
Chapter 5

I stumbled into the restroom to pee. When I was done, I washed my hands and brushed my hair with my hands. As I stepped out, a hand clasped my mouth from behind and took me in another direction. I struggled against his grip and even tried to scream but it was all futile. With the music blaring in the hall it would be hard for even the bouncer a few feet from me to hear and being drunk too did not help. I have never been this drunk before and though I was beginning to like the feeling, now I just feel angry at myself.

"If you shout, I will kill you" He threatened as we stepped out of the club from the back door or a secret door, I am not sure. Maybe a secret back door.

He removed his hands from my mouth and as I tried to run, he was quick to notice my intention because he grabbed me by the hand even before I could take two steps and shoved me to the ground.

"Do not play smart with me, girl" he warned. If it wasn't his deep voice that caused me to shudder then it is the lack of emotion in it. This part of the club was dark and deserted and I was too drunk to run, so I did one stupid thing. I screamed. I tried to cover my mouth but I slapped his hands away and tried to move away from him. But he grabbed my legs and slapped me hard across the head and the next I saw was blackness.

I woke up later with a terrible headache and could barely open my eyes. I just lay in the moving car, wincing. The bump on the road wasn't helping at all.

I stared at the foggy image of the man driving, he kept shouting profanity at someone, aggravating the pain in my head. I tried moving but my hands were tied.

I groaned in pain when he wouldn't stop screaming. He turned to me when he heard the sound and looked back at the side mirror.

" You're awake" he affirmed. He stopped talking but kept glancing at the mirror. The speed he was driving at was quite alarming and I looked in his direction to see three cars on our tail.

" Who are you?" I asked as my vision started to clear. "Andrew?"

"Yes, it is me," he answered. I waited for him to explain why I was in the backseat of his car with my hand tied but he didn't say anything instead he smiled at me and kept glancing at the side mirror.

" Ok? So why am I in your car tied and who are those after you? " I asked.

"They are not after me, they are after you, I am only trying to help you," he said, not taking his eyes off the road as he accelerated his speed. My eyes not only widened at the speed but also at the answer. Me? That's a lie, all of it.

"Why are they after me and why am I tied?" I threw questions at him, and the memories of last night came running to my head. " You abducted me, why?"

He was silent. I knew he was lying. I turned back to see the car was closer than before. I was confused. On one hand, I was with a kidnapper and struggling to escape, and on the other hand, there were people after him, or was it me?

I just wanted to wake up from this on my comfy bed with Michael's arm around me. Then I remembered the bastard cheated on me.

I shouldn't be thinking about this in the middle of this hodgepodge. The car jerks forward violently taking me along with it. I hit the back of the passenger seat and the headache surged forward.

So help me God, if I lay my hands on Andrew.

I groggily raised my head as the sound of cars screeching disturbed my ears and smoke filled the car. There were shards of glass on my body. I began coughing as smoke filled my lungs.

" I told you to be careful. You could have killed her." A man shouted outside.

"That guy is not going to be knocked out now if I didn't" someone answered shouting as well.

The back seat door opened and a blonde man came into view. He cursed as he saw me covered in glass pieces.

He managed to carry me out of the car without much cut. I didn't even struggle as he dropped me in the backseat of one of the three black Mercedes. Andrew's car was smashed at the front by one of the cars and he lay unconscious on the steering wheel, though he wasn't bleeding nor was any cut on his face, at least none that I could see.

"Who are you? And where are you taking me?" I asked in a hoarse voice from coughing a lot.

" Hold your question, we are somewhere safe." The driver said looking in the side mirror, I followed his gaze, and behind us was Andrew's car.

"Who are you? And where are you taking me? " I repeated. At this point, I was drowned in confusion. I wanted to escape but then I was too weak and my hands were tied. I looked at the other men in the car. The one in the passenger seat just ignored me. So I turned to the people behind me.

" We will tell you but not now. You are not in the right state of mind."

" Can you untie me?" I gave him one of my pity faces. The blonde man looked at me, then my tied hands, and back at me. Just when I thought he gave in, he shook his head.

" No, I think you are fine this way." he said, " I wonder why the idiot didn't gag you as well" he mumbled. I took a deep breath to stop myself from retorting because I knew better.

" Just tell me why you want me. Who are you people?"

" We are not humans"

Oh oh