
The Curse is Over, Isn't It?

"What now?"

"I broke up."

"HAH?!" cried Satria and Ken, who had just sat in the chair in the living room of Frans's apartment—which had been bought three months ago.

"Again?" Ken asked in disbelief.

Of course, there was nothing wrong with Ken's reaction. Everyone who knows Frans' love story in the past year will agree with Ken that Frans is indeed the most unlucky man in terms of love. It's not strange either if now there is one bottle of wine that is only half full. This man needs an outlet for all his love failures.

"Mas, it looks like you need to exorcise. This is the fourth time you've been rejected and twice in the past six months!"

"I don't know either, Ken. I guess I would be single forever."

"Don't forget that he was abandoned by his future wife," whispered Satria, who Ken immediately rewarded with a hard elbow on his arm. "You don't want to say?"


"Tsk! Which we often talk about at home."

"That's not true, Hon! That's just my guess with Aunt Karina."

"Are you two done talking? I invited you here, not wanting me to tell you to stay for free. But I want to ask for advice," annoyed Frans, then grabbed his wine glass and downed its contents. "Hmm… this is really wonderful wine! That's what the girl said!"

With bloodshot eyes, Frans held out his wineglass. "Why aren't you as talkative as usual? Usually when we drink wine, you will tell various stories. The history of wine, the varieties of wine, to the vineyard."

Satria looked confusedly at Frans, then turned to Ken, who Frans handed an empty glass. While Ken just shrugged and shook her head slowly at his husband in response to the confusion of Satria and herself.

Frans was babbling again. "I purposely ordered this wine directly from the country! Here, try to explain it to me."

"Frans, my wife is about to give birth. She doesn't drink wine, she knows nothing about wine."

Satria grabbed the empty wineglass and pushed it out of Frans' reach. His friend narrowed his eyes as he shook his head from time to time. Frans tried to keep his focus and awareness. However, anyone knew Frans was drunk! His eyes were already bloodshot, and now the man was smiling and muttering incoherently to himself.


"Yeah, it's me! Who do you think?"

"Oh yes, sorry. I thought you… just forgot about it. What were you talking about, Ken?" asked Frans with his sad eyes.

"Just forget it. Well, let's go home, you're drunk! Tomorrow, if you're sober enough, I'll—"

"Ken! Tell me now!" snapped Frans, which immediately made Satria stand up and move to the seat next to Frans.

"Don't get emotional first, Frans. Ken will explain why."

"Y-yes, Frans," Ken stuttered.


Ken took a deep breath. "But this is actually just bullshit between me and Aunt Karina."

"Yeah, what is that, Ken?" exasperated Frans.

"So …"


[past event]

"Thank you very much for coming here, Ken," said Mama Karina, welcoming Ken, who smiled. "Frans didn't follow you all the way to this cafe, did he?"

Ken shook her head. "I'm quietly left office anyway, Mam."

Mama Karina looked relieved to hear Ken's answer. Then she smiled for a moment before reaching for the glass of mineral water in front of her and setting it down.

"Do you have news about Frans's love affair? It's because Tama or Frans themselves don't want to talk to me. They said I was too talkative for such matters. But I do really curious, Ken! Asking Satria is also useless, he's Frans' gang, it's impossible to open their mouth! So my only hope is you."

Not being fussy, but Ken understood very well that this middle-aged woman in front of her was only worried about her two bachelor children, especially Frans. After being shocked by Frans' meeting with Yura in Bandung, Mama Karina was even more worried. In Mama Karina's eyes, Frans' condition was not getting better. It was getting worse. He was always changing girls. Even if there is a boyfriend status, it only lasts for a few weeks. Not to mention, Frans, who suddenly bought an apartment with the excuse of being used to calm himself down—that was not Frans at all—made Mama Karina imagine things that were not possible. Afraid, her eldest son bought an apartment for reckless things because depression broke his heart.

"Like what I said to you. This is the karma that Frans received."

"Yura has already—"

Mama Karina shook her head. "Not Yura, Ken. If what Dika said was true, then I was absolutely certain that it was not Yura whose heart was hurt by Frans. But, Farah."

Dika again, Dika again. Ken thought, amused.

Ken doesn't believe in magical things like that, but she believes in karma. For her, the failure of Frans' love life was a natural thing and was caused by one thing. Namely, Frans' workaholic nature makes him not care about the surrounding people. If Frans could erase—at least reduce his habit, Ken was sure, and there would be a woman by his side. That's the karma—if you don't want to call it a cause and effect—that Frans is currently facing.

Out of respect for the mother of his former boss, Ken smiles and hears every explanation about the bad things Frans did—and possibly—that hurt Farah.

"Do you know where Farah is now?"

Instead of answering, Mama Karina took out a small piece of paper and handed it to Ken. Three lines of writing, which turned out to be an address, were written there.


Mama Karina nodded.

"Are you sure Auntie?"

Mama Karina shrugged her shoulders. "Her best friend said so."

[end of past event]


Frans laughed at Ken's words, unable to contain his amusement. Even the two men's eyes were watering from laughing so hard.

"Did she say that? And do you believe it?"

Ken shrugged her shoulders.

"Ken, I'll tell you. It's just a trick my mother wrote, forcing me to marry the girl! You don't know, how come my mother is so obsessed with wanting to have a daughter."

"Yes, that's your business, Sir. Anyway, I've already said what I've discussed with Aunt Karina. Whether you believe it or not, that's your business. But there's one thing I'm curious about."

Frans tried to hold back the sleepiness that was getting heavier. He opened his eyes wide.

"What makes you curious?"

"What did you do until Farah left the house?"

At first, Fran was silent. Then slowly, the corners of his lips pulled up, and after that, the man laughed again.

"I did nothing, Ken! That girl, suddenly just left the house! Do you think I have magic to make people disappear?"

"Well, you don't have to go on. I think you should go home now, Frans. Come on!"

Satria pulled Frans's limp body, carried him to the car and was followed by Ken behind him, who carried Frans' things. Along the way, Frans babbled incoherently, although occasionally, he would yell and curse at his exes.

Half an hour later, they arrived home, greeted by Mama Karina and Om Ghani—Frans's father—who could only shake their heads and stare at their son's condition in disbelief. With the help of Om Ghani, Satria immediately led Frans to his room, which was on the second floor. After that, he rushed back and excused himself because it was getting late.

"Thank You. You guys be careful on the road," said Mama Karina.


The next day, Frans felt very dizzy. He hadn't had a drink in a long time, and last night he almost finished a bottle alone. Frans slowly got up from his sleep, gently massaging his temples and the bridge of his nose while his other hand touched the nightstand to find his cellphone. Then Frans' hand accidentally nudged a photo frame and made it fall closed on the nightstand.

As far as Frans remembered his room, there was nothing on the nightstand except the lamp and his cell phone.

However, this is a photo frame. Whose is it? Frans slowly turned the photo frame, and suddenly his eyes rounded.

His memory suddenly led him to wander back almost five years ago when he saw the photo framed there.

[past event]

"Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday …"

Frans pouted in annoyance when he found his house full of birthday ribbons and balloons after he came home from work. Not to mention Mama Karina, who smiled at him. It's not a problem in her smile, but a problem in the meaning of Mama's big smile. If Mama Karina had a big smile on her face—which looked more like a grin—that meant she was up to something, or worse, she was carrying out her plan.

"How come you just got home? Mama has been warning you to come home early. Today is a special day for you."

"Today is not my birthday."

"Tsk! But you're invited to sweet seventeen's birthday party! You are the guest of honor."

"What is it?" Frans growled, then went to his room while loosening his tie.

"Uncle Frans!" the cheerful call of a voice from the backyard. Then the owner of the voice ran and immediately hugged Frans tightly. "Where is the present?"

"What is it? It's wet! You can slip!"

"Oh, you really care, Uncle Frans. Yes, earlier, Tama sprayed me with a water hose, so it got wet."

"Farah, here are the towels, honey. Hurry and change clothes, then we'll celebrate your birthday. Frans have arrived."

Farah nodded while drying her wet hair. Then the girl went back to her house.

Frans was sure that it wouldn't take long for the girl to come home again with his dry clothes on.

"Where are you going?" prevented Mama Karina when she saw Frans about to go up the stairs.

"Shower, go to sleep," he said.

"Frans! If you don't come to this event, Mama won't care about you anymore!"

"Tsk! What the hell, Mom?"

"Anyway, Mama doesn't care! In fifteen minutes, you should be in the backyard!"

What can Frans do if his mother has spoken? Exactly 15 minutes later, Frans stood among the people singing Happy Birthday to Farah. It was bad luck for Frans since he had been planning to go home at night this morning—not even going home to avoid this event. However, because he was too focused on work, he forgot the plan and only remembered when he opened the door and was greeted by Mama Karina.

"Make a wish, honey," Mama Karina said, lighting the candles on the birthday cake.

Farah, who is celebrating her 17th birthday tonight, looks very cute in a knee-length white dress and spaghetti straps. Her shoulder-length hair was left loose, unlike when she went to school, often tied into a ponytail. She's even cuter with a brush of pink lipstick on her lips—adding a hue to her white face.

Farah closed her eyes tightly while her hands cupped in front of her chest. She was making everyone who saw smile because of her behaviour. Also, all of those guests—Wendi, her best friend, and Frans's family, as well as Mbak Yum, her nanny—knew what she was asking. Whatever it is, what is certain is that Frans' name is tucked in every her prayer.

Farah opened her eyes, then blew out the candles on her birthday cake loudly, as her prayers were about to be answered.

"First cake for whom, Far?" teased Tama.

"Do you still need to ask, sir?" Mbak Yum replied.

Farah took the first piece of cake from Mama Karina's hand, then approached Frans, who was already busy with his cell phone and sitting on a park bench.

"For Uncle Frans."

Frans looked up and looked at Farah, who smiled at him and still handed him a piece of cake.

"I don't like sweets."

"But this is my first birthday cake, especially for Uncle Frans."

"I don't like sweets."

"But today is my birthday."

Frans, annoyed, immediately got up from his seat, glaring at Farah's eyes.

"How come you don't understand what I'm saying?"


Frans pouted in annoyance, causing Farah to frown sadly.

"Farah, it's okay if Frans doesn't want to. Don't worry, Frans has a gift for you," comforted Mama Karina, which immediately made Farah cheerful again.

"Really, Auntie? Where's the gift, Uncle?"

"What a gift, I didn't—"

"The gift will be a photo with Farah for the first time," explained Mama Karina with a sweet smile, but her eyes glared at Frans.

"KYYYAAAA!!! OMG! OK, come on. How about we pose? Hug? Or… uh, uh, where are you going, Uncle?" prevented Farah while pulling Frans' arm, who already looked annoyed with Mama Karina's behaviour.

"Ma, the agreement is not like this. Frans just come over, right?"

"Tsk! it's okay to be a little different. After all, you didn't prepare a present for Farah either! Come on, hurry!" Mama Karina ordered while pulling Frans back to stand side by side with Farah. "Tama! Here! Take a photo!"

Tama hurriedly ran, then readied his camera to capture a rare moment that wouldn't happen again! Frans took a picture with Farah!

"Tsk! Bro, just relax your face! No need to be so grumpy! It's just a birthday photo, bro. Not a pre-wedding photo."

"Shut up!"

"Tama… Tama, am I beautiful yet? How should I pose?" asked Farah enthusiastically.

"Hug, Fara. Hug my brother!"


"Okay, sure! One… two… click!"

[end of past event]