
Mr Devil And Me

Rhia became nervous she bit her lower lip hard as she began to fidget. "Calm down" Zander said "I am calm" Rhia said knowing she wasn't Zander turned to her. "Then stop biting your lip" He said in an emotionless tone. "Where are we going" She asked "To meet your uncle" "You know if you dont want to you can..... "She immediately stopped talking immediately Zander leaned in on her leaving a little gap thier face was so close that any wrong move thier lips would crash. " I am not complaining Red" Rhia heart began to beat fast as her breath hitched she stayed still. "T-too... Close" She managed to speal

ezztee · Fantasie
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14 Chs


Rhia body shook slightly her heart started to pound.

"Are you alright" Uncle Teddy asked her he noticed the way she reacted immediately Zander came in.

"Y.. Yes i am" She smiled

"You sure i can take you home" He said worriedly

"No its fine" She said she did not want to be a burden.

"Ok wait here i have some business to attend" He said Rhia sat looking around but she could not find him. Many thought ran through her head 'What is happening is he a ceo.. " She was interrupted by th waiter

"Ma'am" He called out

"I need nothing" Rhia said

"He said i should give you this"The waiter as he pointed at an unknown guy who immediately smiled at her,The waiter dropped the champagne.

" Wrong person"

"No look he is waving" The waiter said he was strictly told to deliver the drink .

"I dont drink alchohol" She finaly said

"Sorry Ma'am" He said and left

"What does he want from me" She could not help but say.

"A dance " She heard a voice behind her which startled her. Why did she say that out loud.

"Realy sorry for startling you" The guy smiled as he sat beside her Rhia moved little  feeling uncomfortable.

"I am Zephyr"he said Rhia stared at him he had light brown hair and hazel eyes

'His hansome but Zander is more hansome 'she said to herself and immediately got angry for thinking that.

"I am Zephyr" He reapeted

"Ok" Rhia said to him.

"Ma'am i must say you are one of a kind"

"Thank you" she said with a smile she was not realy used to this kind of  attention.

"He is not that bad" she thought

Zephyr stood as he stared at Rhia with a smile

"Too bad you rejected my offer"

"I dont drink" She said gently

"Oh my bad" He said as he brought out his hands for a shake

It was realy nice to meet you" Rhia shook his hands.

"You too" She said not long after Uncle teddy arrived.

We are going home"he said to Rhia


A figure stared at her from a distance.



They arrived at Uncle teddy mansion.

Mrs Teddy was back they entered the living room .

"We have something important to discuss with you tommorrow " Mrs teddy said to her

"Ok" She said

"Go have some rest" Uncle Teddy said to her she nodded and left leaving Uncle Teddy and Mrs Teddy at the living room

"I realy dont think it a good idea to tell her this tommorrow"

"She have to know"

"But she is still young maybe when she is 22"

"No she is already old enough"


Rhia sat at her bed after having her bath and brushing her teeth she wore a baggy Naruto shirt and short she because she is realy fond of anime. She heard a knock on the door she opened to see a maid.

"Mr Teddy gave me this to give you"she said holding the most expensive Iphone.

"No need"

"Please have it " Rhia pitied the maid she was just doing her job

"Thank you"


They ate silently as usual Uncle Teddy broke the silence

"Ahem" He cleared his throat they all stared at him.

"Rhia your getting married"