
Mr CEO wants a baby

Working in a brothel, there are so many rules to follow. Like, don’t let your clients go without a hundred percent assurance they’d come back or never let a client leave without their legs shaking as they do. But there was one that was unspoken of yet carried as much as weight as all of the other rules combined; NEVER FALL IN LOVE. Elena Brashford did just that and more. Falling in love wasn’t the problem as long as nobody finds out but for how long would she be able to hide the baby bump that keeps growing daily? It didn’t take long before she was kicked out of the brothel, penniless, betrayed and bittered. Morgan Stark is a billionaire who has had his fill of women in all shapes and sizes. To him, they are a distraction, a tool for destruction and he’d rather not have any for more than 24 hours in his bed. Until he realizes he’d have to leave his property to someone or roll in his grave as the man he hated gets to inherit all that Morgan has worked for. And so it begins; for Morgan, the search of a child to call his own and inherit his wealth and for Elena, the search for a good life for herself and the child she carries. When they meet at first, it’s a disaster. The second time, it’s with a force of attraction and the third, Morgan would do anything to get the child from Elena’s unwilling hands and maybe in the process, get her too.

Precious_Chimeze · Urban
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10 Chs

He's an old man Hannah !!!

Elena bit her lips hard, there was no way she would be returning back to that scumbag.

She rolled her eyes remembering the condition of her sister.

Addy was all she had, how was she supposed to put up with all these things ?

On one hand was her child whom she wouldn't want to lose and on the second was her beloved sister.

Why did fate have to be so cruel to her ?

She hesitated before taking a cab and returning back to the hotel.

The money she currently had was no match for what Addy needed, she had to find a job to support the only family with her.

As she walked into the hotel, the receptionist gave a dirty eye and whispered some words Elena could not hear.

Elena rolled her eyes and walked straight into the room, she just didn't enough strength for this stupid lady.

She got into the room, took her bath immediately and wore new clothes.

Good was served almost immediately, devouring it immediately she thought of how to cope with everything on her mind.

Causing Jason for the longest time and blaming her foolishness for putting her in such a condition, what was she thinking in the first place ?

Love had been so cruel to her and she had vowed a thousand times never to love anything except money.

Elena sat at the edge of the bed browsing across some job opportunities that were available when a call interrupted her connection.

" WTF " she exclaimed.

Her expression quickly softened and she didn't hesitate to answer the call.

" Hannah " she mutters and picks the call immediately.

" Girl, I've got good news for you " Hannah squeaked at the other end.

For some reason, Elena forgot her recent condition and beamed a smile.

" Uhhhhm, nice to hear from you again, jerk " Elena teased and Hannah let out a big laugh.

" Hey, you do know I don't mean it that way. I've been really busy lately. Not to worry, I have the situation under control " she explained.

" Busy ? Huh ? F*cking " Elena blurted.

" I do that for a living baby girl, I ain't no saint " Hannah chuckled.

" You're pretty proud of your work " Elena teased and let out a little laugh.

" Yeah, yeah, yeah, just don't make it seem weird " Hannah snapped.

Hannah continued " I've found a perfect way to keep you out of stress. No need for a job and you get to live a better and comfortable life " she smirked.

Elena nudges the pillow back and ladi down on the bed.

She curled a smile " I'm pregnant, I can't afford to lose my baby. S*x is a big deal now " she explained.

" Huh ? Do you think I don't know your condition ? Why on earth would I ever suggest that ? We've been close friends for a while now, your life and that of your baby equally matter to me " Hannah has a rueful smile.

" So tell me, what's the job all about ? " Elena scoffed and swirled around the bed.

" Do you always have to know every detail ? Well, it's supposed to be a surprise b*tch " Hannah snapped.

" Funny, when do I get this surprise ? "

" Uhm, Great question, we will meet up around 6:00 pm at Hampton bar. Is that cool with you ? '' Hannah asked.

Elena noticed the excitement dancing in Hannah's tone and wanted to ask why she was so happy about meeting her up but her instincts stopped her. Maybe it would be better to find out for herself.

" That's cool by me, I'll have to rest now my baby needs some rest " Elena teased.

" Fine pregnant woman, see you later. Bye ".

" Bye " Elena replied and hung up the call.

She tried to lay back on the bed, " ouchhh " she moaned, the pregnancy was becoming even more stressful. She felt a pang around her stomach.

Shutting her eyes and slowly slipped out of consciousness.

Few hours later, Elena jerked up from sleep, her cellphone seemed to be vibrating for almost, 10 minutes now. She robbed her eyes and picked up phone, " Hannah " she muttered dropping it on the bed and looking at the wall clock.

Gosh !!!!! It was already half past 6pm, she was already 30 minutes late.

Scrambling on her fit, she dressed her clothes properly and returned the call.

" Where are you ? " Hannah hesitated with a low tone.

" I'm sorry, slept for a long while " Elena replied taking her bag and leaving the room.

" Fuck ! You've been sleeping ? Here I thought you were on your way " she snapped angrily.

Elena stopped a taxi and quickly hopped in.

" I'm not far though, " Elena protested.

" Girl, you just boarded a taxi right now " Hannah rolled her eyes.

" I will be there in 10 minutes " Elena huffed.

" Don't keep us waiting " she smirked and hung up.

*Us * the word echoed in Elena's head for a while before she shoved it off.

Bothering about it wouldn't make a difference.

She got there in no time and seemed pretty shocked at what she saw.

Hannah was seen discussing with a man in his mid fifties, dressed in a grey suit and a define curl hair and sun shades.

" I did not just see that " Elena shut her eyes, believing there was a better explanation to this as she walked closer to them. " Maybe, Hannah was making out with a client or something else " she scoffed.

Hannah spotted her immediately stood and gave Elena a tight hug " we have been waiting for you darling " Hannah smirked.

" Sorry " Elena replied nervously and sat beside her friend.

The old man sat opposite to her and winked, " I've heard a lot about you " he stated.

" Thanks ".

She turned over to Hannah with a curious face and asked " whose this ? "

" Hey, relax we are just getting started ".

" Hannah are you going to talk or shall I stand and walk away ? " Elena raised her eyebrows in disgust.

" Fine, he is Mr Parker, a rich billionaire. Think he likes you " she spills the beans.

At this point Elena, had already had enough, " he's an old man Hannah !!! " Elena screamed out, loud enough for Me Parker to hear.