
Moonlit Temptations: The Divine Ascendance

Yue Wang Zhi (Yue Xuan), blessed with ethereal beauty and the legacy of his renowned parents, embarks on a treacherous journey in a realm where desire and cultivation intertwine. Transported to a mysterious realm, he finds himself in the embrace of the Forbidden Lotus Sect, where dual cultivation reigns supreme. Armed with a special system and a sword prowess honed in the Moon Palace, Yue Xuan must navigate the intricate web of seduction, power, and spiritual ascent. As he ascends the ladder of cultivation, Yue Xuan encounters alluring elders and disciples who are both captivated and envious of his divine aura. Yet, haunted by the shadows of his parents' reputations, he must tread carefully, balancing the pursuit of pleasure with the pursuit of true power. With his mother's wisdom guiding his steps and his father's legacy shaping his desires, Yue Xuan faces trials and temptations that threaten to consume him. In this world of swirling desires, can Yue Xuan harness his unique beauty, unlock the secrets of dual cultivation, and carve his own path to greatness? Join him on a mesmerizing journey where he must conquer both the realm's challenges and the depths of his own heart to rise above all, becoming a legend in the realm of Moonlit Temptations. _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Cover art disclaimer: The cover art used in this book is for illustrative purposes only. The copyright and ownership of the cover art belong to the respective artist(s) and/or copyright holder(s). The author of this novel does not claim ownership of the cover art and acknowledges that if the artist or copyright holder wishes for the cover art to be removed or replaced, they will comply with their request promptly. Were my novel to garner more popularity, I will make an effort to get my own cover art made. As I would have other illustrations made.

TheLast_AshenOne · Ost
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30 Chs

24 A Deal is a Deal

Outside Yue Xuan's room, the gathering of courtesans had swelled, the air thick with whispers and anticipation. The women huddled together in small groups, their voices hushed as they exchanged excited murmurs.

"Have you heard? Yue Xuan has achieved a breakthrough," one courtesan whispered, her eyes shining with awe.

"Yes, I sensed the shift in energy. It's as if the entire pavilion is vibrating with his power," another replied, her voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and admiration.

"I can't help but wonder what realm he has reached. The aura surrounding his room is intoxicating," a third courtesan chimed in, her gaze fixed on the closed door.

Rumors and speculations floated through the crowd, each courtesan eagerly sharing their thoughts and theories. Some whispered of incredible feats and unmatched strength, while others spoke of the transformative power of pleasure and cultivation.

The room buzzed with excitement, the atmosphere charged with anticipation and curiosity. The courtesans exchanged glances, their eyes sparkling with excitement as they awaited any sign of Yue Xuan's emergence from his room. The air was filled with a mix of nervous energy and an undercurrent of desire, as the women's thoughts turned toward the man who had captivated their hearts and imaginations.

As the whispers and hushed conversations continued, the atmosphere suddenly shifted, the air becoming charged with anticipation. All eyes turned towards the source of the sound, the door of Yue Xuan's room, as it swung open.

In that moment, time seemed to stand still as Yue Xuan stepped into the doorway, his presence commanding attention. The room fell silent, and the courtyard filled with a collective gasp.

Yue Xuan stood before them, his robes open, revealing his sculpted physique, adorned with lean and chiseled abs that glistened under the soft glow of the lanterns. The sight of his refined muscles sent a wave of longing coursing through the crowd, causing a chorus of flushed faces and shy smiles.

His hair, usually neatly tied, cascaded down in loose strands, adding an air of untamed allure to his appearance. The women, including the mistress herself, couldn't help but blush, captivated by his confident demeanor and the enticing glimpse of his masculine form.

Whispers of admiration and longing reverberated through the crowd, punctuated by soft gasps and delicate giggles. It was as if the very essence of desire had materialized in front of them, leaving the courtesans spellbound and yearning for more.

Yue Xuan's eyes surveyed the gathered courtesans, a subtle smirk gracing his lips. He exuded a magnetic charisma, a presence that drew the gaze of every woman present. The moment lingered, charged with a heady mix of excitement and desire, as the courtesans found themselves captivated by the man who had ignited their passions and fantasies.

The courtyard was enveloped in a momentary silence, broken only by the sound of racing hearts and shallow breaths. The air crackled with an undeniable tension, as if the entire pavilion held its collective breath, eager to witness the next chapter of this captivating encounter.

Yue Xuan's voice, laced with a hint of amusement, cut through the silence, shattering the spell that had enveloped the courtyard. "Mistress Li Xing," he spoke, his words carrying an air of confidence, "I believe we have matters to discuss, particularly concerning the reward I am owed."

Li Xing, the mistress of the pavilion, was taken aback by his directness, her cheeks flushing with a mix of surprise and embarrassment. She averted her gaze, momentarily unable to meet his piercing eyes, leaving the assembled courtesans in a state of shock and curiosity.

Regaining her composure, Li Xing finally responded, her voice tinged with a hint of nervousness. "Yue Xuan, you have surpassed all expectations tonight. I... I apologize for any oversight on my part. Let us discuss your reward in private."

With that, she motioned for Yue Xuan to enter his room, a mixture of curiosity and speculation flickering in the eyes of the courtesans. The atmosphere was charged with intrigue and anticipation as they watched the pair disappear behind the door, their minds filled with a whirlwind of questions and vivid imaginations.

Inside the room, the air was heavy with unspoken desires and uncharted territories.

Yue Xuan gracefully settled back onto the couch, his posture exuding a sense of ease and confidence. His robes, intentionally left open, revealed more of his sculpted physique, emphasizing his lean muscles and enticing curves. As he reclined, the sight of his alluring form caused Li Xing's blush to deepen, her cheeks a delicate shade of pink, reflecting the mix of excitement and apprehension coursing through her.

With a shy yet determined demeanor, Li Xing took a seat in front of him, her own gaze shifting between admiration and a lingering hint of uncertainty. The atmosphere in the room grew palpable, charged with a potent mix of attraction and curiosity.

Time seemed to slow as their eyes met, a subtle tension filling the space between them. The unspoken desires and hidden longings danced in the air, drawing them closer, while the weight of anticipation hung heavily, urging them to explore the uncharted territories of their connection.

In this intimate moment, the unyielding allure of Yue Xuan's presence mingled with the delicate vulnerability etched on Li Xing's face, creating an intoxicating blend of emotions.

he tension that hung in the air was abruptly cut by Yue Xuan's softly spoken words, his voice carrying a hint of anticipation and a touch of playfulness. "So, Mistress Li Xing," he began, his eyes locked with hers, "shall we discuss the matter of my reward?"

Li Xing's blush deepened at his direct question, momentarily taken aback by the sudden shift in their conversation. She averted her gaze for a brief moment, her heart racing with a mixture of embarrassment and excitement. Gathering her composure, she mustered the courage to meet his gaze once again, her eyes shining with a blend of curiosity and a newfound resolve.

With a gentle yet nervous smile, Li Xing replied, "Yue Xuan, you have surpassed my expectations and proven yourself in more ways than one. It is only fair that you be duly rewarded for your remarkable achievements. Let us discuss what you desire as your reward."

"Did you forget? You said that if I succeeded, you would become mine. Was that not the deal?" Yue Xuan's words hung in the air, a gentle reminder of the agreement they had made. Li Xing's eyes widened, her breath catching in her throat as she realized the weight of her previous promise. She had indeed offered herself as his reward, but she had never truly expected him to succeed. Now faced with the reality of his triumph, her heart raced with a mixture of fear and anticipation.

"I-I didn't think y-you would actually succeed," Li Xing stuttered, her voice barely above a whisper. She couldn't bring herself to meet his gaze, feeling a mix of vulnerability and uncertainty. The room seemed to hold its breath, as if waiting for her response.

Yue Xuan's expression softened, his defeated smile conveying a sense of understanding. "I see," he replied, his tone tinged with a hint of disappointment. "If you don't want to, that is alright. You have already given me a lot."

Li Xing's head snapped up, her eyes wide with realization and a tinge of panic. The thought of losing this opportunity overwhelmed her, and she quickly turned towards Yue Xuan, her voice filled with urgency. "N-no! That's not it!" she exclaimed, her words rushing out in a blur. "I would gladly be yours!"

As the weight of her declaration settled upon her, Li Xing's cheeks flushed with embarrassment. She had spoken her true desires without filter, baring her vulnerable heart to the man who had captivated her.

Yue Xuan's eyes gleamed with a hint of amusement as he observed Li Xing's embarrassed state. Her flushed face and the way she had hastily expressed her willingness to be his sent a flutter through his heart. He couldn't help but find her endearing in that moment, her vulnerability and genuine desire shining through.

"She is kind of cute like this," he mused to himself, a small smile playing on his lips. It was a rare sight to witness the Mistress of the Pink Blossom Pavilion flustered and unguarded, and he couldn't deny the charm it held for him. There was something captivating about her earnestness, a genuine spark that ignited a sense of intrigue within him.

Yue Xuan gracefully rose from his seat, his gaze fixed on Li Xing as she stammered in surprise. He approached her slowly, his movements deliberate and confident. With each step, her heart quickened, uncertainty mingling with anticipation.

"W-what are you doing?" she managed to stutter, her voice barely audible.

Yue Xuan sat down next to her, his presence enveloping her in warmth. Leaning closer, he whispered in her ear, his breath sending shivers down her spine. "Then from this point on... you are mine."

His words hung in the air, carrying a weight that resonated within her. Li Xing's heart fluttered, her cheeks flushed with a mixture of trepidation and excitement. The realization of what she had just agreed to, of the depths she was willing to delve into, ignited a flame within her.

Yue Xuan, his body still tingling with the remnants of his breakthrough, stood up from the couch. He turned to Li Xing, his expression serene. "Now, I'm going to sleep if you don't mind," he uttered calmly.

As he moved to remove his robes, they gracefully slid off his shoulders, revealing his sculpted physique. Without a second thought, he fell onto the bed, succumbing to a deep slumber. The suddenness of his actions left Li Xing in a state of shock, her eyes widening at the sight before her.

A moment of disbelief passed, followed by a smile that slowly spread across her face. She couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement and anticipation. "To fall asleep so abruptly, he must have been exhausted," she thought to herself. "To think I am one of his women now... Well, a deal is a deal. This deal worked in my favor though. I am glad he will become my first."

A soft sigh escaped her lips as she placed a hand over her chest, feeling the quickened beat of her heart. The realization of the path she had chosen, the new role she would play in Yue Xuan's life, filled her with a mix of nervousness and eagerness. She had embraced the unknown, willingly venturing into uncharted territory.

Leaving the room, Li Xing was greeted by the numerous courtesans who awaited her return with bated breath. Their eyes were filled with curiosity and excitement, their expressions a mix of envy and admiration.

Li Xing, her heart filled with a newfound sense of purpose, stood before the gathered courtesans with a calm yet resolute expression. The murmurs and whispers of anticipation ceased as all eyes turned to her.

"My dear sisters," Li Xing began, her voice carrying with a mix of excitement and authority, "I have an announcement to make. I have become Yue Xuan's partner, and I have chosen to follow him on this path of love and cultivation."

A wave of surprise and curiosity swept through the crowd, the courtesans exchanging glances and leaning in to catch every word. Li Xing continued, her voice unwavering, "I know many of you have also shared moments of intimacy and connection with Yue Xuan, and I understand the depths of your desires. Therefore, I extend an invitation to each and every one of you. If your heart longs to join him, to embark on a journey filled with passion and possibility, you may express your intentions."

She paused, her gaze sweeping across the gathered courtesans. "However, I must be honest and say that I cannot promise that Yue Xuan will accept all who come forward. His heart is a complex tapestry, and his choices are his own. But I believe in the power of love and the strength of our desires. So, if your heart calls out to him, do not be afraid to take a step forward."

Li Xing's words hung in the air, the atmosphere charged with anticipation. Some courtesans exchanged glances, their expressions hopeful, while others pondered the weight of such a decision. Li Xing herself stood tall, her gaze unwavering, ready to embrace the possibilities that lay ahead.

In that moment, the Pink Blossom Pavilion was filled with a sense of audacious desire and unspoken yearning. The courtesans contemplated the path they would take, their destinies intertwined with the enigmatic man who had captured their attention and ignited their desires.

As Li Xing concluded her announcement, she stepped back, allowing the courtesans to process her words and make their own decisions. It was a moment of choice, of daring to follow their hearts and seize the chance for a deeper connection. The Pink Blossom Pavilion brimmed with both uncertainty and excitement, as the courtesans contemplated the possibilities that lay before them.