
Mr. Truck, You Hit the Wrong Person!

Story of a young man witnessing a dude save a girl from a speeding truck but the driver saw them at the last second and swerved into his direction. "Mr. Truck, you hit the wrong person!" Gin thought before he lost consciousness...

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6 Chs


Eldric was in front of the window in his study with a sharp gaze as he look at Gin who was passing by the gate. His face turned complicated and sighed heavily. 'It was your parent's fault for not listening to me, they would be alive if not for you.' He knows that it is unfair to put the blame on the kid but he just can't help himself hating on him.


Gin was riding a taxi going into the slums. The old driver looked at him through the rear-view mirror and seemingly worried for him.

"Kid, you sure that you wanna go into the slums? That place is a bad idea for people like you." The driver said looking at the clothes that Gin is wearing.

"It's fine old man, I know the place." he replied nonchalantly.

"Well if you say so but you should run away immediately if you think that you are in trouble. That place is lawless."


Gin closed his eyes as he tried to remember 6 years ago. 'I should still be living on that shitty house before I sold it'

The taxi stopped in front of a house in the place where he should have lived in his past life but he is looking at a completely different one. After the taxi left, he asked a passerby about the owner of the house.

"The owner of that house? Hehe are you one of those pretty boys who wanna..." but before the passerby finish, the door of the house opened slowly. Seeing that, the passerby instantly ran away like he was afraid of something.

A girl around the same age as him and has a little bit tan skin came out. It is a wonder for Gin how this girl can leave carefree on the slums. Looking at her beautiful and a lean body like a female athlete, the thugs should have made it hard for her already.

"Who are y...wait, I know you!"

"You know me?"

"Well, we go into the same university so it's hard not to know you Luke. Hehe"

'University huh, I almost forgot that this is not my body.'

"Yeah but I think you're not from my class though"

"I am from a different department but you're like really famous right now"

Gin rummaged through Luke's memories about it.

'This idiot Luke challenged someone to a duel for a girl. Well that's not my problem'

"You're right hehe, anyway, I wanna ask you something." Gin said as he glanced around.

"Alright, let's talk inside." She said looking at his gestures.


Not far away from them, a teen that is also around Gin's age saw them walking inside. His looks we're above average but his eyes turned bloodshot and his hands balled into a fist after seeing them.

"Bitch!" he cursed

His name is Glenn, a childhood friend of Mira, the girl he saw. Unlike her, he can't cultivate his body even though his strength is above a normal person. He was devastated when he first learned that he can't cultivate and knowing that Mira has a decent talent only made it worse for him since he liked her.

He felt that he is not worthy of her so he tried to hide his feelings for years.

Last night, a strange voice spoke in his head and he instantly stepped into the first stage from the voice's help. From then on, he knew that his path will that be of greatness. He regained his lost confidence and decided to confess to Mira only to see her with someone else.