
Mr Billionaire, Please feel at ease

Mr Billionaire, Please feel at ease (.. Not so innocent) Theme: Dark secrets, Romance , Erotic, Mafia Pure love. ______________________________ " I don't want to ever see you again, we can't be together!! How many times do you want me to tell you that?" She said looking so frustrated. " I guess you have no choice, we're getting married, and you milady, is going to be the mistress of the Stuart family very soon. We're bound together Val " He said with his usual smirk plastered on his face. ________________________________ ***** Meet Valeria Valdez, an 18 year old high school girl who lives with her father, step sister and step mom. Her mother died when she was 7 years old, her father blamed her for her mother's death. Her father remarried her step mom who already had her step sis. Her step mom lured her father into sending her younger brother who she is only two years older than,outside the country. And then him . Stuart Robinson. The eldest son of the first noble family in country X. The youngest Billionaire in country X. A young eligible bachelor who's drop dead gorgeous. Almost all the women in the country were looking forward to get into his bed, but sadly, he never looked their way. Until she came. She didn't have to do anything to get his attention, to get him hard, to get his heart crazily beating for her. But she didn't want to have anything doing with him. What happens when the dark secrets of the past come knocking on their doors? What do you think is stopping Valeria from accepting Stuart? What do you think the secrets of the past are? Do you think Valeria's brother would return? Is Valeria's dad ever gonna come around the fact that his daughter wasn't at fault? And will Valeria even accept her father back even if he comes back to his senses? If you're eager to know, just join me on this rollercoaster as we uncover chapters together.

Sheila_Addo · Urban
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5 Chs

The Grand Entrance

💜❣️Mr Billionaire Please feel at ease❣️💜

( ... Not so innocent) 🔞

Theme: Dark secrets, Romance Erotic, Mafia

Pure love

Chapter 1 & 2

<< The Valdez's Residence >>

⏰Griii !!Griii!! The loud alarm woke the sleeping Valeria up. "Mmmmm mmm!! Not now!!" She lamented as she sat straight on the bed still with her eyes closed. " Just five more minutes" , she murmured as she turned off the alarm and lay back on the bed.

**** 30 minutes later

📳📳Buzz!! Buzz!! " Not again!!" she woke up and sat on the bed with her eyes still closed. She picked up the phone and answered the call without even checking who's calling. " Where on earth are you!!!!!!!" The voice on the other end screamed , causing Valeria to move the phone away from her ears. What could she possibly do to this annoying best friend of hers to get her in check? " Can you keep it down, it's too early to start your nagging session. " She said to her bestie who was impatiently stamping her foot as she stood by the street. " Nagging?!! Do you know we are fucking late?!!!" Lena ( Valeria's bestie) couldn't help but scream again. "Hmm!" Valeria sighed , trying her best not to scream back at Lena. " I'll be there in a jiffy " she said.

" You better be", came Lena from the other end. Valeria Valdez, yeah, that's her. She's eighteen years old and in her last year in senior high school. No one can tell how she looks like since she wears a mask and dark shades all the time. Not even her own father had seen her face ever since she turned 15. she always goes to school with a mask and dark shades on. Not forgetting the hoodie she always uses to cover her head. Not just that, she always comes last in class and doesn't talk too much except to her best friend,Lena .She stood up from the bed after ending her call with Lena and went into the bathroom to freshen up. She picked up a blue baggy pants and a black hoodie from her closet and put it on. Her usual combine. She opened one of the drawers where she had thorns of nose masks packed, took a black nose mask and wore it. She took one of her usual weird sunglasses from the spectacle rack on her dressing table and wore it. She paired it with black sneakers .

She took her backpack and headed outside taking the fleet off stairs. " Good morning" she greeted simply, not sparing anyone a glance as she went outside and net Lena sitting on the doorstep. " Unfilial daughter!!" Mr Valdez cursed as he found Valeria's attitude rude, not as if anything she does seems beautiful to him though. "Don't say that dear, she'll come around sometime" Mrs Valdez coaxed , acting as the perfect wife she's not, signalling Lorena ( Valdez's step sister) to also act up. " Mommy's right dad, give sister some more time" Lorena said with her sweet fake smile. "Aawwn! Why can't Valeria be as smart as you are?" Mr Valdez asked not noticing the smirk on both mother and daughter's face at the moment.

<< Country Z>>

Get the dragon slayer ready, were going to country X. A young man ordered his right hand man. It has been a month since he left country X for a business trip here in country Z and he just have to go back because everything's already in place here. ******** In no time soon, he was in the jet and it took off just as it had flown there. He arrived in country X in the afternoon around 3 :00 pm. After landing, he had to go to the head quarters to sort out some issues.

****20 minutes later

Stuart arrived in his Pagani Huayra Codalunga which costs $7 million. As he stepped down from his car after Damien( His right hand man) had open the door for him, everyone's mouth went agape. He was looking so hot in his black suit. Everything on him was screaming wealth. Most of the ladies were almost dripping wet just by staring at his angelic face. Of course he's Stuart Robinson, the eldest son of the Robinson household. He is cold and aloof, but that doesn't do anything to hide his gorgeous physique. He stood at 6"8 inches. He has a mascular body and a well sculpted face. He had everything to be a model, but yet, he was ruling the business world perfectly fine .

🗣️ Welcome back boss

🗣️ Welcome boss

The employees greeted as he passed through the way the guards already parted for him. He walked boldly to his private elevator, not bothering to respond to any of the greetings that were directed at him.

🗣️Oh my god!! Did you see the boss's suit!!??

🗣️I bet it could take care of my entire generation if it's been sold.

🗣️ And the car ...oh my !! That was Pagani Codalunga !!!

🗣️ I heard it cost $ 7 million!! And the current most expensive car in the world!!!

🗣️Boss truly never disappoints

🗣️I can't agree more on that.

The employees kept murmuring to themselves as Stuart entered his elevator. This news will surely not pass the media as some of the workers made videos of the scene.

<<< Imperial High>>>

<<School compound < p>

Valeria and Lena arrived in Lena's car . They got down and made their way to class, not after seeing the usual disapproval glances from the students and their negative remarks about Valeria's style of dressing.

🗣️ What is wrong with this girl? Why can't she dress properly for once?

🗣️And what's with the nose mask and that weird glasse she wears all the time?

🗣️ Is she too ugly that she has to wear them all the time?

🗣️And is she balled or what? Why is she always having the hoodie cap on her head ?

🗣️ She's nothing like her suster . Come to think of it , Lorena is the school bee , why can't she be half as smart as her??

🗣️ Probably because she was adopted. Hahahaha

🗣️ Hahahaha hahahaha

Lorena who just stepped down from her pink sports car which was a birthday gift from her dad smirked at the last statement she head . She has never liked valeria, no reason though, she doesn't like her and doesn't want her to ever know what peace is. Unfortunately for her, Valeria is not someone to easily break down, causing her to get frustrated anytime she fails to make Valeria cry.

" I never knew I had turned to a celebrity until now. I feel so important having you all talk about me this way. The pleasure is all mine, be my guest." She said bowing mockingly at them, leaving them all stunned. No one has ever head her spoke , not even her own classmates. She was always sleeping in class . After saying that, she left with Lena. Leaving her stunned mockers behind, with Lorena fuming with anger. The heat from her body at the moment could be used to fry 50 eggs.

50 eggs? Sorry for you Lorena, man no bi God.

Nose mask and dark shades for real? 😂😂. Why do you think Valeria wears those?

What do you think Lorena will do after this embarrassment.

Love you Ambies 💜💜💜

What do you think about this chapter Ambies?

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