
Mr CEO wants a baby

Working in a brothel, there are so many rules to follow. Like, don’t let your clients go without a hundred percent assurance they’d come back or never let a client leave without their legs shaking as they do. But there was one that was unspoken of yet carried as much as weight as all of the other rules combined; NEVER FALL IN LOVE. Elena Brashford did just that and more. Falling in love wasn’t the problem as long as nobody finds out but for how long would she be able to hide the baby bump that keeps growing daily? It didn’t take long before she was kicked out of the brothel, penniless, betrayed and bittered. Morgan Stark is a billionaire who has had his fill of women in all shapes and sizes. To him, they are a distraction, a tool for destruction and he’d rather not have any for more than 24 hours in his bed. Until he realizes he’d have to leave his property to someone or roll in his grave as the man he hated gets to inherit all that Morgan has worked for. And so it begins; for Morgan, the search of a child to call his own and inherit his wealth and for Elena, the search for a good life for herself and the child she carries. When they meet at first, it’s a disaster. The second time, it’s with a force of attraction and the third, Morgan would do anything to get the child from Elena’s unwilling hands and maybe in the process, get her too.

Precious_Chimeze · Urban
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10 Chs

I can't trade my baby for money !!!

Elena would have liked to stay back in bed but the rays of the sun penetrate into her eyes and she had to look away.

She began to lament " why did I have to open the curtains yesterday ? ".

Trying to force herself back to have a longer rest, she bulged her eyes wide open realizing it was already morning and an appointment had been fixed today for her to meet someone. Also, she planned to go for a joy interview at Hollis design and cosmetic stores.

She heard they were hiring as well.

" Oh, my God ! " She gasps and immediately jerks up, the pains of that action reminded her she had a baby swelling inside her and it wasn't necessary to act like the woman thug she used to be before the pregnancy.

She moans slightly and reaches out for the wall.

That didn't seem to help but she had to rush the process.

Getting into the bathroom, she settled inside the warm bath tub and started scrubbing.

About thirty minutes later she was already done and almost ready to leave. There was a slight knock on the door and that caught her attention. She moved forward to open the door and frowned on seeing who it was.

The young man smiled " sorry for the delay in service, here is your breakfast madam ".

Elena looked at the clock and at the time written on the paper, she still had some time to spare and she reluctantly sat on the chair.

" Could you be faster? " she tried to speak politely, observing the man was as slow as a snail, or was it just her seeing things ? ".

The man placed the food for her and he left the door. Elena wasn't the person that fancied people watching her while eating so she made sure the man was out of sight before she devoured the food.

Finally, she left her bags safe, locking the door and then stepping out of the door.

As she walked past the hall she couldn't stop looking at the receptionist position to check if the fool was there but unfortunately the lady had already gone by now.

It was a big place with many workers and besides these kinds of jobs are always rotational, weekly or daily.

Elena took a cab down to Hollies, maybe she would get to work there and things might end up improving for her, the pay was obviously high and considerable.

The time was already 1: 30 pm and Elena stomped out of the store.

She was frustrated but tried to keep a positive look, there was one more opportunity she had to try today and hopefully luck would be on her side.

She entered another cab to the location meditating on everything that happened earlier.

Holly, who was the owner of the store, was very happy and glad to welcome her and was about to finalize the official day Elena was supposed to start work when Elena suddenly started throwing up and rushing to the bathroom. Holly had later asked her if she was pregnant and she nodded her head in approval.

" Oh, my dear, I am so sorry for this but we can't employ a pregnant woman for this job. One needs to be in good health and enticing shape, to cut it all short we are looking for a model or something close to that, pregnancy would scare our clients to death and you do know our targeted audience are the young women and girls " Holly tried to explain to her in such a way Elena wouldn't feel bad at all.

" Try and find a job that is appropriate for your condition " Holly advised.

She paused to digest the statement better.

What if it was going to be the same case at the place she was heading to ? ".

Elena waved off every thought and tried to stay positive, at least for the whole day.

The car suddenly came to a halt and the driver announced she had arrived at her destination.

Elena looked around observing the environment.

" What !!!! " The word slipped off her mouth as she discharged the driver.

She began to wonder what kind of business she was supposed to have with someone in a hotel.

She tried to calm herself down, " It is nothing to call for alarm ".

Elena stared at the paper in her hand, she had been holding it all along anxiety dangles inside her and she huffed.

" This must be the door. '' The same number written on the card was boldly inscribed on the door.

She knocks gently, the footsteps of the person coming to open the door didn't go unnoticed by her and soon she realizes it was that of a man.

The door opened and it was the same driver she had seen yesterday.

" Welcome madam " he greeted, leaving the door wide open for her.

Morgan waited for the special moment she was going to walk into the room and tried to stay in his best expression.

Elena joins him soon and was about to extend a hand when she suddenly stopped.

" Wait, he looks familiar, where have I met him before? " she tries to think hard and then remembers the issue at the Morgan textile company.

Her face suddenly turned red and she instantly became angry.

" Am I guessing you're a worker at the Morgan company ? " She asked with her hands folded.

Morgan didn't wish to reply at first but he had to, if that was all he had to do to get his hands on a baby then so be it.

" Yes, I am his assistant " he replied with hands in his pocket and a steamy look.

She grinned " cool, I guess I will be taking my leave now " she tried to make a move but Morgan pinned her down.

Elena looked at him with a surprised and angry glare.

" How dare you ? " She squeaks.

He quickly lets her down and adjusts his suit.

" Take a seat first, please, " he gestured, trying to be a gentleman.

" It wouldn't hurt to listen to him. Maybe they traced her down to apologise for yesterday's incident " she thought to herself.

Morgan cleared his throat before speaking, thinking about the best way to present the issue.

He says, " Elena Brashford I have called you here for an important business. I believe you have something that I need. I am not a man of many words but I hope you understand what I am about to say. It might seem like a tough decision but I believe you would be pleased with the benefits ".

Elena gave a surprised look.

Firstly, he knew her name and what was it that he wanted from her ? From the look of things, despite being an assistant he was still looking very wealthy, so what could it possibly be that he needed badly from her ?.

She didn't say a word and he assumed she was confused.

Moving on, " I will give you the sum of fifty million in any currency of your choice if you can give me what I need " he curled a manipulative smile, observing her every move.

This was just half of what he intended to offer and as a businessman he learnt this trick of first offering money then doubling it just to keep seeing a " waw " expression. She didn't act far from what he predicted.

She was shocked and tried to absorb the huge figure he had just mentioned " that's huge, what do you need from me that is worth that amount of money ? " She hugged off the surprised feeling inside herself.

" Good question " he stood up and moved closer to the window.

" I need the child in your womb " he spoke casually and turned over to her.

This was probably a joke, what was he thinking, she was a baby trader ? The attachment she felt for this baby was very strong and she wouldn't even think twice about his stupid offer.

Anger swelled inside her and she could feel her blood hot and bubbling.

How dare he speak of such !!!!!!.