
Moonlight Demon (GL LITRPG)

Ash had spent the last six years on the streets of the Jewel Empire's capital, Jade. In that time, she learned that she could only trust herself and that relying on humans was something she simply could not afford to do. That changes though when she is chosen by the goddess Magia to become a Savior. Now, along with Keiko, a girl who has mastered everything except what her family wished she would, and Kaori, another Savior who is Ash's polar opposite, the half-demon has to figure out how to make this new life work. But, with escalating demon attacks, her own confusing nature, and an entire religion that cannot stand her existence, she may not be able to do so. --- The first volume of this story will also be on Royal Road and Scribblehub.

Already_In_Use · LGBT+
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476 Chs

Vol. 6 - Chapter 106


As Ash and Kaori had their conversation outside, Keiko was struck by a sudden realization. 

In truth, this had probably been the case since the re-taking of Pearl, but she'd only just noticed. 

My role in this...  She thought. Isn't it just over? 

This internal question was brought forth by a few facts. First, Keiko barely played a part in the re-taking of Pearl and the Battle for Jade. Second, this new plan didn't involve her at all, and, finally...

At the end of the day, her own failure was why Satsuhiro ended up dying. Keiko, in truth, still hadn't quite gotten over that. And, as long as she was still living with Metsumi and Opah, seeing their saddened expressions every day, she wasn't sure she would. 

Now, finally, it had been solidified. 

... I don't matter anymore.