
Mr. Dragon, please unhand my hero

"When Camille, who had been a princess for eighteen years, was taken away by a mysterious giant dragon, she not only found herself turned into a loli, but also developed a strange feeling for this terrifying yet gentle creature."

Aidenfrost · Fantasie
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30 Chs


I don't know why I originally wanted to find a place to drink and have fun, but it turned into a confrontation with a group of big men. Persia felt a little tired in her heart.

They hadn't had such a rich journey before.

Obviously, the man who looked like the big brother was not as useless as he showed. Although he looked like a sloppy uncle, the group of men below almost made no sound when he opened his mouth.

The sloppy uncle's eyes turned around the four of them, propped his chin and said, "It seems that you are not here to drink?"

"We really made a mistake," Persia skillfully took out that fake smile and excuse, "Unfortunately, we have already made an appointment with someone, otherwise we can make friends."

The big brother's attention shifted to Persia, squinting slightly, "Is that so."

"It would be better to have a drink if possible," Persia's Isaac behind her took a step forward, "Can we go upstairs?"

Persia frowned slightly, looking at Isaac's determined expression, and asked in a low voice, "What are you going to do?"

"This guy," Isaac whispered back, "Do you remember what I told you? I once investigated the team that went to save Camille. There are only a few people who can find out the exact news."

Persia understood, frowning tighter, "He is in the team?" She didn't really want to contact these people.

"Yes," Isaac didn't even notice that his voice was trembling with excitement, "He is the deputy captain of that team. His appearance and information are firmly remembered by me."

"Of course you can," not caring about Isaac and Persia's whispering behavior, the big brother scratched his greasy hair again, still loose tone, "You guys come up."

The men standing below didn't want to make way for a few people. They still looked at Persia and the four of them fiercely and cautiously.

"Don't be nervous," the man who had already gone upstairs grabbed another handful of greasy hair and still relaxed tone. "Three of them are magic ability users among the four of them. You are still alive until now. It means they have no malice."

There are not many people in this world who know about magic. He can tell the number of ability users at a glance. Persia raised her mouth and followed Isidore behind her. She squeezed through a passage that people reluctantly squeezed out.

The closer she got, the more she could smell those pungent smells. Persia held her breath while repeatedly confirming with Isaac, "Can you control the situation?"

"In fact," Isaac lowered his head and showed an unconfident smile, "I just want to try it. After all, I finally have a clue and I don't want to lose it."

"I hope you don't do this dangerous thing again in the future," Persia disagreed in her heart, but now she could only take one step at a time.

"I can't guarantee this," because Persia didn't look back, she missed Isaac's rare self-deprecating smile. "A drowning fish, probably someone like me."

"Huh?" Persia didn't hear clearly for a while and frowned. She leaned her ears closer. "What did you say?"

Isaac followed behind her, watching her golden hair slide past her ears and tucked behind her ears. Her fair skin reflected a soft color under the warm oil lamp. Her sea-blue eyes slanted over to look at him. He paused and blurted out, "Camille."

Because she was close enough this time, Persia heard this name clearly and also saw the darkness in the man's eyes.

The original complaint turned into panic. "We have to hurry up or we won't be able to keep up with Isidore." Persia walked quickly into Isidore and pinched his shirt corner with a sense of urgency.

The boy turned his head and glanced at Persia who was lowering her head. Then he looked at Isaac and turned his head to follow Ruby upstairs.

Just as the big brother said, the furniture here is visibly expensive and ten out of ten were robbed from Jack's house, the richest in town. Now Persia can know why the bandits on the mountain didn't come here. It turns out that there is someone with comparable strength here.

The second floor was slightly cleaner than the first floor, but there was a strong smell of single old men everywhere, as well as dirty clothes thrown on the ground and plants that were about to dry up.

Other plants are fine, but Persia controlled herself for a long time before she didn't go to water that dying cactus. Too miserable! This is too miserable! Why didn't you spare the cactus! Why do you raise cacti! This is too tearful!

Because her eyes stayed on the cactus for too long, the big brother coughed and pretended to explain, "I'm training their drought resistance."

Ruby hid her disgusted expression on the side, "I can see that."

In the hall on the second floor, Ruby and Persia found a relatively clean place to sit down. Isidore and Isaac said they would rather stand.

The big brother didn't feel embarrassed either. He knocked his legs and lay on the sofa, facing Isaac, "What do you have to say to me?"

Isaac waved his hand, "I thought you had something to say to us, after all..." He looked at Persia, "You should be familiar with him."

The big brother didn't hide it either, quite frank, "Yeah, I've seen her. So you're from the Dragon's Den? What are you doing? Looking for someone? Looking for treasure?"

"I need to know more detailed information about Princess Camille," Isaac leaned forward, "All the hidden ones."

Persia lowered her eyes. Isaac was too eager. She looked up and met the man's eyes. She saw his lazy smile.

This big brother wouldn't tell Isaac anything even if he knew something. Since he has been hiding his name here for so long, he must have his own considerations.

Isaac couldn't get the key information from him. Persia didn't know why she was relieved.

When they finally left the tavern, it had been several hours. When Persia and the others returned to the inn, the boss seemed to be scared silly. He hurriedly crawled under the counter and was pulled out by Ruby with a smile. "Thanks for your recommendation. It's a great place."

The boss's tears burst out again in an instant. "Miss spare me!"

Persia didn't stop him. Isaac had something on his mind and went straight upstairs. Isidore glanced at Ruby who seemed to want to retaliate for a while and also went upstairs.

Persia had a few points of anxiety in her heart and quickly followed. "I have something to tell you. Can I go to your room?"

Isidore looked at her up and down with his eyes. "Is this an invitation?"

So you need a special course to learn how to communicate like a normal human being! Persia shook her head, "A very serious matter."

The two walked into the room, Persia faster than Isidore quickly closed the door, which made Isidore still keep pushing the door posture slightly raised eyebrows.

"Don't do unnecessary thinking!" Persia gestured Isidore to sit down quickly, "I have something to ask you."

Isidore reacted quickly this time and spit out a few words, "Dragon's Den?"

"Yes," Persia nodded, "You heard what that big brother said just now. We just have to go through a small road and it's the mountain with the den. Although he didn't say the exact location, Isaac must have determined the location before deciding to go. We can't really go to that den!"

"Reason?" Isidore calmly took off his coat and hung them on the hanger, revealing his beautiful arms. The delicate skin made this arm look more like a noble son than a student who did this kind of thing.

"Because it's dangerous!" Persia held her forehead, "I regret taking this task more and more now. I should have avoided it as much as possible."

Isidore blinked his golden eyes and lifted her hand from her forehead, lightly dropping a kiss. Maybe this can't be called a kiss, it can only be said that it is a light touch.

Persia sensitively felt the soft touch and coolness on her forehead, just saw the boy's slightly trembling fan-like eyelashes. He opened his mouth, accustomed to clear and clean, like cold moonlight, "Don't be afraid."

He said.

But his body was pinning her down, his hand was close to her fragile neck.

Persia had a moment of confusion.