
Mr. CEO Loves The Devilish Beauty

"I hope my wife liked the arrangements... for the wedding night." His low husky voice made her heart skip a beat. She tried to walk away from his reach but to her dismay, he held her wrist in his hand. She licked her lips. He pulled her wrist and her body crashed into his broad chest. Trying to calm her breathing, Xu Mey looked up at his face to say something but couldn't do it. Ye Jie was pleased with her transfixed countenance. He lowered his face towards her. Inadvertently, Xu Mey took a step back. They continued with a step back and a step ahead until Xu Mey's legs felt the edge of the bed behind. There was a haughty smirk playing on Ye Jie's lips. He lowered his face again towards her. Xu Mey bent her body backwards but she lost her footing making both of them fall on the comfy bed. As she laid on her back with Ye Jie's body pressing on her own, gazing at his handsome face inches away from her own with his piercing gaze penetrating her soul, she realized she had no ability to push him away. She wanted to get him off her body. She wanted to stay far away from him. But she couldn't do it. His face was so close that his breath tingled her. When his soft thin lips touched her cherry plump ones, her mind was electrified. He softly nibbled on her lower lip, sucking it slowly. The kiss was not urgent or passionate. It was just a simple kiss which displayed a gentle but sincere feeling. --------- What do you do when your family abandons you? Do you start to hide? Xu Mey wasn't the one to hide. The only thing she hid from the world was her real self. Seemingly, a timid girl was terrifying inside but only a few knew about it. She was running for revenge. For every wound that she received, she had a burning desire to pay back ten folds. Ye Jie was heartbroken. He had a perfect life for the world but only he knew what he was trying to hide even from himself. At first, Xu Mey was just his interest. A girl who popped up in his life out of nowhere and yet wreaked havoc. But he soon realized that she had walls built around her heart keeping the world at bay. Losing love once felt enough to him but with a certain someone's appearance, a lot is intended to bring a change. What will happen when she'll alter his idea of love? Will he be able to shatter the thick walls around her heart? Or, She'll shatter him? Life shattered her into pieces. Will his love be able to pick up those broken pieces? ********* This is an original work and not a translation. All rights reserved! ~~~ Join Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/gwfrsYyc Instagram: amaya_meehee ~~~~~~ Other works from the Author: "The Inconceivable Flame: A Fallen Angel's Disguise" "Imperfect Desires" "Master's Untamed Wife" "The Moon Mistress"

XiaoMeeHee · Urban
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440 Chs

You're Ready For Our Wedding Night

Xu Mey's friends made Ye Jie realize how much he still didn't know about his wife. The smile on her face, talking to her best friend's parents was just a mirage. The real person inside of her was crying. Screaming to break free. Shouting to be heard.

Xu Mey had a belief that she didn't matter and changing that belief was the real challenge for Ye Jie. That belief was the obstacle, he had to cross. To reach her heart, he had to alter that belief. And Ye Jie knew with his own heart in shambles, he won't be able to help her at all. He decided to get Lu Yuhan not only out of his mind but also out of his heart.

He wanted to be a good, no, a perfect husband for Xu Mey. The girl who could make him smile with mere her presence. Feeling his gaze on her face, Xu Mey looked at him asking with eyes, 'What?' He smiled and shook his head as saying, 'Nothing'. Xu Mey scanned his expressions closely and rolled her eyes at him.

Mother Ye's gaze was on her son's face. The way he smiled at Xu Mey and the interaction between the two made her heart fill with joy and warmth. An uncontrollable tear escaped from the corner of eyes. "What's wrong, Ning?" Father Ye asked his wife with concern.

"Kang, our boy is gonna be alright." Father Ye followed her gaze to see his son. "I thought this girl will not be right for him. But now I think, she can save my son." Father Ye agreed with his wife.

Meanwhile, Ye Jun's gaze was following Jun Li Na to wherever she went. He didn't move his gaze away from her figure for even a second. Li Na was trying to ignore his burning gaze but it turned difficult than she thought. She walked up to him glowering. "Mr. Ye Jun, do you hate your life that much?"

"Does all my sister-in-law's friends are violent?" He asked with a delighted look.

Li Na sighed. "No, Mey's the worst of us all." Ye Jun looked at her quizzically. "She learned something from all of us. For instance, keeping her calm appearance was learned from He Jian. Outsmarting someone was learned from Lin Shen. She also took Wu Wang's playfulness and Li Qiao's business mind. As for me, she took the violence from me."

"Are you trying to indirectly tell me that you're really going to hit me?"

"I don't have to lift a finger. But those bodyguards of mine are a little overprotective." Ye Jun followed her gaze to see a few brawny guys scattered around in the hall. He gulped visibly.

He raised both his hands in surrender. "I was just trying to be friends. No violence, please. I'm a peace-loving person." He even made a peace sign at the end making Li Na giggle like a little girl.

"Because of you being funny, I can consider being friends with you." Ye Jun instantly felt happy to hear that. "But don't get any other ideas." She shook her finger in front of eyes in a warning and he nodded. "I have a fiance, anyway."

"Who said things can't change in future? I'll settle for being friends for now." Ye Jun grumbled under his breath passing an innocent smile to Li Na.

"Oh, right! If sister-in-law learned all that from you guys, what is the real her then?" His question changed the color of Li Na's face as a grave expression took the place of a cheerful one.

She stayed quiet for long while. Ye Jun thought she didn't want to answer him but after taking some time, she said it. "She's a whole lot of crazy hiding behind a whole lot of darkness."


Ye Jie walked beside his wife placing his arm around her small waist and pulled her to his side. "So, my pretty wife, hope you're ready for our wedding night?"

Her face turned pale at his words as she blinked repeatedly. She was so tense that Ye Jie felt her body trembling. But instead of his cheeky smile to vanish, her expressions intensified it.

Xu Mey not having relationship experience was an idea that never crossed Ye Jie's mind before. He always thought with her nature, appearance, and personality, she'd have at least a few boyfriends. But knowing that his wife was only his brought relief to his heart. He was feeling at peace.

"Oh, by the way, my dear wife, I'm really hungry tonight. Hope you can help your husband a bit."

"What are you talking about, Mr. Ye?" Xu Mey made an innocent face at him.

"I think you know what I'm talking about." He was being sassy at her innocence. 'So, there is actually something that can shut you up.' He kept his thought to himself.

Poor Xu Mey had no idea about his evil schemes. A pure maiden was caught in claws of a hungry wolf. The worst part was she had no clue that he was playing with her.

"Dear wife, I obviously have to prove to you that I'm not a second-hand product." His reminder of 'second-hand product' made her choke on air as she fell into a fit of dry coughs.

Ye Jie: Hey Silly author! Are you gonna let me kiss my wife or not?

Author: *grinning like an idiot* Maybe... Maybe not...

Ye Jie: *Giving a searing glare*

Author: *Shrinking back like an innocent person which she is definitely not*

Too much blabbering, right?

Moving on, so I promised you guys a mass release on Sunday. And I'll keep my promise. After all, a Phantomhive butler who can't even keep his promise isn't worth its salt. (Haha)

Get it?


Okay, my bad.

XiaoMeeHeecreators' thoughts