
Mr. Fu, Your Wife Offered You 150 Million to Get Divorced

"She's not my granddaughter! I only have one granddaughter, and that's Cha!" "If you refuse to marry Fu Sen, I'll reclaim your house. I'll also kick your father out of the company!" Zhou Yun had been missing for ten years. With much difficulty, she finally made it home. She thought her family would adore her, but her grandmother refused to acknowledge her. If it weren't for her sister from another mother refusing to marry Fu Sen based on the contract, Zhou Yun's grandmother wouldn't even have allowed her to step into the house. Everybody knew that the third young master of the wealthy Fu family, Fu Sen, was an arrogant loser who never cared to work a day in his life. He later became crippled too. Naturally, Zhou Cha didn't want to marry someone like that. Now that Zhou Yun had returned, and she happened to be a hillbilly anyway, they believed she was the perfect match for Fu Sen. The Zhou family could also become closer to the Fu family. It was hitting two birds with one stone. Later, Zhou Yun noticed something was amiss. Why was her fiance so different from the rumors? Not only was he not the arrogant type, like what she heard, but he was even a little clingy... Fu Sen also realized something. His hillbilly fiance was the person who once saved her life! Why did she have the medical knowledge to heal the sick? Why was she so rich? *** "Mr. Fu, Madam wants to call off the wedding. She's offering you seven hundred thousand dollars as compensation." "I refuse!" Fu Sen exclaimed. "Mr. Fu, Madam increased the amount to seven million." "Give her fourteen million. I refuse to call the wedding off!" Fu Sen exclaimed. "Mr. Fu, Madam... She increased the amount to seventy million..." "Is she trying to compete to see who is richer?" Fu Sen asked aloud.

Mountain Springs · Urban
Zu wenig Bewertungen
40 Chs

Indeed Small

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Redakteur: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"Then bring your Auntie Wu out tomorrow. I'll talk to her personally," Zhou Yun said.

Fu Xing's face lit up again as she said happily, "Okay, I'll definitely bring Auntie Wu over tomorrow."

After hanging up, Fu Xing carefully hid the small communicator that was only half the size of her palm.

When Auntie Wu came in, Fu Xing had already fallen asleep with anticipation for the future.

Auntie Wu then turned off the lights and closed the door quietly. She said to the old man sitting in the living room, "Miss is already asleep."

Fu Nan nodded. He had wanted to go up and see his granddaughter, but it was getting late, so he asked Auntie Wu to go up and have a look first. He hadn't expected her to have really fallen asleep.

"You go and rest. I'll wait for Sen here," Fu Nan said to Auntie Wu.

Auntie Wu nodded and returned to her room.

It was not until there was the sound of a car stopping outside that Fu Nan took out a small transparent spray bottle from his pocket and sprayed it fiercely on his eyes.

The moment Fu Sen entered the door, Fu Nan looked at his phone with tears in his eyes and cried pitifully.

When Fu Sen saw his grandfather sitting in the living room and crying so miserably, he instantly had a headache.

Song Zhi, who was casually pushing the wheelchair, also looked as if he had seen a ghost. He immediately pushed Fu Sen's wheelchair forward and then slipped away.

"Sigh, why is my life so hard? At this age, I can't even hold a grandson. I've let down the ancestors of the Fu family. After a hundred years, how can I have the self-respect to go down and see my ancestors?" Fu Nan sniveled.

Fu Sen drove his wheelchair to the living room helplessly. However, Fu Nan did not even look at Fu Sen and continued to weep. "If I had known that this would be the outcome, you should have brought me along when you passed away, my wife. Lest I stay on and suffer in this world."

Fu Sen sighed and feebly held his forehead. "Grandpa, stop acting. Besides, the eldest daughter of the Zhou family wants to break off the engagement even if she destroys her reputation. What can I do?"

Fu Nan turned to Fu Sen with a sad expression and said, "It's all because of you not having any aim in life that scared her away. I don't care. Anyway, I made a commitment to the Zhou family regarding the engagement. If you don't let me get what I want, I'll go down and complain to your grandmother."

Fu Nan wiped his tears and hardened his heart. "I'll go down tomorrow."

Fu Sen sighed weakly and said, "Grandpa!"

Fu Nan's nose was red as he sniffed and said, "It's fine if I don't go down to look for your grandmother. Come with me to the Zhou family to set the engagement date."

"Grandpa, she has already said that she wants to break off the engagement. I have also agreed. How can I go back on my word?" Fu Sen said helplessly.

"Then it won't be difficult for us to propose marriage again. By the way, we're leaving at ten tomorrow morning. Remember to dress well. I've prepared everything. Remember to call Zhi and let that kid see the world. He's not young anymore. When the time comes, Grandpa will introduce him to a partner." Fu Nan made a decision, not waiting for Fu Sen to agree.

Fu Nan got up and walked to the room where he occasionally stayed. He picked up his phone and instructed, "Yes, small gifts must also be thoughtful..."

After hearing Fu Nan's voice gradually become softer, Song Zhi stuck his head out of the door and gazed into the living room with a panicked look. When he saw that Fu Nan's figure was no longer there, he came in with a sneaky expression.

"You run fast," Fu Sen said unhappily.

Song Zhi licked his lips and said with a smile, "You can do this alone."

"My grandfather said that he wants to introduce you to someone," Fu Sen said coldly.

Song Zhi immediately widened his eyes and said with a worried expression, "No way. Is Grandpa Fu going to change careers and become a matchmaker? That won't do. I'm still small. I want to play somemore."

Fu Sen looked at Song Zhi's crotch with a smirk and said meaningfully, "It's indeed small."

Song Zhi followed Fu Sen's gaze to his crotch and exploded. "Fu Sen, what do you mean? Who's small? Stand still. I'm telling you, I'm big."

Fu Sen ignored Song Zhi, who was frantically trying to prove himself, and drove his wheelchair away.

He dared to leave him there alone to suffer from his grandfather's torture. If he didn't return a few words, he wouldn't be in a good mood.