
Mr CEO wants a baby

Working in a brothel, there are so many rules to follow. Like, don’t let your clients go without a hundred percent assurance they’d come back or never let a client leave without their legs shaking as they do. But there was one that was unspoken of yet carried as much as weight as all of the other rules combined; NEVER FALL IN LOVE. Elena Brashford did just that and more. Falling in love wasn’t the problem as long as nobody finds out but for how long would she be able to hide the baby bump that keeps growing daily? It didn’t take long before she was kicked out of the brothel, penniless, betrayed and bittered. Morgan Stark is a billionaire who has had his fill of women in all shapes and sizes. To him, they are a distraction, a tool for destruction and he’d rather not have any for more than 24 hours in his bed. Until he realizes he’d have to leave his property to someone or roll in his grave as the man he hated gets to inherit all that Morgan has worked for. And so it begins; for Morgan, the search of a child to call his own and inherit his wealth and for Elena, the search for a good life for herself and the child she carries. When they meet at first, it’s a disaster. The second time, it’s with a force of attraction and the third, Morgan would do anything to get the child from Elena’s unwilling hands and maybe in the process, get her too.

Precious_Chimeze · Urban
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10 Chs

What's the deal all about

Elena footloose to the coffee shop and halts, breathing heavily and resting her back on the tiled wall.

" Her condition was getting worse with each day that passed, the pregnancy really gave her a tough time and the worst part of the case was the fact she hadn't eaten anything for a whole day.

Blinking off the tears in her eyes

" You have to be a strong baby, " she touched her stomach and tried to console herself.

She gently sits down on the pavement just to get some rest before making her sleeping bed.

There was one thing she noticed.

A black SUV had been following her.

That was the same car that almost got her blind about an hour ago.

She fumes and gets a bit angry, " who was it that has been following her ? " She questions herself but decides to stay calm.

Just then, the car gets a bit closer to her and she is forced to jerk up and become alert.

If there was anything prostitution had taught her, it was to be bold and defend her territory like a lion in the wild.

" She waited for the driver to get even closer but that was just it.

The person in the car must have been very smart, they didn't want to cross their limit.

She began to feel pains in her stomach, the starvation was not only affecting her, but her unborn baby.

Why did she have to go through a lot at such a young age.

From the orphanage, to the streets, then prostitute, then pregnancy.

" Life was such a bitch !!! " She recruits these words in her head totally forgetting about the pair in the car that had been following her.

Morgan smiles,

" She was also good at talking to herself ".

After feeling satisfied with watching enough of her he looked over to the driver and gave him some instructions.

" Take a bundle of cash, some pieces of cake and juice to her, " he said calmly.

" Yes boss " the man made arrangements to get all those stuffs from the other side of the car.

" Take my card as well, tell her to meet me at the location by 2:00pm " he glares at his wrist watch to ensure that was also the perfect time to talk and he didn't have any business trips or important meetings.

The driver met his gaze from the mirror.

" Boss, I am sorry to interrupt, I have been working with you for years now. Please take my advice, you could actually help her with food and leave the rest, I personally don't think she is the best option for you " he tries to explain things to him but that was seeming impossible.

He had already made up his mind and that was finally !

He shrugged " I will really appreciate it if you can keep most of your suggestions private. Being my favorite driver doesn't me you have any right or whatsoever to tell me what to do. Now get down there and do as I have said " he was slowly getting angry and losing his temper isn't something one would like to see right now.

Morgan has a lot of issues especially with his temper and the driver kept wondering how he was going to manage that while trying to convince the lady to give out her child.

The door to the car opened and so did Elena eyes but she was so weak to even talk as the man emerged towards her.

" Wasn't this slut seeing she had a swallow stomach with a baby in it ? He was so shameless " she said to herself.

" Anyways if he gets close I will just tell him I am out of business, maybe for the meantime. What if he tries to force himself on me ? " A thought came to her and she used her last strength to pick up a stick.

" Stay away from me " she yells as he steps closer.

He retracts his steps, not because he is afraid of the woman but he had to respect whatever she said or his job would be at risk.

" Hello ma'am, I am here for an important reason " he spoke politely.

She put the stick which she had been pointing at his face a bit lower. The young man looked and sounded gentle. Maybe he was really here for some important reason like he said.

But on second thought, what kind of important thing was he talking about and how on Earth does it concern her.

As though reading her mind, he cleared his throat and began to tell her some things.

" Well, I was sent by my boss to give you these " he gently dropped the cake and drink on the pavement which she was sitting on.

Elena opened her eyes in bewilderment, does it mean that someone was actually looking out for her and cared about her, she questioned.

" What's that ? " she pretended not to know the content even when she could clearly perceive brownies.

" A little food you could take for the night " he smiles " have this as well " he hands the fancy bag containing the money and Morgan's card to her.

" She opens the bag, just to confirm it wasn't a bomb or any other thing that could harm her or the child.

Amusement dancing in her eyes, she wanted to scream, hug the gentle man who stood in front of her and even race to the car, falling on the feet of the man referred to as " boss ".

She shrugged off that feeling but too late, the man had already seen the excitement in her and even her tone had softened.

" Why is he giving me all of these things ? What am I supposed to give back in return? I for a fact know that nothing happens for free " she spoke.

The man actually admired her, forgetting her attire and job. He could see a smart woman and she had been able to figure everything out already. The only problem that remains was she would be probably thinking that whatever it was she could do it just to keep herself and the baby alive but the baby was the same thing his boss wanted.

He sighed, then huffed, not letting her see the sad expression on his face.

" You might not be totally wrong, his card is inside the bag, call him tomorrow and you are to come to the given address by 2:00pm prompt. He doesn't like waiting " he whispered.

" And what if I don't ! " she snapped as the man wanted to walk away.

" Please, don't honour it for the sake of your health. It's important " that was all he could say then he returned into the car.

Morgan smiles all the way, as he keeps observing them.

The driver pulled the door open and shut it after entering.

" How did it go ? " Morgan asked.

" Pretty well boss " he managed to smile.

The lady would be happy someone was concerned about her and the unborn baby, she doesn't know the plan is to separate her from her child forever. How would this fall on her ears and can she ever accept the offer ?