
More to Me - Pregame Saioma - Danganronpa V3

Oma Kokichi gets lost in an alley during a power outage. He meets a man named Saihara Shuichi, who is happy to help him out. The stranger claims they go to the same school. He's kind, handsome, and into one of Oma's favorite fandoms. What could go wrong?

Imperial_Halsell · Videospiele
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7 Chs

1. Wonderfully wrong, Horribly Right.

I walked through the dark alley. I took this obscure route through alleys to avoid people I didn't like. A serial killer podcast played in my ears, warning me to run away from anyone wearing a gas mask. Apparently, this new serial killer was killing people with deadly gas. The GPS on my phone shone brightly in the damp, dark space.

Until it didn't.

I scrolled up, reloading the page. I was met with a blank screen with simple text: No internet connection. I looked up and sighed. The alley forked in front of me.

"Shit." I mumbled. "W-Which way was it?"

I stared at the identical paths before deciding on one of them. I'm about to get lost, I thought to myself.

Turns out, I was right. I stumbled through the alley, not recognizing anything around me.

After a while, I checked the time. 4:30, no wi-fi, and I was still lost. The lights that usually lit the area were all dark. I'm guessing there was some sort of blackout. Maybe a car drove into a power line?

Some shuffling and groaning coming from one of the alleys shook me out of my thoughts. I peered around the corner and saw a guy my age. He was wearing a black suit and a matching hat that covered and framed his face. His hair was a dark navy, almost like the night sky. He dragged a trashbag to a dumpster and hauled it over his shoulder. It was dark, but I thought I saw trail of pink following the suspicious bag.

I hid behind the corner, sliding down on the wall. Is he...hiding a body? Did he kill someone? What's going on? Why can't I move? Am I seriously frozen in fear? Doesn't that only happen in movies and fanfiction?

I tried to collect my thoughts. Okay. I just need to get up and walk away. I tried to move, but my heart was going a mile a minute. I just need to get up...and walk away...get up...and...

"Oh. Well, hello there." I heard a voice say. The man from before stood beside me. He smiled and crouched down, sitting next to my still-frozen body. "Are you lost?"

I turned to look him in the eyes. They were a light gray. His smile was eerily warm, for someone hiding a body at least. No, I must have been imagining things. He couldn't have... right? I felt a little less anxious.

"Oh, where are my manners? My name's Saihara."

" O-Oma. My wi-fi shut d-down a while ago...I-I guess I am lost."

"Same here. I was trying to get home from school and...well, here I am."

"I see."

"But, hey, don't worry!" He stood up and stretched a hand out to me. "We can be lost together, if you'd like."

I stared at his out-stretched hand. He has a warm smile, a calm demeanor, and, well, he is pretty handsome. Maybe I'm just paranoid. Everyone likes company in odd situations. What could go wrong?


He pulled me off the ground. "Which way did you come from?"

I pointed in the general direction, and he marched over. When I didn't follow, he turned to me and asked, "You coming?"

"Y-Yeah... just give me a sec..." I picked up my bookbag and followed the handsome man. "Saihara, right?"

"Yep. So...how has your day been?"

"Do y-you want honesty or small talk?"

He laughed at my blunt response. It was an unfairly lovely laugh."I'm guessing that means not so great. Did something happen?"

"Nothing unusual, o-other than the sudden wi-fi shut-down."

"Ah, so everyday isn't great. Relatable."

He catches on quickly. "Well, you probably d-don't want to hear me complain. What a-about you?"

"Eh..." He said quietly. "Today was boring, which to be honest, is the worst kind of day."

"At least you d-didn't have a horrible day." I smiled.

"I get better sleep when a day has been exhausting. I'm restless when it's boring."

"Ah, I-" I tripped over a lose piece of gravel.

Saihara grabbed my shoulders with lightning speed. He helped me regain my balance with ease. "Woah, you okay?"

"I-I'm fine, but..." My bag was knocked out of my hands, and all my things spilled out. I scrambled to get my drawings off the ground, but it was too late. Saihara picked up a spare page and stared at it for a moment.

"The anatomy here is great. I suck at anatomy..." He mumbled.

"A-Anatomy is hard..." I agreed. "But I had to draw Kyoko perfect, it's what she deserves." I said, regretting the words as soon as they left my mouth. Danganronpa wasn't the most revered show.

"Omigod, it's been so long since the first season, I almost didn't recognize my old fan favorite! I am ashamed."

"Don't be...I drew her in Celeste's outfit." I freaked internally. He's hot, he's strong, and a Danganronpa fan? God, if there is one, please make this guy not have issues.

"Celesgiri, nice. I can't wait to get the 52 game, I've got the entire series. I'm a...bit of a fan, hahah." He rubbed the back of his neck and made an adorable little awkward smile. Not fair.

"My parents never let me get the games..." I said wistfully.

"No. Fucking. Way. You've never played the games?"

"U-Unfortunetly, I haven't."

"We need to get you caught up before season 52 comes out. This is an emergency."

I gave him a smile. "That would be so nice." My smile dissolved. "I...wish I could."

He tilted his head in confusion. "Why not?"

I turned away so he couldn't see my frown. "I have...other plans." I lied. I really wanted to hang out with this stranger more, but my foster mother had other plans for me.

"Hmmm...well, we could try. I'd really like to hang out with you more, Oma-chan."

"Me t-too...wait, chan?!" My face flushed with embarrassment.

He let out a good laugh and stood up. I placed the last few things in my bag as he stretched his hand out to me once more. "Sorry, I just had a feeling that you'd look super cute embarrassed, hah. Guess I was right."

I took his hand and lifted myself up, playfully punching his arm. "I'm not that cute." I pouted.

"Right, you're super scary and mean, huh?"

"Y-yeah. I'm the meanest." We started walking in no particular direction.

"I feel like I've seen you before...Where do you go to school?"

"H-Hope's peak."

"Well, that explains it. We go to the same school."

"Now that you mention it, I've s-seen you hanging out with Harukawa-san."

"I guess we can hang out, huh?"

My heart fluttered. Dammit, how did I get a crush do fast?

"I-I guess we can."

"Hey, you two."

I turned to see a mean-looking man. He had an ugly sneer and his arms were crossed. His hair was a dark black, and he looked rather rugged. His brown eyes pierced through the darkness. "This is me and my gang's territory. Get lost."

I shuddered at his words. Saihara saw this and put his hand in mine. He turned to the man as I noticed more people surrounding us.

"Well, that's the thing. We are lost. If you could point us out of the alleys, we would gladly be on our way."

"Hold on, boss." One of the guys walked closer to us. He smiled like a creep. "These might be spies from our rival. We shouldn't risk being tricked."

"Good point. What do you think, boys?"

I felt Saihara's hand tense up. I looked up at his face to see a deadly glare. Oh shit-


"Oma. When I say go, run as fast as you can. Don't look back." He ordered in a hushed tone.

The boss man was still talking. "It seems my boys don't want you to leave. I just hope there's enough of the both of you to go around."

Saihara's glare deepened. "Okay, I'm done being nice. Listen ass-face. If you or any of your grimy friends lay a finger on him..." His voice lowered as he gave them a sickening grin. "I will crush your skulls under my heel."

For a second, the man seemed a bit frightened. Then, he laughed heartily. "Fiery, huh? Are you trying to protect your boy-toy?"

The group of goons began to circle us. I shuddered and hid behind Saihara.


Word count: 1418