
Morsus Frigus

Morsus Frigus is a vampire that works within a group called the "Ordo Noctis" or the "Night Order", which is a group of vampires that are "birthed" to keep balance in the realm of Earth, by either defending a near extinct species or to wipe out an overpopulated species or to kill hell-spawn. In the beginning, Morsus Frigus is an obedient servant of the Ordo Noctis, but a strange event happens in one of his missions that makes him question who he is and the worlds he lives in. Join him in his journey and discover what a sick and twisted and chaotic reality his existence really is as he tries to understand himself and make difficult choices that will change his very universe.

GALOR · Fantasie
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9 Chs

Chapter 1

I venture into the cavern, where my quarry hides, an inhospitable domain shrouded in darkness. The slippery terrain, festooned with mould and moss, proves treacherous to most, yet I, an entity beyond the realms of humanity, navigate it effortlessly. The pitch-black confines of the cave offer no hindrance to my sight; the darkness holds no dominion over me. As I proceed, the scent of fresh blood wafts through the air, unmistakably human.

In a secluded corner, the wretched creature rests—a grotesque manifestation wrought from the depths of hell—a wendigo. A macabre blend of deer, werewolf, and human, it exudes strength akin to an elephant and swiftness rivaling a cheetah. A vile aberration, born from the twisted machinations of infernal servants tampering with nature's design. An abhorrent sight deserving only of extermination.

Seizing the opportunity, I advance upon the beast, maneuvering stealthily to gain a tactical advantage. My slender, ebony-hued blade emerges from its sheath, finding its mark as I drive it into the wendigo's back. A dreadful howl echoes through the cavern, a demonic cacophony that rends the silence, yet fails to deter my resolve. Despite my inflictions, the monstrosity rises, towering with eyes ablaze in a fervor of fury. "It should succumb soon," I muse, preparing for the inevitable clash.

A tense standoff ensues, both the wendigo and I locked in a momentary impasse, the air pregnant with an unsettling silence, marred only by the creature's labored breaths. A fireball could easily dispatch it, but I opt to test my martial skills. A rare chance to engage a worthy adversary, even if it's a loathsome demon, undeserving of a swift demise, if indeed these creatures feel at all.

My attempts to goad the wendigo into action prove futile; it displays an unexpected intelligence, belying my initial estimation. Deciding against prolonging the confrontation, I press forth with a swift strike to its chest, an act that only incenses it further. The beast charges with remarkable speed, a desperate lunge met by my nimble evasion, resulting in a resounding collision with the cavern wall. A mirthful chuckle escapes me as I observe its futile efforts.

In a sudden burst of aggression, it renews its assault, aiming to claw me down, yet each attempt meets deft evasion. Seizing an opportune moment, I launch forward, plunging my blade into its skull with precision, a calculated strike met with a howl of agony. "Perhaps these creatures do feel," I acknowledge, only for it to retaliate unexpectedly. The wendigo circles, a display of erratic behavior that catches me off guard, culminating in a surprise leap that subdues me.

Caught unawares, I grapple with the overwhelming force pinning me down, contemplating my options amidst the struggle. Wrestling with the demon's relentless assault, a flicker of hesitation crosses my mind—a temptation to employ a certain power. "Not yet," I resolve, dismissing the notion. Summoning every ounce of strength, I muster a staggering feat, lifting myself under the immense weight. The wendigo, desperate to crush me, leaps off in panic, affording me a fleeting moment to regain my stance.

Retrieving my blade, I stand poised, watching the defeated creature cower in a corner, an acknowledgment of its inevitable demise. A fierce gaze conveys my contempt, instilling terror in its waning spirit. With a futile attempt to flee, it meets an inevitable fate as I swiftly cleave it in twain. Its form crumples in a grotesque trail, marking the conclusion of my grim task.

With a weary sigh, I sheathe my blade, tethered by an enchanted chain, securing it close. "My work here is done," I acknowledge, reaching for a small, crimson crystal orb nestled in my pocket. As it radiates with intensity, enveloping me in its luminescence, I am whisked away to a different realm—a realm teeming with vampires—the realm I call home.