
Chapter 1

I walked through the deserted road, the hairs on my skin standing erect as I felt eyes lurking in the dark watching me. My hands were clammy from anxiety and the faint ray from the red moon illuminating the road didn't help. I couldn't wait to get home.

I heard footsteps behind me, my heart quickened, as well as my feet. The step behind me imitated my pace, I wanted to see who it was but I was too scared to look back instead I increased my pace and before I knew it I was running.

" Stop"

An unfamiliar voice order but I didn't. I kept running but then I started feeling a clammy hand brush against my side trying to grasp me. The footstep behind me was closer and I increased my speed trying to put as much distance as possible between us.

I felt whispers at my sides, warning me to stop and it wasn't until I caught a glimpse of the creatures in the shadow that I realized I was in danger. The hands of vile creatures tried to stop me and I struggled against their grips. At this point I didn't know where I was, all I knew was I needed to get this creature off my track. Though I couldn't see where I was going because my eyes were filled with tears I could make out a small cabin not too far from where I was.

Before I could sigh in relief I bumped into something hard. It felt strange but I couldn't make out the form even in the faint glow of the moon the only thing I could see was its eyes. Its green orb stared deep at me like he looking into my soul, but what scared me more at that moment was the warmth of safety that engulfed me.


I stirred in my uncomfortable position looking for a good position.

" Eve," the annoying voice called again and I was going to ignore it when I realized where I was and shot up. I looked up and I was relieved to see it was Lydia who had caught me napping, just to be sure I looked around me to check if any other person had witnessed me sleeping on duty, and thankfully none.

" You didn't sleep much last night did you?" She asked and I nodded. She looked down at me with pity, " I am sorry for disturbing you last night I just wanted to talk to someone about it."

" It's fine" I smiled exhaustingly.

She had called me at 1:30 in the morning crying on the phone and complaining about her boyfriend, which she was fond of doing by the way. I couldn't make out all that she said because she was crying and her voice was breaking but all I heard was that her boyfriend had broken up with her. I am not a bad friend but I am surprised the relationship lasted a year. I always told her that the guy didn't love her but she thought I just didn't like him because he had a lot of piercings, he even pierced his lip. Yuck!

What she didn't know was that I was awake even before she called because of a dream I had been having these past weeks. I told her and my boyfriend, Michael but they just waved me off and told me it was just a dream. I would have believed them if it didn't keep reoccurring. Every time the dream feels more real than the former and sometimes it is hard to tell what's real and what isn't. The only difference between this dream and the ones I have had in the past was this strange shadow. The one with the calm green eyes.

"Are you still coming over tonight?" Lydia asked snapped my attention back to her.

I looked up at her confused, trying to remember when I agreed to go over to her place. " Today?"

" Yes, you promised me a girls' night remember?" I nodded because I didn't want to argue with her, knowing Lydia she made the promise for me and all I had to say was yes. She smiled and walked past with a file I didn't notice was in her hand before. I slumped back on my chair and released a deep breath.

The dream has been messing with my sleep and sanity. I hardly sleep at night and I can feel myself losing weight each day, the bag under my eyes is getting more prominent.

Fortunately, the day went by quickly and my shift ended. I quickly grabbed my bag and walked quickly to the elevator. On every other day, I made sure I changed before going home but I was so exhausted and just wanted to lay on my bed or Lydia's, any bed.

The cloud was bleak. Outside, the cold wind whipped violently against the glass exit door. I already called Michael in between shifts to tell him I wouldn't be coming home, but then I realized I didn't have clean underwear. I adjusted the coat that I wore on my scrub and used the hood to cover my blonde hair and face from the harsh wind. I ran to my car and stepped in, dropping down the hood and igniting the engine. I drove out of the parking lot of the Grove Heights Hospital where I work and onto the road on my way home.

It took me fifteen minutes to get home. I parked in front of the house and quickly ran to the front door. I removed the key from my bag and unlocked the door. The place was quiet but I knew Michael was around because of his cologne hanging in the air, I expected him to be around since his class for the day ended three hours ago, but what was strange was the faint unfamiliar flowery smell mixed with his.

I climbed the stairs and trod to our bedroom. My fist balled in anxiety as the hall was creepily silent. The door opened with a creaky sound as I pushed it.

What I saw next was heart-breaking