
The race II

Dennis sighed as he struggled to get a certain someone out of his mind. A certain someone who he'd rather not mess with at this time of his life.

He had a mission that could turn deadly, and having himself constantly thinking of his staff and student wasn't the best idea now. Having a woman he'd rather despise soften his heart was dangerous. Messing with her was totally dangerous. 

She might be a lot of things, might be as stubborn as a mule and even a lier, but still, he knew she hasn't seen a quarter of what he is into, and never even been into one.

But he was concerned about her. He had seen her crying the other day, and this morning she looked pale. What worried her? What worried his 'little angry birdie?' was it something he could help? 

It now occupied him that he owed her a supposed treat, which he was happy to foresee, but could he stand the temptations of her presence?

How could a lady so inexperienced have these effects on him, how could he want to go back to a girl who he deflowered? An act he hated even up till now!

But how possible is it? How did she manage to remain untouched in a town like this? In a town where sexual activities were glorified?

She had only been touched by him? He didn't expect that thought to make his inside feel as ecstatic as it felt, but it did. 

"FUCK!" He let out, hitting his table. He was now clearly agitated, he hated not being in control, and in this case, it seemed he wasn't. 

After a few minutes, he took his briefcase and left the premises.

He went to see Tommy, he knew exactly where he'd find Tommy by this time of the day. His parents' ranch! 

He drove his Venus convertible into the wide classy family ranch as the air immediately changed. It was fresh, breezy, and suiting.

He packed just by the open grassland in Infront of the building that housed a few horses. 

The ranch sat on over a hundred hectares of land. He walked into the house where three horses stood in Chambers. One was missing, so he knew Tommy must be out riding. He petted one by the head and then made his way out of the horse house, then to the main building where Tommy lived.

Tommy's Truck and Venus SUV were packed right outside, so he must be right for speculating that Tommy had gone for a ride. 

He got in, now in Tommy's sitting room. He went straight to the shelf by the diner and got a cigar, he lit it with the lighter which sat on the same shelf.

He stood by the dinner window, gazing outside and smoking his cigar. He heard the entrance door creak as his attention now moved to it.

It was Tommy, he was back from his ride. He watched him hang his coat by the entrance before making his way in.