
Moving Forward - A Powerful HP Fic

Beaten, humiliated, hunted, and disrespected. Harry Potter had finally had enough. Having a preordained life hanging in the balance, an overlooked ritual shall finally enable him to fight back against his enemies. And he shall use all the benefits it comes with, consequences be damned. Strong!HarryXMulti. Lemons.

Vedros · Bücher und Literatur
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14 Chs

Future Paths

The sheets rustled softly as Harry shifted on his bed and opened his eyes. His vision was obscured by something silky, and he smiled as he wrapped his arms around her curvy body. His cock was nestled in her ass, and he couldn't help but wiggle slightly to gain some comfort.

The previous night had been one of the best in his life. The entire summer had been a brilliant one, and his life had transformed into something previously unimaginable. Never had he thought that he would have so many women vying for a spot beside him, and it filled him with immense pleasure.

He pushed her silvery-blonde tresses away from his eyes, rendering her shoulder bare, and started to drop featherlight kisses on her velvety skin. His hand which was palming her supple right breast gave it a faint squeeze and he smirked when he felt her ass rub his cock.

"Morning to you too," he whispered in her ear and softly sucked her earlobe and Fleur smiled sleepily before she leaned her head to the side. He smiled and gratefully accepted the offered ease of access, kissing along the side of her neck softly before turning her around and joining their lips together.

In no time, he was hovering over her, his cock thrusting in and out of her at a rapid pace as Fleur kept her legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him as close to her as possible. The sounds of their passionate lovemaking echoed around the room as she moaned and cried his name to the heavens.

"That's the best way to wake up," Harry breathed out fifteen minutes later as he laid on his back, Fleur's lovely body draped over his as they caught their breath.

"You can wake me up like that for as long as you want," she chuckled breathily as she kissed his chest. Harry simply nodded and laid back, enjoying her ministrations before they had to start the day.


"So you three have gone ahead and decided what now?" Harry asked with a confused furrow of his brow as he sat on the chair in front of the three older witches who were sitting in front of him on the couch. They were currently in his room after he and Fleur had brought each other to another climax and finally got ready for the day.

The foursome had decided to eat in his room, to slight complaining of Mrs. Weasley. However, Harry had expertly mollified her and that had been that. Ginny had given him a small frown when she had seen him walk out of the kitchen, and he had guessed she must have been wondering why he hadn't asked for her.

The reason was that Nym had told him that she, Nat, and Fleur wanted to discuss something important with him.

So there they sat with their breakfast done and Nym explaining what agreement the three women had reached.

"It's called Harry's Harem, and we three are the founding members."

Harry gave her an uncertain smile, "Yeah, I gathered as much. But this feels like you forming an organization or something."

Nym nodded with a grin as the two blonde women sat on either side of her, looking oddly amused for some reason. Nym herself had her hair turned blonde and her complexion matched the two beauties, and Harry was once again left to marvel at how similar the three looked.

"A coven, to be precise," she replied with a grin.

"Is this really necessary?" Harry asked with a small smile as he leaned back and looked at them.

"Of course it is!" Nym exclaimed, and Harry looked solely at her, "How else would we decide who should be a part of your harem without some security measures in place!? We all have taken the requisite oaths and will remain loyal to you above all else!"

Harry smiled. "While I'm very appreciative of how much trust you three seem to have in me, could you please not call it a harem? It makes me feel kinda weird, to be honest."

Fleur smirked to the side.

"Oh? And what is it if not a harem, my dear 'Arry? Don't tell me you don't like the prospect of it."

Harry shook his head and chuckled.

"I'd be an idiot and a liar if I said that the idea didn't entice me, it's just that the term feels weird."

"Well get used to it then, because that's what it will remain," Nym interjected swiftly, her voice firm. Harry gave a resigned smile and nodded.

"Okay, it's my harem then. What else?"

"Who else have you fucked apart from us three?" Nym asked bluntly.

"Ginny. Although we didn't fuck."

"Oh I knew she was gonna make her move. Remember how she was behaving that morning, Nat? I bet she must've been so pent up," Nym snickered.

Natalie gave her an amused look.

"Okay, I'll talk to her then. Who else?" Nym asked, and Harry saw with wide eyes that she had started to take notes.

"Really?" He asked with a deadpan stare.

"What? Documentation is important. Don't worry, it's standard Auror-grade parchment. No one bar the Unspeakables will be able to get past the enchantments."

"You stole materials from the Auror office?" Nat asked her incredulously. Harry and Fleur looked at each other with wide eyes before looking at an unperturbed Nym who was calmly sitting there with a smirk on her lovely face.

"Eh, don't worry. Many aurors use these as tissues in the office. It's no big deal."

All three sighed at the reply.

"All right. Wastage of ministry resources aside, what else do you want to discuss?" Harry asked.

The three women sobered up quickly, and Harry frowned when he looked at their anxious faces.

"What is it?"

Nat, Nym, and Fleur all looked at each other before Fleur sighed and nodded.

"You remember how I told you last night that I knew about Nat and Nym being with you as well as the ritual?"

Harry nodded.

Fleur continued, "Well, I know about this ritual that you did, or at least, I know more than you three."

Harry's eyes widened. The ritual had some unforeseen repercussions already and he had been slightly concerned about it ever since he had started to notice them. It began as a tingle in the back of his mind before he grew silently more concerned as time went on.

"You have my attention," he nodded.

"I told these two last evening, and that was basically when Nym had this idea of forming a proper coven. It might seem like a matter of hilarity but it is actually needed given the circumstances."

"Get to the point already, Fleur," Harry said in exasperation. Fleur frowned at him before sighing.

"The veela conclave in France has information on the ritual you did. According to the old veela we have there, a person who performs this ritual cannot have one partner. We can already see this with you. The person shall have multiple partners and any woman you are interested in will feel the influence of this ritual as long as this attraction is mutual. Furthermore, any male you are close to will become your best friend, for lack of a better word. You can be sure of their loyalties."

Harry nodded with slightly widened eyes.

"Well, after what's already happened, I had no plan to be with one woman anyway, so there isn't anything to worry about on that front. The loyalty assurance is also good. However, given how rituals abide by the laws of alchemy every time, I assume there are some drawbacks as well?" Harry asked with an accepting smile on his face.

Fleur nodded.

"Any person who feels even the slightest bit of animosity towards you will dislike you even more. It doesn't matter how you feel about this person. Those who dislike or hate you will feel even more hostility towards you, and this feeling will increase over time, just the way the love of people close to you will increase. Equivalent exchange, 'Arry."

As Fleur explained, Harry leaned more and more forward until he had his chin on his fist with his elbows on his thighs. He gave her a penetrating stare.

"Anything else?"

Fleur exchanged a look with Nat and Nym and nodded.

"It is clear what the situation currently is, 'Arry. With this dark lord and his followers, many others are against you or don't like you. You can be sure that things will get more challenging."

"I am aware of that," Harry cut her off as he sighed and leaned back against his chair, looking up at the ceiling, "Even at Hogwarts there would be issues now, more than there were before. The entire Slytherin house apart from a select few hates me, and so do several students from the other three houses. I can already see them glaring at me," he chuckled as he looked at the three women.

"Not to mention the ministry who would be trying all they can to target me and get me out of the picture. Fudge was livid in the Hospital Wing after the third task. I can't imagine him being my biggest fan right now."

"Which is why you need to prepare yourself well, Harry," Nat chimed in with her beautiful smile. Harry really loved her smile. It never failed to fill him with positivity whenever he saw it.

"And that brings me to my idea of a coven," Nym interjected with an excited grin as Harry looked at her.

"And what idea do you have, my dear Nym?" Harry asked with a chuckle.

"Well, don't act as if you have no idea. The plan is simple. Since there will be many people who would target you, we need people who will come to your aid as well. Obviously, we will need to increase our magical abilities to fight Voldy and his minions but there will be scenarios where a battle to the death would not be required."

Harry nodded, "That's understandable. I'm sorry, but this revelation has not fully sunk in yet. So I'm not able to realise the magnitude of it."

Fleur smiled softly at him.

"It is understandable, 'Arry. Don't worry. We will be with you all the way. This idea of a coven is slightly amateurish in my opinion, but I kinda like it as well," she smirked as she walked over and took a seat on his lap. Nym frowned at Fleur hogging all his attention while Nat looked on with a smile.

"Is that so?" Harry asked her, caressing her bare thighs softly.

"Mm-hmm. You have already attracted four women, 'Arry, and made love to three. The ritual will require you to be with more women. No one knows how many women will be enough, but one thing is for sure. There will be more. And to ensure their eternal loyalty towards you and the other women who will be with you, we need this coven and the rules which will govern it."

Their lips locked in a passionate embrace as Harry caressed her bare thighs before pulling away and turning towards Nat and Nym who were looking at the two of them.

"I'll leave you three to decide what goes on with that. I trust you three to ensure everything works fine. Merlin knows I'd better not interfere in the matters of you women," he chuckled.

"That's right," Nym remarked as she pulled Fleur off his lap and straddled him. His hands automatically went to cup her ass over her small skirt as their lips met in a fervent kiss. Nym pulled away with a smirk and flicked his cheek.

"You just keep on getting stronger and attracting new women, and soon, we'll have an army of beautiful women to beat Voldy and the ministry!"

Harry chuckled as he stood up and dropped Nym on his chair before holding his arms out for Nat, who walked into his loving embrace. The pair kissed softly as Harry caressed her bare stomach and sides, before looking at Nym and Fleur.

"Don't forget Dumbledore too," Harry added bluntly.

Immediately, there was a pervading silence in his room as their eyes widened and they looked at him.

"What? Dumbledore?" Nym asked, for once behaving utterly seriously. Harry nodded with a sigh.

"Do you all know the mind arts?"

The three women nodded and Harry smiled, "Good. That would make it easy for me. Now, I've not tried this before and have only the knowledge of it, so bear with me, okay?"

They took their seats and Harry nodded toward Nat who was the closest to him. The beautiful blonde pointed her wand at him.


Harry nodded and lowered his Occlumency shields. Natalie was inside his mind and viewing the memory he had projected forward in no time.

It was over in an instant, and Natalie slowly lowered her wand with wide eyes.

"That old bastard!" Nat cried out enraged, and both Harry and Nym turned to look at her in shock. They had never heard her curse like this, well, outside his bed at least, so it was indeed a surprise.

"Nat! The hell!" Nym exclaimed and Natalie turned to look at her with fire in her eyes.

"Wait until you see it," she seethed and walked over to stand by the fireplace. Harry forced himself to look away from her long legs as she stood there in nothing but her crop top and hot pants.

"'Kay, hotshot. Let's see what's got the polite lady's panties in a twist over there. You can undress her with your eyes later," Nym turned his face towards her and pointed her wand at him.

Barely a second later Harry had to forcefully hold her back by her stomach as she thrashed in his grasp.

"Let me go, Harry! I'll kill that old bastard!"

"Ugh… no, calm down!" Harry grunted as he struggled to hold the frantically thrashing blonde in his arms. He belatedly noticed she was no longer a blonde, with her hair changing colors erratically every moment.

"Calm down Nym!" Harry shouted as he threw her on his bed, heaving as Nat quickly bound her against the bedposts. Breathing deeply, he looked at the snarling woman in his bed and looked at a wide-eyed Fleur who was staring back at him.

"It's that bad?" She asked disbelievingly. Harry sighed and gave a small nod before looking at Nym who had now stopped struggling but was still glaring at the ceiling.

"Have a seat, you two. And Nat, please free Nym. She'll behave, won't you?" Harry asked, looking at Nym sternly, who glared at him for a moment before giving a resigned nod. His eyes softened and he smiled at her as Nat vanished the ropes. Harry walked over and pecked her softly.

"Not gonna lie, but that was hot. I can't wait to chain you up again," he whispered in her ear as Nym chuckled and shoved him back. Harry laughed before taking his seat and looked at the three women.

"Your turn, Fleur," Harry told the silvery-blonde woman who took a deep breath and nodded before pointing her wand at him.

A second later, she pulled out with a severe frown on her ashen face as she stared at him. Harry could tell she was holding back her emotions as he saw the feathers form on her arms and motioned for Nat to look at her.

Natalie looked at Fleur and started to rub her arms softly, trying to calm her down. The veela's face contorted in rage and her eyes turned sharp as she gritted her teeth before she shut her eyes and tried to calm down.

"Je vais couper la barbe de ce vieux connard et lui fourrer dans le cul! Bâtard!" She hissed in her mother tongue, and Nat chuckled as she tried to calm the veela down.

"What did she say?" Harry asked in slight amusement. Nat giggled.

"Let's say our dear veela here can get a bit crass. She just wants to cut his beard off and shove it where the sun doesn't shine," she replied in amusement as Fleur's feathers receded and she nodded at Nat. The older blonde squeezed her arm in reassurance and sat back properly.

"As you gathered from this memory, a little part of the dark cunt's soul was alive inside me, which died in the graveyard. So I'm free from its influence. Although a part of me feels that Dumbledore won't take any further actions against me, I'd be a fool to be that optimistic, particularly given the apathetic attitude the old coot has adopted towards my life all these years."

"Makes sense," Nat nodded. The remaining two witches remained silent.

"Why did he admit it though?" Fleur suddenly asked, looking at him. "He could've kept the fact that he would've let you die a secret, but he told you. I wonder why."

Harry shrugged.

"I have no idea how that man's mind works. But what I'm sure of is that we will get to know the truth in the future."

Natalie frowned as she looked to the side, biting her lower lip in thought.

"Something wrong, Nat?"

The blonde looked at him with the same frown.

"Nothing. Just a theory. I don't know how accurate it might be though."

"Go on, share it with us," Harry encouraged with a smile. Natalie pursed her lips and nodded.

"Just so we are clear, this is in no way me playing the devil's advocate here, so hear it out before you interrupt me, okay?"

Harry nodded, wondering where she was going with this.

"Dumbledore knew this soul shard was alive inside you and that it needed to die for Voldemort to be killed for good. He also knew that you would have to die for this soul shard to die. Am I correct so far?"

Harry nodded.

"And yet, he did not take any steps to kill you. I mean, if he really had it in him to kill you, he would've done so long ago."

"That could be attributed to him not wanting to do the deed himself. The old bastard thinks himself too pure to sully his hands with an innocent's blood. However, he doesn't care if his deliberate inaction kills the same innocent. The hypocrite!" Nym bristled to the side.

Nat nodded.

"Correct. This means we can believe that Dumbledore will not take any steps towards killing or harming you. The worst he could do is not act against something that might kill you. And now that the soul shard is no more alive inside you, he doesn't have the motive to see any harm come to you either."

"So you're saying that we don't have to consider Dumbledore an enemy?" Fleur asked with a frown. What Nat was saying did make sense when she thought about it.

Nat shook her head.

"I think we should consider him as a necessary evil to us. Let's face it. The way we are right now, we cannot hope to fight Voldemort and the Ministry on our own. To face them, we need the power that he wields."

Harry nodded. That's what he had said to Sirius before the ritual. He admitted as much to the women, who looked at him and nodded.

"Dumbledore's attitude towards you has been apathetic at worst, so I don't think the ritual will cause him to take active steps to harm you. Still, being vigilant would be good," Fleur admitted.

Nat smiled, "And that brings me to why Dumbledore might have admitted as much to you, Harry."


"I'm not saying this is why he did it, and it would be foolish to ask him directly since he would not be truthful anyway after admitting it to you, but I think it was deliberate on his part to make you hate him."

Harry's eyes widened slightly as he considered Nat's words.

"By making you hate him, both the Ministry and Voldemort would think that you are divided and no longer under Dumbledore's protection and guidance, not that he did any of that anyway. Still, it's the message it sends that matters."

"That's overreaching," Nym interjected with a frown.

"Might be, but it's still possible. Think about it. Both the Ministry and Voldemort have spies spread out, and if you showed any hatred or disdain towards Dumbledore, they will surely be informed and both will start looking into how they could exploit it. The old bastard is a master manipulator. Your parents felt it before they died, and I think so as well. One doesn't hold powerful positions in society without being deceitful."

Harry nodded. Nat's arguments certainly had sense in them, and now that he thought about it, Dumbledore certainly didn't need to admit it to his face.

"Whatever his motive behind telling me might be, it still holds that he is someone we should be at least wary of. He might not have had explicit motivations to kill me, but we cannot predict what effect the ritual would've had on him. For now, let's keep him on the grey list."

Natalie nodded with a smile.


Their discussion after breakfast took a long time, and the foursome disbanded soon after. The ladies bid him farewell to blow off some steam in the dueling chamber. With his project beckoning him, Harry went to work on it.

Sitting on the chair in his room, he waved his wand. Instantly, an intricate set of runes came floating in front of him. The eerie emerald glow was reflected on his face as he dissected them into predetermined fragments.

"All right, a little tweak here should help in individual delinking," he whispered to himself as he arranged the runes back with slight modification. The most significant advantage was that Voldemort had developed his mark with pinpoint precision. Such precision, although enabling him to command it at will, also made it easier for his adversary – a person already in the know – to alter it.

"And this," Harry smirked as he looked down, "this one should do the job brilliantly. And even if it doesn't, well, I can't complain about the aftereffects."

With a flick of his wand, another set of runes materialized in front of him. This set was glowing a bright golden and was a perfect replication of the one Voldemort used. His idea was simple. The women whom he trusted explicitly would be given his mark and they would share the magical power amongst themselves, exactly how the Death Eaters operated.

He had initially been reluctant when he had first pondered upon the idea, not wanting to associate with the Death Eaters in any manner, however, that was an immature way of thinking. As he deliberated upon it further, he realized that just because an idea was used by Voldemort and the Death Eaters, that didn't mean the idea was evil.

If he benefitted from the same idea, he was going to abuse it to hell.


"What!?" Daphne Greengrass hissed as she stared at one of her best friends in utter shock. Her other best friend Tracey was equally surprised by the revelation, as she stared at the Malfoy heiress with an openmouthed look on her face.

Cassandra sighed. She had expected such a reaction from her best friends, and they didn't disappoint in the slightest. The three were of the same stature, with almost similar physical assets and complexion. However, what set them apart was the hair-eye combination.

Cassandra had the ebony locks and the grey orbs of the Blacks which she had gotten from her mother, something that often irked her vile father.

Daphne was a perfect miniature of her mother, with golden blonde locks and a pair of piercing sapphire eyes that froze anyone in place when she subjected them to her patented glare.

Tracey was the most outgoing of the trio, with brown orbs and scarlet hair never failing to turn heads. She was the only one in their small group who was on good terms with many students from all three houses.

"I already told you two what happened down there when we were summoned. Tell me you would want to live like that and I'll shut up," she replied. Daphne frowned.

"But absconding? Cassie, your life would be basically forfeit if you do that. You know what those people are like. They will destroy you if you step even a foot out of line," Tracey whispered. Ever since she had learned that the Dark Lord had returned, not a minute was free from terror. It was a massive boon that her family was so close to the Greengrass family that no one had any objections when she and Daphne slept over almost every other night, comforting each other. Although no one from their families had any clue as to what they got up to during those sleepovers.

Their dalliances with each other had started this past year. They had declined all invitations to attend the Yule Ball and had holed up in their dormitory together. Tracey, being the mischievous one of the trio, had managed to acquire some liquid courage from the Weasley Twins the previous day, and it didn't take long for the trio of women to get absolutely smashed.

They could've never predicted what would follow that night. Secrets previously untold were revealed, and once the biggest one of them all was admitted by all three of them, it didn't take long for their clothes to come off.

Daphne still remembered how it had felt to reach her climax with the help of someone else for the first time, and so did the other two.

The confession had surprised them, but years of friendship had prevailed and it didn't take long for them to reach a mutual agreement that ensured that they would be perfectly happy together. Currently, they were in Daphne's bedroom where Cassandra had dropped this bombshell on them out of nowhere.

"I know it is a massive risk, and I also know that we would be the biggest targets for him and my father as well," Cassandra grimaced, looking at them with soft eyes, "but Mother and I cannot live like that anymore. None of us trust my father after what he did. He is an evil man. I've known that for years, but it's enough now. Mother wouldn't have proposed this action if things were not beyond her control."

Daphne pulled her into a soft hug and rubbed her back to soothe her the best she could as Tracey softly squeezed her hand.

"You know we are with you every step of the way, right?" Daphne asked softly. Cassandra could only nod.

"Whatever you decide, Cassie, we will be right with you. We haven't even gotten together with our man yet," Tracey teased, smiling when Cassandra let out a chuckle.

"Brat," she muttered as she slowly pulled away from Daphne and wiped the traces of tears from her face.

"That's an idea," Daphne chuckled, "he is the biggest target for the Dark Lord. He would definitely help us if we tell him what the situation is."

Cassandra smiled.

"That's a good idea. However, Mother is going to approach Aunt Andi. Nym is an auror and a member of a secret group that works against the Dark Lord. I'm positive that they would help us."

"There's a secret group working against the Dark Lord?" Tracey asked in surprise.

Cassandra nodded, "It's Dumbledore's group. They were fighting against him in the first war and have restarted meetings since the year ended."

"Still, we should approach Harry on the train and see how that works out. I'm sure he won't turn us down," Daphne implored again. Tracey smirked.

"So eager to get him in your knickers, huh?"

Daphne flushed slightly and glared at the redhead, "Don't act as if you don't want it. So many times I've heard you cry out his name when I'm the one getting you off. It's pretty unsettling at times."

"Oh? Is my dear Daph upset?" Tracey whispered huskily as she nuzzled the blonde's neck before kissing her softly. Daphne moaned slightly into the kiss and quickly flipped them over so that she was hovering over the redhead, who was heaving and looking at her with a flushed face.

"Cassie, be a dear and tie our unruly lover up. It seems she's become too much of a tease and needs to be brought down a peg," Daphne instructed. Cassandra quickly jumped into action. Frustration had risen over the past few days and she had been looking forward to getting some release from her lovers ever since she had been made to witness that scene.

Pulling her wand out, she spread out and bound Tracey's arms and legs before vanishing her clothes with a small flick.

"Perfect," Daphne smirked and undressed before helping Cassandra out of her clothes as well.

"Now, until we get our man, this is the best we can do, so you have to manage, okay Trace?" She said and conjured a dildo with three heads equidistant from each other.

Smirking, she teased the redhead's outer lips before pushing in. Tracey moaned as she felt her inner walls part and her eyes closed as her mind conjured the image of Harry penetrating her. Meanwhile, Daphne instructed Cassie to indulge herself, and the raven smiled before impaling herself slowly. Once Daphne was sure that the two heads were properly lodged inside them, she laid on her side facing Cassie who was facing her, and pushed the head in before sliding downwards and taking it all inside her.

"Fuck," Daphne whispered before nodding at Cassie. In no time, the three women were moving in perfect sync as they fucked themselves on the dildo.

"You were a tease today, Trace. So you don't get to touch any of us. Meanwhile," Daphne trailed off and captured Cassie's lips in a firm kiss. The two women moaned as they started to grope each other's tits while they fucked themselves together. All the while, Tracey could only moan as the force intensified and she was getting firmly fucked.

Daphne leaned over Cassie and pressed their bodies together as the dildo twisted in the middle and formed a perfect 'Y' that allowed Daphne to ride it as a cowgirl as she and Cassie continued to make out in the middle of her bed. Tracey could only lay there prone as she was fucked by the movements of the other two and it didn't take long for the threesome to reach their mutual climaxes.

The name of the man of their affection escaped their lips in an erotic cry of pleasure as the three women creamed around the dildo together, their breaths erratic as they heaved together. Daphne moaned when she pulled her ass off and felt it slide out of her gushing pussy before laying back with a deep sigh.

"You're right, Trace," she whispered as she turned to look at the redhead who looked down at her, "I can't wait to get Harry."

Tracey chuckled, "Don't run ahead on your own. Remember our promise, right? All three of us will share him."

"Soon," Daphne whispered as she released a deep breath and laid back, her eyes closed and the thoughts of a certain emerald-eyed wizard on her mind.

To be continued...

Check out patreon.com/Vedros for early access and more of my work including character artworks. Chapter 26 is already up over there.

Thanks for reading.