
Moonlight fight

Buttercup_7032 · Fantasie
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1 Chs

Where it began

Once upon a time in a kingdom called Galaxia, a baby girl was born of the king and queen. Her name was Luna Diamond Elda. All was good in the kingdom, until one day the king was found dead. The queen remarried when Luna was only ten years old. Two months later the queen was with child. Nine months later the prince was born and at last the kingdom was back to normal. But like all things good it didn't last long. The new king  also past the queen of course was to old to rule any more and so the princess would have to find a husband to rule the kingdom.

Luna's POV

"But mom I am more than capable of being a good queen." I pleaded.

"I have told you about this more than ounce your not reasonable enough for that." She responded.

" I mean look at yourself Luna!"

"What?" I asked.

"What? You have wolf ears!" She yelled.

"So what! The princess of dragonia has dragon horns and no one says anything about that! Pixie has wings! And you have elf ears! Besides half of my other friends from the from the academy are like that as well. Just because I have ears and tail doesn't mean anything!" I retaliated.

"That's not the point my daughter it's because you are so rare, there's not another out there like you. Pixie is a queen of her own race you are the only one of your kind." She reminded me.


I was interrupted by the queen's guard, Octavius, running into the room.

"Your majesty it is not safe for you to stay here the kingdom is under-"

But before he could say anything my mom fell to the ground shot by an arrow. I cried out in pain as I watched my mother's contorted face and then nothing the light had left her eyes she was gone.

There was no time to mourn, as I was about to run to my mom who laid dying me, my sisters, and brother  were scooped up by the knights and thrown in a carriage. I was still crying out in sadness from the site that I had just witnessed. Octavius had stayed behind and attempt to avenge my mom and fend off the enemy but before we flee the palace he had sent his son, Amber who was around my age and was actually one of my closest friends, to protect me and my sisters.

I look back at my home seeing destruction instead of peace. As we rode away I heard the screams of my people pleading for mercy from an unknown enemy...