
Mr handsome and miss feisty P.S I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU

Everything was great for Kim na-ra , well at least good, that was until Justin lee showed up,the heir to lee corp's,and also her best friend kid brother. "don't look at me like that , what if someone comes in" Kim na-ra says with her tumbling voice giving her away "but I thought you where not affected at all,it was just one night right?", Justin replied with his face not leaving any expression,his hands in pockets,even though he was not touching her he made his eyes take all over her body not leaving a part out then he took slow and deliberate steps toward her "Justin, Justin what are you doing, Justin I am telling you now, you know my parents hate yours and there will be here anytime soon, so for your safety" but before Kim na-ra could finish her words a voice of a child interrupted them "mommy, mommy,see what I drew at school today",it was her son's voice ,running with his small legs with Justin half sister hyun-a trying to catch up to him then the door opened "Justin what are you doing here". hyun-a asked in surprised with no response from him she turns to look at what caught his attention. Justin wasn't looking at her,he was looking at the innocent boy looking at him,it was as if he was looking at his younger self "oh, no, no ,no, this can't be happening"Kim na-ra thought ___________________________________ The novel cover does not belongs to me

Cassandra_George_0312 · Urban
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<p>The air was nice that beautiful afternoon, Kim na-ra had traveled to Liverpool a day before for a surprise visit to her boyfriend of 10 years when she discovered the harsh truth that he was about to get married <br/>"We have been together for ten years sang ook, I flew to Liverpool to visit you, you told me you loved me just yesterday",<br/>"yes, I do, I love you na-ra I still do"<br/>"How can you say you love me when you just decided to drop our 10 years of relationship for God knows who "<br/><br/>"that's it, don't you get it",<br/>sang ook shouted back <br/><br/>"for ten, ten good years and I still don't know you, just like now I am telling you I will be getting married tomorrow and no tears not a drop of tears, for crying out loud you don't have feelings, I just think you are still with me because you think it's safer to be with me"<br/>"what are you trying to say, I love you"<br/>"loved"<br/>"excuse me ?"Kim na-ra asks<br/>"I mean you loved me when we first met but not anymore, and now this idea of loving me is what you love not me, sorry".<br/><br/>"sang ook honey aren't you coming in, a blonde says as she walked up to him to hold his hand, then turned towards na-ra<br/>"hi you are the other woman right, are you here to attend the wedding tomorrow?"<br/>and here she is single at 28, on this beautiful afternoon instead of walking on the beach together with her boyfriend, oh sorry, ex-boyfriend she is seating down on the beach with a bottle of whatever this wine is called hiding her eyes behind the sunshades.<br/> then she picked up the phone to call her best friend On the second ring hyun-a picked up the phone<br/>" How is your sang ook, hope everything is alright, why are you calling me by this time of the night, has he proposed yet,,,,,,,,"<br/> and then kept asking questions upon questions which Kim na-ra cut in crying <br/>"he Is having an affair, he is having an affair,"<br/>"what do you mean he is having an affair?"<br/>"He Is getting married tomorrow and he didn't bother to deny it I saw the skinny girl at his place,she came over and she told me not to bother him anymore she even called me the other woman do you believe that I am now the other woman," Kim na-ra says crying<br/>" you must be kidding me that guy when I see him I will kill him he is better not to come to Korea, I could come and meet you at Liverpool if you want me to"<br/> " No, no, no, don't come to Liverpool just leave him I promise I am going to get my revenge eventually, but I don't know what to do anymore"<br/> "calm down, calm down, do you know where you're going to spend the night ?"<br/>"well all the hotels are booked for the night and am in a foreign country where I don't know anyone the jerk even allowed me to spend the night at his place yesterday, that may even be the reason he didn't come home," <br/>" let me see what I can do, probably I will call my brother to come and get you But where are you?",<br/>and that was when Kim na-ra told her the address which she quickly put the address down <br/>" It's nice here anyways, I will probably find it difficult to sleep anyways so I think I will just kill myself on this beautiful day".<br/>"come on na-ra you should be strong and"<br/>but Kim na-Ra's phone turned off.<br/>already drowning herself in wine with her bottle of wine remained one more to go , feeling someone close to her she looked up to see a guy standing in front of her, and for some unknown reason her heart skipped a beat, but she couldn't see the stranger's face in the dark it was already night time.<br/>"noona, is that you?"<br/> the stranger asked<br/>Kim na-ra smiled her innocent smile as she tried to stand up to leave this beautiful stranger alone carrying her last bottle of wine but she mistook her steps and fell flat on the floor and the next thing she knew she was already in the air, the stranger had lifted her.<br/>"put me down, put me down this instant or else"<br/>"calm down woman, it's me, Justin, hyun-a younger brother"<br/>and with that, she stopped struggling, but began struggling with her mind, "oh my goodness now he has seen me behaving like a child, is this Justin", Justin then carried her to the passenger seat ,closed the door, and drove off.<br/>On entering the house Justin showed Kim na-ra all around the house, giving her time to get changed, after he left, Kim na-ra took her time to freshen up and Later met Justin in the kitchen while he was preparing dinner.<br/>"wow, so you can cook",<br/>she said as she went to get water to drink thinking "why are all the good guys taken or best friend brothers "<br/>" 9 years did a big one on you" <br/>Kim na-ra says as she looks at him to observe him a little tipsy <br/>"Just yesterday you were 11 years old and now probably 20 right ?"<br/>Then Justin drop the onion he was cutting and dropped the knife looking at her with a look that She couldn't explain, all of a sudden our body shivered Like she was feeling cold and there was this little smile that crept up his face, at that minute she realized this wasn't the little Justin she knew This Justin, she didn't want to know what he was thinking, so she gave herself some space sitting down on a stool across from him <br/>Then he said to her with a deep rich voice "actually it is 21 years "<br/>" Excuse me what do you mean?"<br/>"I mean I am 21 years now, did my 12 years birthday 3 days after I left Korea " <br/>"Oh okay I see now," she says as she drank the whole cup of water <br/>After drinking the water she looked up to see Justin staring at her with an expression she couldn't read. <br/>" what are you looking at?"<br/>"I am just thinking it's nice to see someone who isn't afraid to talk in front of me"<br/>" so you mean people are scared to talk in front of you"<br/>" no, it's just that it comes with being the heir of lee corps"<br/>" Well, sorry to burst your bubble though, I am a Korean You are still my best friend kid brother who runs after me everywhere I go "<br/>"Dinner is ready so let's eat before it gets cold' Justin says <br/>" hope to make sure you bring the bottle of wine with you so we could drink the last bottle"<br/>" but I hope you won't get drunk, you drank one already, one is enough for today "<br/>" Really? now if we don't drink the last bottle, none of us is going to sleep "<br/>Seating at the dining table Nara smiled "wow you even eat on the dining table you are truly the heir of the corps "<br/>"funny but not funny"<br/>Then she looked up to see Justin looking at her again the same feeling crept up, the same way he looked at her before, Nara quickly drank the wine in her wine glass <br/>" slow down you will get drunk at this rate" what's the use of being cautious every day, I have always been the cautious child pleasing my parents but not today, not today"<br/>she says as she raised her glass for a toast "well said kiddo then let's throw cautious in the wind".<br/><br/><br/>FOUR YEARS LATER<br/><br/> The sound of alarm woke Kim na-ra up as she got up from bed her hair disorganized, then she dragged her tired feet to where her son slept the night before with her brother, working at his bedside.<br/>"honey it's time to wake up, Mama's got a job to go to this morning"</p>

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