
Class A

Third Person POV

After three days of reconstruction of the Dome, the Practical exam for Magic and Physical Training resumed. Today the students taking the exam are Class A.

“Next student Marco Gou” the emcee called. The young man stood up and entered the Arena.

‘Go Go Go Marco’

‘Go Marco!’

A Giant Bot was summoned to the battlefield ‘What a huge enemy,’ Marco said in his mind.

“Spirit of Magasta, lend me your power; liberate.” Magasta is a spirit that has good body talent from strength, flexibility, speed, agility, etc. An Adorable Blue creature came out in a magic circle and entered Marco’s Body.

The Bot stomped the ground, making a series of shockwaves. Marco jumped high and positioned himself in mid-air as if he were moving freely.

“Spirit of Wind Come fort; Sylph” A class A Spirit Sylph with a wind attributed appears beside him. He throws his daggers up.

“Guide through my blade” The sylph spirit turned into green color energy and possessed the daggers.