
They Can't Know


The look on Jiego’s face after he saw me get out of the room together with his vile uncle was priceless. It was pure horror.

I understand that though. If I were in his position I would also be shocked.

I raised my eyebrow once, like asking him” what?” but only that my tongue is tied and I don’t want another lengthy conversation. Not like this. Not right after the one I had with Aaron.

“I’m tired, love. Let’s go home.”

Jiego wasn’t looking at me at all. His eyes were fixed on Aaron.

“Fine. It has been a long day anyway.”

I nodded. I swear to God the words I just let go in front of Aaron… the question I hesitantly asked… that was something I’d never let a single soul ask again. I couldn’t do it. Not now that I am standing in front of my future husband. My husband in a two-week waiting run.