
This can't be true!

*** After Eighteen Days ***

Veronica and her aunt were sitting in the dining room, having their breakfasts.

"Mom, I'll come a bit late today." Veronica said. "Why?" Her aunt said.

"Our one anniversary is after two days. So I will surprise Lucas that day" Veronica said.

"One month anniversary? What's there to celebrate about it? Do it after completing one year" Ani said, giving a confused look.

"Oh, God, Mom! Everyone celebrates like this. It's very common now. Now, nobody waits for one year anniversary. They celebrate one month anniversary. And I think it's necessary for the couple. So yeah, I'll surprise Lucas."

"This generation's children! I don't understand at all. But if you are happy then it's fine." Aunt said while giving a smile to Veronica.