

!Notice! I've moved the novel to a new one in order to participate in a contest. It will have the same name. Thank you for all your support! Link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/in-a-strength-based-society-i-am-the-strongest_19781300606367105 - When a mysterious creature crashes on Earth, it jump-starts a startling mutation in the genetic makeup of humans and the planet. This leads to what will be called the Awakened Era. With no external threat, will those with new powers remain subservient to the current system, or will they bring the downfall of society as we know it? Follow the story of Kairo, a college student who learns he can absorb the powers of other Awakened.

Corion · Fantasie
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8 Chs


I couldn't help but scream out in pain, screaming until no air was left. I felt like molten lava was flowing from my hand, slowly consuming every single cell in my body. I couldn't even breathe, I collapsed on the ground twitching like a fish on land.

My vision went dark, but that didn't stop the pain. I endured for god knows how long when suddenly, just as quickly as it started, it stopped.

I just laid on the floor, short rapid breaths filled my deprived lungs once again with air. I tried to open my eyes but something was covering my face, not just my face, my entire body felt like it was encased in some unknown substance.

I punched and kicked to free myself and crawl out. Looking back, I see that it was a dark red mixture of coagulated blood and other unknown fluids.

Disgusted, I rush to my bathroom to take a shower. I spent the next hour trying to brush and remove the blood and grime from my body.

Stepping out, I was once again shocked at my reflection in the mirror. A stranger looked back at me, long silver sapphire hair adorned a well-chiseled face, my black eyes seemed even darker, like an endless abyss.

'I look rather good' I thought as I posed a few times in front of the mirror.

Wait... no, how did I become like this? I ran my hand through my new hair, it doesn't feel synthetic...

Is this a result of me absorbing that crystal? I was way too many questions. I can't pinpoint exactly what changed and what I got from that ordeal.

Calming myself down with deep breaths another concern arose.

How can I go outside now, my ID pictures look so different from the current me. It's good that I didn't really have any friends after starting college or else I would be exposed.

I could just say this was the result of me awakening an ability, it's not as if I was the first one to experience such a dramatic change after receiving abilities.


My thoughts were interrupted by a sudden hunger. I got dressed in a t-shirt and shorts before heading towards my kitchen to prepare some ramen.


Several bowls of ramen later, well, more like my entire month's supply of ramen later, I was still hungry. I desired some meat, a steak sounded heavenly right about now.

Deciding to walk to the nearest supermarket and buy some food, I left.

The moment I stepped into the street, I drew quite a lot of gazes. Since I lived in a college town many students were commuting to and from classes.

I was feeling quite good due to all the attention from girls staring until I happened to overhear their conversations.

"Hey, is that like a new style?" Asked a girl to her friend.

"He's quite unique looking, but an old t-shirt with food stains, cargo shorts, and crocks are hardly a fashion statement than a complete disregard for his cleanliness." Replied her friend.

I haven't realized how well my hearing got until I focused and listened. But now I really want to find a closet to lock myself into.

I forgot to change before going out. Looking down, the oil stains caused by the ramen I inhaled earlier peppered my shirt.

Awkwardly covering the stains to the best of my ability I rushed towards the store. I was already halfway there and I wasn't one to give up in the face of adversity, even one as great as this.

However, when it rains it pours, a sports car pulled up right in front of me as I tried to rush across an intersection. Instinctively, in an attempt at self-preservation, I form an air cushion between me and the car.


It stopped just in time, leaving me standing there like a deer in headlights holding my hand up like some middle schooler pretending to use the force. Well, technically I can cause force like I phenomenons by manipulating the air but that's not the point.

I lower my hand feeling rather embarrassed.

"Sorry!" I yell at the driver, behind the heavily tinted windows.

"What the hell man, are you blind?" A young man poked his head out to vent.

But when he said that, I suddenly realized I wasn't the one in the wrong here. The walk sign clearly showed a little animated white stick figure walking, not to mention the man ran a red light.

"Hey young man, let's be reasonable here, you ran a red light almost hitting me, a pedestrian." An ingenious plan formed in my head, "Shouldn't I be compensated for the untold emotional distress you have caused?"

"What if I suddenly develop heart problems because of this?" I righteously lectured, "You could have ruined my bright future you know."

I went on and on jumping from PTSD to cancer, putting my two years' worth of university education to good use.

"I still have a wife and 7 children to feed at-" My sensitive ear suddenly picked up rustling noises followed by muffled yelling. Tracking the disturbance my eyes arrive at the trunk of the sports car where almost on cue, a loud banging was heard.

"Here, have your money, now get out of my way!" The now flustered and annoyed young man threw a few hundred dollar bills.

"Thank you, what a kind-hearted young man you are!" I gleefully replied and continued on my merry way to get the most expensive cut with the money I earned.

"And they say a communications degree is useless, ha!"

Looking at the passing car, I made a mental note of its license plate number before continuing my journey to get some food.

Ring. Ring.

"Hello, is this the police? I'd like to report a kidnapping."