

Lily's world is turned upside down when she is bitten by a vampire and gains the ability to see the future. But with this gift comes a heavy burden, as she struggles to come to terms with the knowledge of what is yet to come. As she navigates the mysteries of her new life, she must decide what is worth fighting for, and what is worth accepting. In the end, her choices will determine not only her own fate, but the fate of those around her.

Esther_8 · Fantasie
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5 Chs


we arrived a castle, it's towering and imposing, and it looks like it's been there for centuries. It's covered in ivy and vines, and it looks like it's been abandoned for years. But then, as we approached the castle, a door opens, and a figure is silhouetted in the doorway

A hulking, imposing figure steps out of the shadows, and it's clear that he's been hired to guard the castle. He's dressed all in black, and his skin is pale and cold. He glares at me, and i felt a sense of fear. He doesn't say anything, but his expression makes it clear that he's not friendly.

The bodyguard leads i and Madame Zora into the castle, and it's even more imposing on the inside. The halls are dark and gloomy, and the tapestries on the walls are faded and dusty. we walked for what feels like ages, until we finally reached a massive, ornate door. The bodyguard knocks on the door, and it slowly creaks open.

the door opens, and i saw a grand, throne-like chair, draped in dark, velvet cloth. And in the chair is a figure, dressed all in black, with pale skin and dark, sunken eyes. He smiles at me and i felt a chill run down my spine. He says, "Welcome, child. I have been expecting you."

the figure's voice is smooth and seductive, but there's a dangerous undercurrent to it. He says, "You may not know what you seek, but I do. There is something within you, something special. I have been watching you, waiting for the day when you would arrive here. I knew that you would come, and now you are here. But there is a price to pay.

that freaked me out....

I stepped forward trying to take a glance at this creature

The man standing before me was tall and lean, with broad shoulders and a chiseled jaw. His eyes are a deep, dark blue, and they seem to bore into me, as if he could see into my soul. His hair is dark and swept back, and his skin is pale, almost translucent. There's something about him that makes me feel a mixture of attraction and fear.

The figure looks at me intensely, he says, "You must be so brave to come here. Most would have turned back by now. But you have chosen a different path. There's a moment of silence.....and I find myself hesitating. I wasn't sure if i should answer him or simply keep shut..

authors note

I'm so sorry for late updates

I've been busy lately

please vote as you read🙏🙏

been seeing a lot of readers but no signs of encouragement....

anyways I'm always open for corrections