don't want paparazzi following you around here either, do you? They'll expose all your business." Angela said, "I suppose you're right." Austin walked over to the car, opened the back driver's side passenger door, and said, "Come, Mrs.Bax, we'll get to the office quickly." Angela and Beau walked over to the van, and they both got inside buckling their seat belts. Austin smiled at them, closed the door, got into the driver's seat, closed the door behind him, and took off. As he drove down the street, Angela said, "I really do appreciate you taking time to drive us… My feet were killing me." She took off one of her shoes and rubbed her feet. Austin looked in the rear view mirror, looking at Angela, and saying, "It's my job as the bodyguard to make sure you and Beau are safe. So it's no problem, I enjoy taking care of you Angela…" Angela looked at the rear view mirror, seeing Austin's firey green eyes staring at her, felt her stomach sink, and said, "Please refer to me as Mrs.Bax you know my husband hates when you call me Angela and I do too." Austin gripped his steering wheel tightly while looking at the road, not responding to her. Angela said, "Look I know that you've been our bodyguard for 2 years now but it really doesn't make me feel comfortable when you refer to me as Angela… I just want to keep everything professional." Austin gritted his teeth and said, "As do I Angela… I mean Mrs.Bax." Beau looked out the window, seeing Austin passing the skyscraper that has a gold sign that said, "The Bax Company," on it and tugged on his mother's dress. Angela looked at Beau, and Beau whispered, "Momma look." Angela looked out Beau's window, then looked at the back window seeing they had passed the office, turned around, and said, "Austin, we just passed the building." Austin stayed silent, and Angela began to shake. She said, "Austin, please turn left at the light so we can circle back." Austin ignored her and huffed. He (Austin) kept straight passing the light, and Angela said, "That's it, let us out right now, we'll walk." Austin slowed down to a stop at a stop sign, and Angela tried opening the passenger's door, seeing that the door was locked. Austin smiled and said, "It's no use the child lock is on," and continued straight. She looked at Beau, seeing him shake, grabbed his hand, and faced forward shouting, "You let us out right now! This is kidnapping." Austin said, "Boys shut her up," and two muscular men who were dressed in all in all black and had black masks on popped up from behind Beau's and Angela's seats grabbing them. Angela began screaming, and the man that grabbed her covered her mouth with his hand. She struggled as she continued to scream, and tears filled her eyes. Tears filled Beau's eyes as he struggled and shouted, "Let us go! Let us go right now!" Austin beat on the steering with his fists shouting, "Shut up, both of you shut up! Beau, if you don't keep your mouth shut, I will hurt your mother and Angela. If you don't stop screaming and struggling, I will kill Beau!" Her tears rolled onto the man's (who was grabbing her) hand as she looked at Beau and stopped resisting and screaming. Austin glanced in his rear view mirror, seeing Angela and Beau not resisting and smiled. Austin said, "There, peace and quiet. You know Angela, you are a very pretty lady. I'm glad you chose to get in the car with me. I've always wanted to take a drive with you… Too bad your kid had to ruin it, or it would've been my perfect fantasy." She felt her stomach drop and began shaking. The man that was holding her laughed and said, "Awe, poor Mrs.Bax is shaking. You aren't so powerful now, are you?" She bit the man's (that was holding her) hand, and he let go of her mouth shouting, "She bit me! That disgusting woman bit him!" The man (that was holding her) grabbed her cheeks, shouting, "I should kill your kid right now!" She cried, "P-Please, P-Please don't hurt Beau Bear! Just drop him off somewhere, and you can take me! Just leave him alone." Austin laughed, saying, "Awe, why would I do that? That kid is the ticket for me to get you in line and get you to do what I say when I say it. Drop off the kid? No, he's seen too much, and he knows too much. He'll tell." Angela said, "N-No he won't tell! Tell them Beau you won't…" Austin said, "I'm not stupid, Angela. I won't make the mistake of letting him go. He is a crucial part of the plan anyway. Angela said, "What are you going to do to us? Where are you taking us?" Austin said, "You'll find out shortly, but just know… You won't be found." Angela shouted, "My husband will find us, and when he does, it's going to be over for you! My husband is going to come for us!" Austin said, "Your husband is too busy with work to even notice that you're gone. By the time he realizes I'll have already called with the ransom. No Angela, he won't get to you in time… I'll have my money and everything I've ever wanted with you… You will be mine." Angela gasped and cried, "Please Austin, please don't do this… You can do the right thing and let us go. We won't say anything to anyone. We will…" Austin interrupted her, saying, "I don't listen to women. Your promises mean nothing to me." Austin continued to drive for hours…

5 hours later

Austin pulled up to a one story, gray panel, abandoned house in the middle of nowhere. He looked back at Angela and Beau and said, "We're here… Take them inside, boys."