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"Oh, auntie, it's my duty!" Nancy said, giving Bryan's mom a smile. "Who cares about you all I care about is your money!" Nancy said in her mind. "Aw, mom, you are too much naive, all she (Nancy) cares about is our money!" Bryan said in his mind.

*** After dinner ***

"Come, I'll drop you" Bryan said to Nancy. "Oh, no, Bryan, you don't need to! You are already tired. I'll go on my own. Nancy said. "You should let Bryan drop you." Bryan's mom Ventura said. "Oh, no, auntie, I have called my driver to bring my car. And he will be here at any moment, Don't worry.

"Oh, alright dear. Take care." Bryan's mom said. "You also take care aunt." Nancy said with a big smile. "Take care, Nancy." Bryan said giving a fake smile. "Yes, you also take care and take rest! Bye" Nancy said. only Bryan and his mom was in the corridor. Grandma and Bella went to their room, after having dinner.