
The Guild Master

"Hello, Peterkin," Crimson responded in a stern tone.

"It's good to see you again," Peterkin spoke, as Crimson started walking towards him. "Now, why have you come to visit me?"

"I need a favour," Crimson spoke, as he smacked his hand down on Peterkins' desk.

"And what would that be old friend?" Peterkin smirked, even wider then before.

"I need you to get someone a job," Crimson raised his head higher, looking down on the sitting Peterkin.

"And who would that be?" Peterkin responded, as the door to the room to suddenly opened.

When the door opened, it revealed a little girl standing at the edge, with Isabell standing behind her.

"Peterkin, meet Elicia, she's the person I want you to give a job to," Crimson pointed at Elicia.

As Crimson put down his arm, Elicia slowly stepped forward.

"So Elicia, how old are you?"Peterkin calmly asked, staring at the little human.

"I'm 13, sir," Elicia responded quickly, holding up her back stiffly.

"I think I could get you a job as a apprentice for someone, just tell me what you're interested in?" he thought out loud.

"I like... Archery! I like archery," she smiled with a wide smile.

"All right. I can probably have you become an apprentice archer. Would you like that?" He put his hand on his chin, then soon moving his view to Crimson. "Would that be okay, Lord Adar?"

"That would be fine, right Elicia?" Crimson stared at Elicia.

Elicia smiled widely and nodded. Peterkin reached down to the cabinet and pulled out some paper, and pen. He started writing and soon, it seemed as he had finished, and wrapped the paper in a red ribbon, which was sitting next to the paper he had placed down on the desk.

"Isabell, send this to Pylenor," Peterkin held out the letter to Isabell, as she nodded and walked over to the letter.

When she took the letter, she instantly walked out of the room, and could be heard walking out of the castle.

"When another letter returns to me, I'll find and tell you. Just stay inside of town for a little while, please?" he smiled mischievously.

"Fine, see you soon Peterkin," Crimson turned his back, waving with the back of his hand.

Crimson started walking out of the room, Elicia soon running to catch up with him.

"Looks like we're staying in town for a while," Crimson spoke as the pair left the castle.

"But we don't have anywhere to stay?" Elicia questioned.

Crimson started walking, as he signaled for Elicia to follow him. The well-dressed people once again surrounded the two. The loudness of the people's chatter, echoed throughout the kingdom. Elicia started shivering and quivering from the talk around her. Crimson faced his head, and vision towards the young girl. He saw her body shake, and her eyes widened with fear of the noise. Crimson stopped himself, and the girl.

"What's wrong-?" she was cut off from Crimson suddenly picked her up. "Eh! Lord Adar! What are you doing?!"

"You looked scared by the noise, and I thought if I carry you, then we could get out of this area quicker," he spoke as he began to walk forwards again, clearly walking faster then before.

The noise suddenly raced back into Elicia's ears, causing her to shake and shiver even more then before. Crimson started to feel her shaking, and so he had his feet started to speed up. His walking turned into jogging, and that jogging turned into running. Soon enough, they reached a less populated area, where the noise decreased. Crimson had now noticed that Elicia's fear had depleted. He sat her down on the ground, leaving her back to rest on the wall.

"You didn't have to do that!" Elicia yelled at Crimson.

"I couldn't have you shaking in front of a giant crowd like that," Crimson sat in front of Elicia, with his legs crossed.

"You running while holding a child would make a bigger scene!" she pouted.

"We're in the main city now! Here's something for you to learn. Everyone here is such a snob, that no one cares!" he yelled with an angry tone, as he closed his eyes, "Take it from me! No one will care if someone is running through the streets!"

When Crimson opened his eyes, he noticed Elicia's eyes were full of fear, and shock.

"I'm sorry for yelling, kid. I just..." he took a breath, calming down his voice. "Never mind, lets just go find an Inn..."

Crimson started standing up, leaving his hand in front of him, to allow help for Elicia. Crimson was expecting for Elicia to take his hand, and use it to stand up, but as he finally stood up straight, he noticed that Elicia was already standing up.

"Let's go..." she whimpered.

Crimson let his hand fall back on his side, and once again took the lead. They walked through less crowded area, soon reaching an Inn, that was known as "The Clawed Crow." They entered the Inn, seeing men and women drinking, along with the smell of smoked pig hovering around the room. They started to approach the main bar, where the bartender was cleaning some glasses.

"Welcome to The Clawed Crow, my name's Aymeri! What can I do for you today?" Aymeri smiled at the pair.

"We need a room, two beds," Crimson flipped 3 gold coins at Aymeri.

The Inn keeper nodded his head, and crouched under the counter, grabbing a key. When he stood back up, and dropped it into Crimson's hand.

"Have a good night!" Aymeri smiled.

Crimson nodded in response. Crimson started walking towards the stairs, as Elicia slowly followed behind him. The steps creaked underneath their feet. When they reached the top of the stairs, they saw a long corridor that had 6 doors, that each led to their own rooms. Crimson brought the key up to his face, seeing the number "6," engraved on it. Crimson continued down the hall, and walked until he reached the very last door on the end of the corridor. Elicia stayed close behind Crimson, but still clearly had an annoyed expression, not lifting her vision of the wooden floor boards. Crimson put the key inside of the keyhole, and twisted it. He pushed the door open, revealing a small room, that had a bookshelf to one side, and two singular beds, separated by side tables. On the wall next to the door, was another door, that led to the bathroom. Elicia ducked under Crimson's arm, and sat down on the far back bed, that was next to the large window, that would cast down on the roads and people below. They stayed in silence almost the entire day, the only time the two spoke was when Crimson asked Elicia what she wanted for dinner. When Crimson came out of the bath, after they had already ate dinner, Crimson sat next to Elicia, still drying off his hair with a towel.

"Are you alright? You haven't been talking all day," Crimson stared down Elicia.

"I don't like yelling..." Elicia pushed her legs up to her chin, and wrapped her arms around her knees.

"I'm sorry, I yelled. I just lost my cool," Crimson stared below him, soon closing his eyes.

Elicia giggled, holding the backside of her hand up to her mouth. Crimson opened his eyes, and stared at Elicia with confusion.

"You said you lost your cool. And you're the fire dragon!" Elicia giggled.

"Okay! That was a really bad joke!" Crimson laughed as he nudged her arm, with his elbow.

The two laughed together at the poorly made joke. The moon had finally began casting down on the city below.