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efe_Olu · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
15 Chs


The bell resonated through the corridors of the school, its chimes a clear indication that the day's lessons had concluded. Students began to pack up their belongings, ready to head home. Among them was Sean, methodically arranging his books and notebooks inside his bag. The sun's warm glow filtered through the windows, casting a calm ambiance over the classroom.

As Sean continued to gather his belongings, three figures approached him, their intentions far from friendly. Their names were Peter, Paul, and Pablo, known troublemakers within the school's walls.

"Hey, Sean, you wanna come have some fun with us after school?" Peter asked, his voice laced with a deceptive charm.

Sean merely glanced at them, his expression unreadable, and returned to his task. Ignoring them seemed to fuel Peter's annoyance, and he let out an exasperated sigh. Sean's indifference pushed him to the edge, prompting him to shove Sean forcefully. The sudden impact caused Sean to stumble, his belongings scattering across the floor in disarray.

The triumphant grin that spread across Peter's face echoed through the classroom, drawing curious glances from his classmates. "Look at you, Sean. Can't even handle a little push. You talk big about revenge, but you're nothing but a weakling," he taunted, his laughter ringing in the air.

Sean's anger surged within him, his hands trembling as he clenched his fists. He struggled to rein in his fury, reminding himself of the promise he had made to Sarah: no trouble on his first day. Despite the turmoil boiling within him, he managed to maintain control. "Are you planning to report us to the teacher?" Peter sneered.

Sean remained silent, resuming the task of picking up his scattered belongings. He hoped to diffuse the situation, avoiding any unnecessary confrontations. Yet, the three bullies refused to let up. Their frustration escalated, and they began kicking Sean's books and bag into the corners of the classroom, their actions a deliberate provocation.

The growing anger inside Sean reached a breaking point. He could no longer tolerate the humiliation and abuse. With a surge of determination, he launched a punch at Peter, fueled by a mix of rage and adrenaline.

Peter effortlessly sidestepped Sean's attack, his reflexes honed from countless confrontations. In a swift motion, he delivered a sharp uppercut to Sean's abdomen, the impact stealing Sean's breath and eliciting a pained cry. Sean's frustration intensified, driving him to launch another punch. Once again, Peter evaded the blow effortlessly.

Paul and Pablo watched from a distance, amused by Sean's futile attempts. They observed his struggle, noticing his inability to land a single hit on Peter. A wicked smirk played across their faces as they decided to remain on the sidelines, content to watch Sean's futile efforts.

Minutes ticked by, and Sean's physical state deteriorated. His body bore the marks of the altercation, his breathing labored and uneven. Despite the pain and exhaustion, Sean's resolve remained unshaken. Peter's mocking laughter only served to stoke the fire within him. "You haven't even seen the extent of my abilities," Peter jeered, his words dripping with disdain. "Were you really this weak all along? How do you plan to seek revenge in this sorry state?"

Sean's fury burned bright, overriding the pain that threatened to consume him. With sheer willpower, he mustered the strength to throw another punch at Peter. Each attempt seemed futile, but Sean was determined not to be defeated so easily.

Peter easily caught Sean's punch in his hand, his expression one of boredom. He yawned dramatically, his nonchalance a stark contrast to Sean's determination. "Boys, let's wrap this up. This guy's no fun," Peter announced with a dismissive wave, stepping away from Sean.

Paul and Pablo wasted no time. They closed in on Sean, their movements synchronized as they unleashed a barrage of kicks and punches. Sean's defense was feeble at best, his energy drained and his body battered. The torment seemed unending as they continued to mock him, their laughter ringing in his ears.

As Sean teetered on the brink of consciousness, a familiar voice echoed within his mind. "Do you desire power?" it whispered, its tone both sinister and enticing.

Sean's vision blurred, his mind muddled by pain and exhaustion. Yet, the voice cut through the haze, its question echoing in his thoughts. Without hesitation, he responded, his voice a desperate plea, "Yes, I want power."

A malevolent smirk laced the voice's reply, "Will you give me your soul and body at the end of your life?"

Driven by his thirst for revenge, Sean's voice trembled as he agreed, "Yes, I will. As long as it helps me achieve my revenge."

With those words, a chilling laugh resounded within Sean's mind, a pact sealed in darkness.

Time continued to slip away as Sean endured the onslaught from his tormentors. Unbeknownst to them, a transformation was taking place within him. A surge of dark energy enveloped his form, an otherworldly force manifesting from the depths of his anger and pain. The classroom seemed to tremble in response, as if nature itself recognized the burgeoning power.

A malicious grin stretched across Sean's lips, his eyes blazing with an eerie light. His voice dripped with a sinister undertone as he spoke, "I guess it's my turn now."

The air grew heavy with a palpable sense of foreboding, as Sean's newfound strength heralded a shift in the power dynamic.