
The New Me

After dropping Wendi off at work, Frans drove back to somewhere to think for a moment. Hearing everything from Wendi made Frans realize how bad he was to Farah. Frans can't remember any good things he said to Farah if you think about it. Only annoyance spilled out every time the girl got closer to him.

The steady speed of the car finally stopped at a place that Frans had never imagined before. His car returned to his housing complex but did not stop in front of his house. Frans got out of the vehicle, then peeked for a moment through the gaps in Farah's fence. Usually, there will be Mbak Yum there, watering the plants, mopping the floor, or weeding the grass in the growing yard. Then from inside the house, although Farah's screams will be heard faintly calling for Mbak Yum, she usually asks for her favorite unbrewed hot chocolate milk for breakfast. The screams forbade Mbak Yum to cook because the girl didn't want Mbak Yum to be tired. Then sometimes Farah and Mbak Yum laugh when they watch comedy films or cartoons in Farah's room.

The big house that was once deserted- because only Farah and Mbak Yum-is now dead, abandoned by its occupants. It's been almost two years - time flies fast - and only twice has Frans set foot in Farah's neighborhood again. First when he was drunk yesterday, then now.

"What are you doing?" asked Mama Karina, who suddenly appeared, "Why don't you go to work? Didn't you already leave?"

"Mom, I already know everything. Frans was wrong, Ma. It was Frans who made Farah go, right?"

Mama Karina smiled, approached her eldest child, and stroked her baby's shoulder. He flanked Frans's arm and took him home.

"Here," said Mama Karina as she handed a piece of paper to Frans, "Her address."

"That night, Frans panicked, Ma. Frans didn't mean to say things like that to Farah. Frans panicked because Mama had an accident. Frans..."

Mama Karina inched to sit next to her son, then hugged him tightly.

"Mama is also wrong. Mama shouldn't have run to look for her that night. Mama should have asked you to accompany Mama to look for her."

"Mom, really that night why did Mama look like a crazy person looking for Farah? Mama never told me, even after Mama recovered and found out Farah was gone, Mama got worse."

Mama Karina took a deep breath. "Mama has failed to keep my promise, Frans. My promise to Farah's mother."

Frans frowned in confusion at the gaze that couldn't separate from Mama Karina's eyes.

"Do you remember when Farah was sick in the hospital? The one you waited almost a week for?"

Frank nodded.

"You remember when we overheard Farah's mother talking to a guy?"

Frank nodded again. "Her dad?"

"Yes. Her father never expected Farah's presence. Before Farah's mother died, she asked Mama to take care of Farah. Don't let Farah be near her father's family, except for Grandpa. Because, since being kicked out of her house, only her grandfather is still in touch with Farah's mother here, and taking care of all Farah's needs. Quietly."

"Why is it so?"

"Farah was not born out of love, Frans. She exists because her father raped her mother while still in college. What could her mother do, just an orphan girl, get a scholarship to Barcelona. Then, her father was forced to take responsibility. He was angry. But they still married. Until a year later, a few months after Farah was born, suddenly Farah's father became furious and threw her mother away, returning to Indonesia.

Then, when Farah was sick. I don't know how her father knew that Farah's mother was still in touch with her in-laws. He was furious and came to Indonesia, warning her to stay away from his family. And until that night, Mama got the news that Farah's mother had an accident and there was that lecherous man there. Mama kicked him out!"

"Why is he there?"

"I don't know. Mama doesn't understand either. Remembering Farah's mother's last words asking Mama to keep Farah away from her family, Mama just kicked the guy out! That's why, when it was your birthday last year, Mbak Yum said that Farah would be late for the party. The reason is that she wants to meet her brother, who has been coming to the house for several days, and asked Farah to return to Spain! How can Mama not be emotional!? Mama doesn't want Farah to be hurt by her father."

"But they are Farah's family, Ma. Farah will be fine. The proof is that she's still there, right?"

"Frans! We never know what happened to Farah. She could have been tortured there."

"No way. She's fine. I'm pretty sure. The most important thing now is that I must really apologize to her. For hurting her feelings, insulting her mother. Frans doesn't know that Farah and her mother's life is like that."

Mama Karina nodded in agreement.

"So, now what do you want to do with this address?"

"Frans will call this number," said Frans as he took the piece of paper in front of him, "Frans will apologize."


"You want to go right away?"

"Sí. For the next few days, it looks like I won't be coming to the office. I've also asked permission not to come to campus for a few days."

"Your father?"

Farah nodded as her hands continued to move to tidy up her lectures.

"Adiós, Thiago," (Bye, Thiago) said Farah while kissing the lips of the young man who was sitting limply, "Hasta luego." (see you again)


"Hey, don't be gloomy. I'm only in Rioja for a few days."

"Hurry back, Barcelona will miss one of its soon to be architect so much."

Farah laughed, "Yeah me despido. Cuídese." (I'm going first, take care of yourself)

"Hmm... Igual usted. Adios." (You too. Bye.)

Farah rushed out of her lecture hall, then ran towards the campus parking area. There, she finds Esteban—her grandfather's personal chauffeur—waiting.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, Es. Shall we go straight to la bodega?"

"Sí, Señorita," replied the man with brown skin and a beard on his face.

Esteban immediately drove his car to one of the la bodega - wine cellar—the biggest in Barcelona. After a 30-minute drive to la bodega de Avilla, Farah hurried down. She walked past several warehouse workers who were busy checking the quality of the wine, smiling occasionally and looking down to greet Farah. The further inside, the colder and more oak barrels lined up neatly on the right and left of the building. In the center is a long table and several laboratory equipments that workers used to check the acidity and quality of the wine in the storage vats.

"Do you want to go now?" asked a middle-aged woman in a slick work shirt. It was Emilia. The personal assistant employed by the De Avilla family to take care of all of Farah's needs. There is nothing wrong with Emilia. She is a woman who can be relied on all the time. Her work is also neat. But there was one thing Farah didn't like about Emilia; she was too stiff. Only twice had Farah seen her smile since the first time they met. The first was when they met for the first time, and the second was when it was Farah's birthday. Where Mbak Yum forces Emilia to smile as a gift for Farah.

The wind howled, and a few autumns leaves fluttered because of the helicopter blades, welcoming Farah as soon as she exited the main building of la bodega de Avilla. Farah and Emilia immediately got into the helicopter and put on the safety equipment. Shortly after, they airborne her hometown.

It never crossed Farah's mind; she would often fly by helicopter to go home every weekend. It was a forced situation. Grandpa didn't allow Farah to leave la Rioja for too long. However, Farah's strong desire to study architecture in a city famous for its unique architecture-Barcelona-made Grandpa arrange things like this. Every weekend, Farah must come home!

Almost an hour away, the helicopter reduced its altitude. Slowly, until the landing skids touched the helipad, Farah got off the helicopter, and someone who had always been with her since she was little was welcoming her with a big smile.

"What's wrong? Why did Grandpa ask me to come home and stay here for a long time?"

Instead of answering, Mbak Yum just smiled as she took Farah's arm and led her to enter the house immediately. There, Mbak Yum prepared Farah's favorite food. Without Mbak Yum by her side, maybe Farah will miss one of her favorite foods.

"Eat first, Miss. After that, take a shower, then get ready."

"Ready? What for?" asked Farah with her mouth full of food.


"Well, here I am eating. Why do you want me to eat again?"

Mbak Yum hit Farah's arm in exasperation, and this young lady could indeed refute what the surrounding people said.

"This is a fried rice, specially cooked for Miss Farah by Mbak Yum. I know, you must be tired, right? Haven't had time to eat before you finished college."

"Hi Farah," said one, then kissed Farah's cheek, "How was your study? Office?"

"Fine, and I know what you're doing."

"What is it?"

"You deliberately gave my office a job, so we can still operate."

"What's wrong with that? Isn't that a good thing? You can make a portfolio in the future. Besides, the projects I gave you were minor projects, like the renovation of papa's la bodega and some cafe building."

"Okay, I give up if you have brought papa's name," said Farah as she raised her hands in surrender, "Oh yeah, did you know there's an event tonight?"

"I know."

"What event? Why do I have to stay here for a few days?"

"Why? You don't miss us here?"

"It's not like that. I miss you, papa, and grandpa. But this is so weird."

"After you-"

"Farah!" called a fat man with a long beard and long hair in a ponytail. Oh, don't forget the apron that is always perched on his neck and stomach. Mateo is the De Avilla family's cook and Mbak Yum's husband. That's right, and you didn't read it wrong. At first sight, this almost 50-year-old man fell in love with Mbak Yum when Farah and her assistant first set foot in la Rioja.

"Mateo!" Farah screamed happily, then rushed to hug Mateo, making everyone in the dining room smile. "What's on my dessert menu?"

"Crema catalana? Do you like it?"

Farah nodded quickly.

"I'll make three for you, if you can guess my quiz."

Farah's eyes narrowed. It is Mateo's habit, and the man has special rules for Farah. The girl could only enjoy one dessert at each meal. If you want more, Farah must correctly answer the quiz given by Mateo, and it is no ordinary quiz.

Mateo returned to the kitchen, and he was soon back with a round wine glass that was a quarter full of red wine. Farah reached for Mateo's outstretched glass, then gently shook the glass as if she wanted whatever content was in the wine to be perfectly mixed. Then she inhaled a slightly pungent aroma from inside the glass. Only Farah tasted it.

"Slightly sour, a new type of wine, not too special, a Maturano type. It has a little lemon zest in it. It has a light taste. If I remember correctly, in the history of De Avilla around the 2000s, the harvest of De Avilla grapes was not very good. " Farah took a deep breath to reassure herself. "Okay, this is Descendientes de J. Luis. Papa's wine," Farah continued quietly, and an uneasy feeling crept in there, every time tasting the wine produced in papa's garden.

"Bravo!" Mateo shouted, which immediately made Farah sit back in her chair. "Sit down, enjoy, I'll prepare your dessert."

Farah smiled faintly at Mateo's words. Then she glanced at the man who was still sitting across from her and enjoying an apple.

"Why are all papa's wines like this? I think he's a smart guy and knows how to make wonderful wine."

"Since there were problems with his health, grandfather never allowed papa to drink wine, even if it was just tasting. So, he could only depend on others to judge the quality of the grapes from his garden."

Farah lowered her head lethargic to hear the answer from the figure in front of her.



"Did someone call you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing. Lately a strange call has come in here. Every time I pick up, he always hangs up. Could it be your boylfriend, Thiago?"


"Yes, you know for yourself that in this house he is not welcome. Grandpa doesn't like him."

"Why did he call here? I was with him in Barcelona."

"I don't know. But if you meet a strange person on the street or anywhere, tell us immediately."

Farah nodded.

No one thought that Farah De Avilla's life would change 180 degrees when she accepted an offer from a man at a restaurant two years ago. Farah, who usually only lives with Mbak Yum, now lives with a stranger who now-maybe-can be called family. They no longer feel lonely because they love Farah so much, so she will always be there whenever Farah needs them. However, there is something to be sacrificed to get all that. She had to let go of Farah's freedom and all her memories of Indonesia when she stepped into the cabin of a private jet almost two years ago.
