
The Foxes' Revenge

During the Qing Dynasty, there was a scholar named Zhang Yueqiao who went to the capital city of Beijing to take the imperial examination. He temporarily stayed at the White Robe Temple in the inner city of Suzhou. The temple was lively, not only with people, but also with many foxes.

However, the foxes were well-behaved and never caused any trouble. They spent their days peacefully, never harming anyone. In addition, the foxes were very diligent. Whenever the full moon hung in the sky, they would gather together and come to the base of the wall, leaning against it to enjoy the moonlight.

This went on every night, except when it was windy or rainy.

Zhang Yueqiao was a mischievous person. After discovering the foxes' habit, one day he bought a lot of sticky glue and applied it on the wall where the foxes leaned while admiring the moon. That evening, when the bright moon was in the sky, the foxes gathered once again to admire the moon and cultivate themselves. Zhang Yueqiao hid nearby, waiting for the foxes to be captivated by the moonlight. He then shouted loudly, startling the foxes. They started running in all directions, but their fur was already stuck to the glue on their backs. The foxes struggled desperately before reluctantly leaving behind a wall full of fox fur, and then fled in embarrassment.

Zhang Yueqiao laughed heartily, feeling very happy with himself.

After a while, during mealtime, everyone noticed that Zhang Yueqiao, who had always been enthusiastic about eating, was nowhere to be found. Feeling something was wrong, they searched all the way to the backyard and discovered dozens of square tables stacked on top of each other in the center of the courtyard. Zhang Yueqiao, who had disappeared, was perched precariously on top of this stack of tables.

He didn't dare to shout for help, only using his eyes to signal everyone to save him.

Everyone quickly brought blankets and laid them on the ground one by one. They also brought a long ladder and carefully guided him down.

Everyone was curious, asking how he managed to perform such a difficult feat. Zhang Yueqiao blushed and said, "I was just wandering in the backyard when suddenly I saw two beautiful women beckoning me with their hands. Unconsciously, I followed them and ended up climbing to the top. It was only when I woke up that I realized I couldn't come down."

These square tables were actually used for worshiping the God of Silkworms.

Serve him right! The foxes' revenge was only fair, and quite adorable.