
No comparison for greatness

Lady Kaoma let out a long exaggerated sigh not caring who thought her an uncivilized and uncouth human lacking in proper social etiquette.

She had hoped his brother Prince Reginald would have had a sweet disposition like Maxixe's sister Lady Carlene but instead he was the total opposite.

Now Prince Reginald started to display signs of a temperament she found unattractive in men.

Starting with his overall fussiness; he paid great attention to detail and criticized everything down to the way the waiter served him a glass of champagne. 

She had zero intention of divulging any information about her personal affairs.

As far as she was concerned Prince Reginal needed to mind his own business and not stick his nose where it did not concern him.

Clearly he was fishing for information, so her only concern now was how to politely bring that point across with causing serious offense to Prince Reginald.