
Mr. Handsome I Love You

Having just lost Her brother, the last member of her family, Abigail Shaw is grieving. She now finds herself alone and the only person she can trust is the best friend of her brother. She now finds herself alone and the only person she can trust is the best friend of her brother. Owen though, has other ideas in mind ... Excerpt: "Get in the car." Owen. The deep familiar voice barely penetrated her thoughts. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she did hear it beyond the haze of her own grief. In fact, out of all of the people there, his was probably the only one that she would hear.

fatoum · Urban
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79 Chs

Ch 50: Unbelievable

"Lord you just keep getting more gorgeous each passing hour." He said to her acting as if the other woman didn't exist. Instantly she felt relief flood through her and she decided not to mention it to Owen. She didn't want him to think she was some jealous nag even though she didn't miss the look the woman gave her.

"I love this dress." His hands went to her hips to pull her up against him while his head bent to place warm kisses along her neck. "you bought it." She said breathlessly tilting her head to allow him better access. "How quick do you think I can get you out of it?" She pulled back giving him a look of mock surprise, "don't even think it." He grinned, "I can lock the door." "Owen!" "I can't help it. You're so damn sexy."

"You said you wouldn't touch me until after the wedding,' she reminded him with a little teasing. "Hell with that. Call me a liar, but if you're going to parade around me like this, I'm not going to make it."

To show his meaning his hands started to gather the material of the skirt pulling it up her thighs, "Technically, I don't even have to unzip it." Then he released a groan, "No pantyhose and you're wearing a bloody thing!" His hands smoothed over her bottom. "Oh honey, I'm screwed here."

Before she could protest, not that she even had it in her to do so, his hot mouth was on hers and his tongue thrust hungrily through her parted lips. His fingers found the edge of her panties and pulled them down her thighs.

Seconds later the lacy material was on the floor of his office, and he had her lifted against him with her legs were wrapped around his hips while cupping her bottom and backing toward the sofa. Impatiently his mouth devoured hers and she was a willing participant.

Her arms shot around his neck and he pulled her tight against him as he sat on the sofa. Vaguely she could hear the zipper of his slacks, the rustle of material, and a moment later he'd gripped her hips and settled her on his erection. She moaned as she sank on him.

Somehow she expected pain like the night before, but it was only a slight discomfort this time before that familiar pleasurable heat started again. He began murmuring things in her ear.

Things he wanted to do to her while his hands guided her hips into a rhythm. It was wild, and Abigail thought she was dying as ripples of pleasure washed through her. Just when she thought she couldn't take it anymore she shuddered and her cry of release was captured by his mouth as he forced himself as deep as he possibly could within her and moaned his own.

She collapsed against him burying her face in his neck. Both of them were breathing as they had just run a marathon. "Unbelievable." He breathed. Abigail sighed and smiled against his skin which he must've felt from the brief chuckle he emitted.