

What happens when two individual who could not recognise each other from the past are brought together by fate's little tricks called the contract . (purple flower)

Beckyfaith · Urban
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119 Chs


The three of them thought of what to do for fun with the remaining evening that they have . Alexa ordered a lot 8f goodies and made her brother pay for everything she ordered and he also had no choice but to pay for it when Hannah also ordered a bunch of things .


Mia arrived at her house and she opened the door and went in she looked around for her mum but couldn't find her anywhere in the living room she checked the kitchen and also didn't find her there. She then went upstairs and to her mum room ,the room was empty but she heard running water from the bathroom.

Walking close to the door she placed her hand on the door when she heard coughing sounds "mum?"she called out "are you okay?" she asked worriedly

"Mia ,you are back" her mum replied as she coughed again.

Mia didn't know why her mum was coughing like that ,"she couldn't be sick could she?" Mia thought she waited outside the door for her mum.

The sound of running water stopped and Mia didn't hear any sounds coming from the other side ,she got worried and was about to call out her mum when the door opened her mum came out in her robe .

"mum ,are you alright?" Mia asked as she assessed her mother to make sure she is okay . Mrs Albert could see the worried look in her daughter's face . She knew she had made her worry and she didn't want her daughter to worry about her.

She put her hand in the side of Mia's face "I'm fine"she said "no you are not ,why were you coughing like that?,are you sick?" Mia asked

"I told that I am fine and I am not suck"her mum assured as closed the door behind her and went to sit in the bed

"you should see a doctor,don't take your health so lightly"mia said as she walked to seat beside her mum and she rested her head on her mum's lap who put her hand on her head "I miss you"her mum spoke after sometime"me too"Mia replied with her eyes closed.

She felt very comfortable with her mum who was giving her a head massage and she enjoyed it"how is Hannah?" she asked "she's okay ,she is at Alexa's place"Mia replied "I feel like we've not been spending a lot of time together lately "she added

"is that so?"Mrs Albert said "I'll try to find time ,hmm?" and Mia gave a smile in respond

"okay"Mia yawned making her mum giggle as Mia was acting like a little girl. Soon Mia fell asleep as she let out soft breaths. A few minutes after mia slept off ,Mrs Albert let out a soft cough using her hand to cover her mouth ,she then looked her hand to see blood on it as she put her hand under nose to feel a warm liquid.

Carefully putting Mia's head on the pillow she went back to the bathroom,she came outside and went towards the drawer, opening it she took out some pills and gulped it down with water.

She then walk to sleep beside Mia while she turned off the lights and she too fell asleep.


Ryan was sitting in front of his desk with filled in this table as he rest in the chair, he wasn't alone in the room as Jason is also there with him, Lucy had already gone to her room to sleep leaving the brothers who are still awake.

Jason was made to work at night again,and he was getting used to it little by little,Jason was grateful that his brother didn't put all the work on him. He had managed to complete half and was doing his best to complete the rest.

"did grandpa call?" Ryan asked to Jason who looked at him"yes ,but he is furious and something tells me he would come to the city" Jason replied wondering why his brother asked "have you told aunt about Lucy's whereabouts?"Ryan asked again.

"yes and she should have already told uncle by now" Jason replied. It wasn't the first time Lucy had ran away from her parents house , she find it fun to come meet her big brother even though she fights with the other one.

Ryan knew very well that his grandfather might come pay him him a visit any time after all, he had been avoiding him and not listening to him and the former is expecting his arrival , he might take matter into his hands and Ryan didn't want that .

He doesn't want his grandfather to interfere in his life , he keep on forcing him to have a girl in his life and it wasn't just his grandfather who does that.

Few minutes later Jason stood up as he was done with his work. He finished early unlike the previous times . Jason just hopes that his brother won't ask him to work for the next few days .

He brought the files to his brother who asked him to put it on the desk . Ryan opened the files and went through each of them while Jason was praying that Ryan didn't find any flaws. He went to his room to sleep after Ryan had gone through them. Jason felt like his brother was turturing him.

Jason went to his room to get a good night sleep,.


Days passed and Mia was at Hannah's place, she was eating fruits while watching TV . Mia didn't mind what Hannah was busy the previous night that didn't make her wake up early. She had come that morning to be welcomed by sleepy Hannah.

Mia looked at her strangely"are you alright?"she asked as Hannah opened the door wider for Mia to enter.

She closed the door yawning "why did you come so early?" Hannah ask in a drowsy tone

"because I thought you would be awake"Mia answered and Hannah nodded "maybe I should have come a little later" Mia thought but she can't go back and come again.

"if you are still feeling sleepy , you can go sleep"Mia said not wanting to deprive Hannah if her sleep because she came there. Hannah nodded and went back to her room with Mia's gaze following her "she is really sleepy"is concluded in her mind

"Well it's not like she can't do anything she wants" she shrugged . She then went to the kitchen in an attempt to make something. She opened the cupboard to find it empty"huh,why is this empty?" she then walked towards the fridge ,she opened it to find empty except for the bunch of fruits that were lying Inside.

Mia sighed and she decided to prepare fruits salad ,what else can she eat with having only fruits in the house . When she was done with that she sat down and turned on the TV while eating the fruits.

Done with eating them ,Mia still didn't feel satisfied as she suddenly remembered that Hannah might have chocolates at home, she always has chocolates somewhere in the house.