
Mr Jones: African Adventure

This story follows a boy wishing to be a detective but his fast step is to stop the wealthiest person in the underworld who now rules the African continent. The first part is on Wattpad. Name of the book is Illusion world prologue 4

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Mr Jones and Trisha

What are you doing?

Jones shocked and out of words to say,he throws the girl inside a trashcan. Jones runs straight and turns around the corner.

After a few minutes of running, Jones goes inside an cafe and sits down at the corner and orders an cup of tea. Jones gets his tea ,as he drinks it he looks outside the window and notices the girl he threw inside an trashcan.

The girl notices Jones inside the cafe and clenches her hands and makes a furious face. Jones gulps and looks down and sees his hand shacking. He stands up and walks out of the cafe and walks past the girl, making her worst furious.

As Jones walks through the park he notices an bench and heads towards it. He sits down and opens his bag searching for a map. He takes out the map South Africa and tries to locate every police department and calculator it's distance from where he is currently.

He suddenly remembers that he is not good in mathematics since he always skips maths classes. He looks down thinking what to do. He sees a shadow blocking his light , he looks up and sees the girl he threw inside an trashcan. He takes a deep breath and says...

Hey do you know how to calculate distance?

Yay, how do you think I was able to locate you?

Mm, then it's decided.


You are going to join me on my quest to find Al Muhammad and become the best detective in history.

We don't even know each other.

Ok, (takes a deep breath) My name is Jones and your's?


Ok Trisha, calculator for me.

Jones gives Trisha the map. But something wonders inside Trisha's mind.

If you want me to join you on your quest, then let me punch you for what you did to me!



(With an joyful smile)

Jones realizes what he did to Trisha and gets scared for the consequences.

Trisha punches Jones with all her power sending Jones through a wall.