

In the mystical realm of Silverwood, two rival werewolf packs, the Crescent Moon pack led by Alpha Gabriel and the Shadow claw pack led by Alpha Lucas, have been locked in a bitter feud for generations. Fate intertwines their lives as Gabriel and Lucas, both strong and charismatic alphas, find themselves drawn to each other in a love that defies expectations and threatens to shatter the fragile peace between their packs. Gabriel, a wise and respected leader, has always put the needs of his pack above all else. Bound by duty and tradition, he has upheld the honor of the Crescent Moon pack with unwavering loyalty. However, when he encounters Lucas, the enigmatic alpha of the Shadow claw pack, their connection transcends the boundaries of rivalry and sparks a forbidden attraction that neither of them can deny. Lucas, fiercely independent and passionately protective of his pack, is equally captivated by Gabriel's strength and integrity. Their shared experiences as alphas create a unique bond, and their secret encounters under the watchful moonlight deepen their connection. As their relationship deepens, they must navigate the treacherous waters of their warring packs, torn between their responsibilities and the undeniable love they share. The fragile peace between the packs becomes increasingly strained as the forbidden romance between Gabriel and Lucas comes to light. Both alphas face opposition and internal conflicts from pack members who fear the consequences of their love. Amidst the mounting tensions, an external threat looms—a common enemy that seeks to exploit the division between the packs, endangering their very existence. Gabriel and Lucas must rise above their differences, challenging the long-held traditions and prejudices that have fueled the feud between their packs. Together, they embark on a perilous journey to unite their clans against the imminent danger. Along the way, they unravel the hidden truths behind the origins of their rivalry, discovering a shared history that could be the key to reconciling their packs and forging a new future. "Moon bound Alphas" is an emotionally charged tale of forbidden love, sacrifice, and the power of unity. Gabriel and Lucas must navigate the complexities of their roles as alphas while challenging the expectations placed upon them by their packs. As they fight for their love and strive to bring harmony to their divided clans, they learn that true strength lies in embracing their hearts' desires and transcending the boundaries of tradition.

WagS · LGBT+
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139 Chs

Theft and anger



This cannot be happening.

They couldn't have come to my territory. This was just a way to hang around with Gabriel. This was a way to have some fun and mess with him.

I jump up from my bed and all the way to the other side of the main house. Past my fathers' room and down the stairs to the basement. I open the door to a room filled with all our artefacts. Things I have collected over the years. Things no one should fucking know about.

The first thing I do is check for scents. Scents of intruders, scents that will tell me that anyone has been in here.

"Fuck," I exclaim silently praying that they didn't come here. It all looks untouched, I would have never even known anything was missing. I walk into another room in the large basement and flick on the light.

"Please gods, do not fucking do this to me now."

With shaking hands, I reach for the safe by the corner of the room and unlock it. There is a box inside. A box that contains the most dangerous but beautiful stone.

Why did I fucking keep it here?

I should have known better than that. Usually, there is a glow that emanates from the box, even before I even open it but now, it's gone. Stolen by who the fuck knows.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath trying to calm the rising panic inside me.

"Fuck," I scream to no one.


I pace back and forth in the room, cursing under my breath. The Nightshade Syndicate had the audacity to come into my territory and steal something from me. My pack was on high alert, no one was to leave the territory without my permission. The patrollers were to keep an extra sharp eye out for any rogue wolves that didn't belong, especially the people that came to my home.

They planned this when I was away. They targeted me and they fucking knew about the stone.

The stone, known as the Moonstone, is a mesmerizing artefact of immense power. It is a radiant, iridescent gem that seems to capture the essence of moonlight within its core. Its surface shimmers with a soft luminescence, casting a gentle glow in its surroundings. The stone is round and smooth, fitting comfortably in the palm of one's hand.

Legend has it that the Moonstone holds ancient magic, harnessed from the moon itself. Its power is said to be tied to the lunar cycles, waxing and waning in strength as the moon traverses the night sky. When fully activated, the stone emits a brilliant light, akin to the moon at its zenith, illuminating the darkness and revealing hidden truths.

But the true power of the Moonstone lies in its ability to manipulate and channel lunar energy. It can enhance the supernatural abilities of werewolves, magnifying their strength, speed, and senses to unparalleled levels. When in the presence of the Moonstone, a werewolf's connection to the moon is intensified, heightening their instincts and granting them an almost primal control over their abilities.

Moreover, the Moonstone possesses a unique healing property. It is said to have the ability to mend physical and emotional wounds with its ethereal energy. Its touch can accelerate the regeneration of damaged tissue and soothe the anguish of a tormented soul.

The stone is an object of desire, coveted by many, particularly those who seek to harness its power for their own nefarious purposes. Its theft by the Nightshade Syndicate poses a significant threat to my pack and the delicate balance between supernatural factions. Its potential for misuse could unleash chaos and upheaval.

Someone from my pack let them in. Nothing else makes sense.

I am pissed, so angry that I could burn this whole compound to the ground until i find out who did this.

I grab my phone from my pocket and dial Gabriel's number. He answers immediately.

"Why the fuck did you hang up. I have been calling you," he screams into the phone but I don't even have the time for this.

"How did they get in?" I ask him.

Gabriel's voice is filled with concern as he responds, realizing the urgency in my tone. "A man from your pack let them in. I'd recognise him if I saw him but I don't know who he is."


"I need to see you. Show me who it is," I let out a breath. He will know what i am asking for and he might not agree to it.

"You can't be serious Blackwood. I will not tether with you. I will not let you get into my fucking head."

I know the repercussions of what I am asking for but this is the only way to find out what he knows. In public, we can't be seen together.

Becoming one with Gabriel is the only way to find out who let those motherfuckers into my home.

It the only way to fucking kill him?