
Mr. Fu, Your Wife Offered You 150 Million to Get Divorced

"She's not my granddaughter! I only have one granddaughter, and that's Cha!" "If you refuse to marry Fu Sen, I'll reclaim your house. I'll also kick your father out of the company!" Zhou Yun had been missing for ten years. With much difficulty, she finally made it home. She thought her family would adore her, but her grandmother refused to acknowledge her. If it weren't for her sister from another mother refusing to marry Fu Sen based on the contract, Zhou Yun's grandmother wouldn't even have allowed her to step into the house. Everybody knew that the third young master of the wealthy Fu family, Fu Sen, was an arrogant loser who never cared to work a day in his life. He later became crippled too. Naturally, Zhou Cha didn't want to marry someone like that. Now that Zhou Yun had returned, and she happened to be a hillbilly anyway, they believed she was the perfect match for Fu Sen. The Zhou family could also become closer to the Fu family. It was hitting two birds with one stone. Later, Zhou Yun noticed something was amiss. Why was her fiance so different from the rumors? Not only was he not the arrogant type, like what she heard, but he was even a little clingy... Fu Sen also realized something. His hillbilly fiance was the person who once saved her life! Why did she have the medical knowledge to heal the sick? Why was she so rich? *** "Mr. Fu, Madam wants to call off the wedding. She's offering you seven hundred thousand dollars as compensation." "I refuse!" Fu Sen exclaimed. "Mr. Fu, Madam increased the amount to seven million." "Give her fourteen million. I refuse to call the wedding off!" Fu Sen exclaimed. "Mr. Fu, Madam... She increased the amount to seventy million..." "Is she trying to compete to see who is richer?" Fu Sen asked aloud.

Mountain Springs · Urban
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40 Chs

I Made It up

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Redakteur: Nyoi-Bo Studio

At this moment, the parents of the girls who had hit her quickly stopped her. "You, you can't blame us for this. It was your old lady who asked us to do this. If we don't do it, she will end our collaboration. That's why we asked our children to find an excuse to teach Chen Yuan a lesson."

"Yeah, it really has nothing to do with us. We were forced to do so. If we don't bully Chen Yuan, then Madam Zhou will deal with us."

"We know we were wrong. We're sorry, but can we not kneel? This is too insulting."

"Why didn't you feel insulted just now? Now you feel insulted? What?" Chen Shu was still indignant, so irate that her chest kept rising and falling.

"I've talked too much today and I'm a little tired. Hurry up. Those who need to kowtow, kowtow; those who need to admit your mistakes, admit your mistakes. Otherwise, I don't know how long you'll be locked up in the police station, but your child's record will definitely follow them for the rest of their lives." Zhou Yun looked coldly at the group of people who were trying to get away with it.

The people at the other side did not expect Zhou Yun to be so ruthless. They looked at each other and made up their minds. They eventually pulled their children to kneel down. If a group of people lost face together, they would feel less ashamed.

Looking at the people who kowtowed and admitted their mistakes, Chen Yuan was delighted. She looked at Zhou Yun with admiration in her eyes.

"I'm warning you one last time. If you dare to harass Chen Yuan again, I'll still send this video to the police station. Also, remember to transfer the money for the phone to Chen Yuan. Don't forget," Zhou Yun warned.

The few of them quickly made their children promise not to bully Chen Yuan again. It was only after they took out the money for a new phone that Zhou Yun let them go.

Zhou Yun looked at the counselor and said mockingly, "It's really bad luck for students to have a counselor like you."

The counselor knew that he was in the wrong, but he had no choice.

Chen Yuan's wounds needed to be treated, so Zhou De and Chen Shu applied for leave for Chen Yuan to go home and recuperate.

Chen Yuan looked at Zhou Yun happily and asked, "Are you studying law? How do you know that this is illegal and that it will be recorded in the file? What is that powder of yours? Why is it glowing? What did you do to that uncle? Why did he roll around in pain? You..."

Zhou Yun turned her head and looked at Chen Yuan with a helpless expression. "I don't know the law, and I don't know if it will be recorded in the file. But they might not know either, so I made it up to lie to them. The powder was a fluorescent agent used for handicrafts. That uncle has his own illness; he likes to roll around."

Chen Yuan nodded thoughtfully and then asked, "Is that so?"

Chen Shu could not help but laugh out loud. This Zhou Yun was obviously annoyed and spouting nonsense. She did not expect her daughter to think so foolishly.

Chen Shu could not help but go forward and pull Chen Yuan along with a smile. "Alright, stop pestering your sister. We'll hurry back and apply the medicine for you. It won't be good if it leaves a scar."

Chen Yuan shook her head in embarrassment. This sister seemed to be a little aloof, but this did not stop her from liking her.

"I won't be going back for lunch. I have something on," Zhou Yun said to Zhou De and Chen Shu. She was going to treat Xing in the afternoon, so she had to find a suitable place beforehand.

"Then remember to have your lunch," Zhou De nodded and said.

Zhou Yun nodded and left.

Chen Yuan went to a small clinic to get her medicine and followed them home. In the end, from the moment she entered the neighborhood, Chen Yuan's mouth was wide open in surprise and she could not close it.

When she opened the door and saw the luxurious furnishing inside, Chen Yuan could not help but ask, "Dad, Mom, did you rob a bank?"

Chen Shu pinched Chen Yuan lightly and said, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, "Child, what are you talking about?"

Chen Yuan closed her wide-open mouth, saying, "So you won the lottery?"

This house was estimated to cost tens of thousands a month to rent. How could her family have that kind of money?

"We met a good landlord. The rent for this house is only 800 yuan a month. Come, let me show you your room," Chen Shu said as she brought Chen Yuan to see the room.

As soon as Chen Shu came out, she saw Zhou De sitting in the living room and sighing sadly. She gently hugged Zhou De and said, "It's okay. We'll see what happens."

Chen Shu naturally knew what Zhou De was upset about. For the sake of her own interests, his biological mother had unscrupulously persecuted her son's family. As her son, how could he not be heartbroken?