
Mr. Truck, You Hit the Wrong Person!

Story of a young man witnessing a dude save a girl from a speeding truck but the driver saw them at the last second and swerved into his direction. "Mr. Truck, you hit the wrong person!" Gin thought before he lost consciousness...

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6 Chs

Purposely Lose

Gin glanced around the house and felt confused from the interior that bore no resemblance from his previous life's house.

'What the hell happened to myself...' he started getting frustrated.

"Hey, are you listening?" Mira said looking at his dazed state.

"Uhhm what is it again? Hehe" he woke up from his stupor and touched the back of his head.

"Ughh" She rolled her eyes at him and said: "Actually I want to ask you for a favor."

"Oh, what is it?"

"Well, you first. You said that you wanna ask something."

"Uh yeah, I want to know how long you've been living here."

"Only for as long as I can remember hehe, why'd you ask?"

Gin did not answer and touched his chin and pondered for a moment before asking her again.

"Do you know someone called Gin?"

Mira thinked about it and then shook her head. "Not really"

'Fuck! Gin cursed in his head'

In his past life, his father died early when he was a kid getting involved by gangs and his mother died when he was 18 from constant fatigue and stress from work. He didn't know if his parents are even still alive in this life. He decided to give up looking for himself.

"This favor that you said, if It's about money, don't even bother. I'm already kicked out of the house so... yah." He said while thinking about where he can get money. 'Fuck I'm really broke. I should have asked for money before leaving.'

"It's about your fight tomorrow Monday, are you confident on winning? You are both in the third stage but he is on the peak of the third stage while you're still at the middle."

There are 9 major stages in the path of cultivation. In every major stage, there are three minor stage; initial, middle, and peak. The strongest people on Sith City are at the 6th major stage. The City Lord and few from the famous families are at this stage. There is a massive gulf between the third and fourth stage because after filling the dantian with with energy, the person has to refine these energy again to increase its quality and what makes it hard is that he/she has to do it in one go. One needs a sufficient preparation before trying to advance into fourth stage.

"To be honest, I don't plan on going." he replied.

"Seriously? What, you got cold feet all of a sudden?"

"Yeah for real"

"Then what about her, Stacy. You're giving up already?

Gin frowned "I don't really care"

'This idiot Luke is so fucking blind, can't he see the disdain that Stacy shows him?' Gin thought as he remembered the girl from Luke's memory.'

Mira chuckled after hearing what he said. "Well that's weird. Clearly, both you and Aston has fallen too hard for her to see that disgust on her face everytime she looks at you guys."

"I don't really want to talk about her anymore" he said as he laid his back on the chair.

"Well too bad, I could have won a lot of money from the bets." she was disappointed.


"Yeah, somebody started a betting ground on your fight tomorrow. I plan to ask you if you are confident so I can bet depends on who you think will win."

'Wait, here's my chance! I can pretend that I will use the technique of the Molte family to increase my strength to fourth stage and lure the people to bet on me, then I will show them that I was weakened suddenly by the backlash of the technique and lose purposely. I just have to ask this girl to bet on Aston!'

Gin suddenly laughed loudly. "Alright, I will fight tomorrow"


"Yes but I have a condition for you."

He told her his conditions. He will get half of her earnings from betting, in addition to his money that he will give her to bet for him. She agreed after listening to his conditions.

'I have no money on me though. Oh wait, I know where I can get some money hehe.'

He left the house and went south to the shadier part of the slums. A lawless place that reeks of violence and only those with bigger fist gets to say something. Thugs littered the street as they looked at him like a prey walking into the lion's den. Gin gazed around them and looked them in the eyes without fear. He knows that if he revealed weakness even for a little, those thugs will make a move. It's not that he was afraid of them but he doesn't want to fall out with them for he has plans to use them in the future. He arrived in front of a neat villa, a huge contrast to the surrounding houses that is separated to each other by tall concrete fences. There are four of these villas placed north, south, west, and east. It is where the four bosses of the slums leave.