
Mr. Assassin in another world

Hayoto Hitoshi, Age 20 lives alone and works to live in his apartment. One day he finds himself in a fatal accident which kills him. He wakes to find him self in a completely different world then his own. There, he is able to live life and make new friends on the way. But what is behind those closed doors is a different story. Keep on Reading to find out.

JMCathy · Fantasie
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The Raincarnation

[Pov of main protagonist]

Since I was in my youth, I would regularly watch those movies and show where the main protagonist was an assassin. They looked so cool how they just jumped out of planes, cars and were able to do things so effortlessly. When I grew up it all seemed so foolish of me to think that I could be like them. Now I'm in my 20's. I live alone and work down the street from my apartment. My Name is Hayoto Hitoshi, I just recently moved out of my parents place and into my own. So far it has been pretty hard having to work to pay the bills, and have a normal school life.

Today is my first day back to school after the summer break. This year I made a promise to myself to make at least 2 friends. I got to school and picked my seat at the back of the class, but of course there had to be people who didn't want others to just live. I'm in the class 2-b and this class is known to have the worst bullies in the history of this school. None of them have graduated from what I have heard. The school gave them this year to graduate or they would be kicked out of school. But they have rich parents who wouldn't want that. So they would bully others into doing their homework, which they have been caught multiple times and have been given multiple chances.

The good thing is that they aren't interested in my business, so I'm good for this year. First period starts in five minutes, and I have math first. I really hate math. I don't know how some people could go to school just to come back to it and teach math. I will skip ahead to lunch. Lunch is really boring, at least I bought myself the best meal EVER Bento with sushi on the side. sushi is the best, if you tell me anything else we are not friends, even though I don't have any yet.

*After School bell Rings After school I usually go back home and get ready to head off to work. After work I head home and make dinner and go to sleep. But today wasn't that day. As I got out of the restaurant walking home I had my headphones on. I didn't hear the bus heading my way with a brake failure. That's where my sad life ended. I thought to myself as I heard the sirens around, them trying to keep me alive. But with all they could do. They lost me on the way to the hospital. Didn't even get to say goodbye to anyone. But I lived a good life, and I'm very grateful for all that they did. Thank you.....

*Narrator narrates* Hayoto Hitoshi, Age 20. Cause of death: Run away bus. Skills gained: Damage Protection level 1, Aerona level 1, Enhanced Vision level 1, Enhanced hearing level 1, Regeneration level 1. { Authors note before we continue on, here are what each ability does. Damage protection helps you talk less damage from monster hits. Aerona Helps you to see and understand all forms of illness. Enhanced Vision lets you see things from a long distance. Enhanced hearing lets you hear sounds from a far distance. Regeneration heals you quickly. }

First time writhing hope you all liked the first chapter even tho it hasn't been finished yet

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