
that night!

"you are darkness and i am your light, i may destroy you but i can never live without you"

Mia's pov-

"When snow falls to ground i just think about the one and only you, you were my Savior. Without you i would have been not breathing today! But why you left? You said you will be back. Its been 10 years i am waiting for you to come back. The day i saw you for very first time i fell in love with those bright red orbs! I dont know how you had such a beautiful combination of dark night with blood red but that's what made me fall in love. You may think i am stupid! Which 10 year old girl falls in love? But i fell with you and today it marks 10 years of my love to you"

Thinking of this i kept a rose on the same tree where i last met him. Trees are covered with snow just like that day. I wish he could see the love i had for him!

Taking my glouse off i went inside my home only to be stopped by my angry mom and my beloved dad who is trying to calm her down.

i knew something really went wrong when i was out.

"what's wrong" I asked my mom who had her eyes glaring onto dad which was pretty obvious that my dad hasn't agreed something with her.

"ask your dad what's really wrong" told my angry mother who's too pissed off to tell me anything.

"there is nothing wrong my pricessa, the lady here your mom was craving for icecream and i was denying her because its snowing too hard outside but alas she wants it and i have to be victim of her assaults just because i care for her" my dad accused my mom who was busy giving puppy eyes to my dad and me.

"mom you need to understand its snowing and you aren't well too, please mom i promise ill make you pancakes now, with strawberry syrup and we will have icecream tomorrow if it doesn't snow too bad" i tried to convince her as i know how hard headed she is.

"are you really going to make pancakes for me? " she asked with the hope in her eyes. she's damn sweet when she says such things with her brown eyes showing purity. that's why mothers are different. they tend to love you with no condition and they will be happy with the little things done for her.

"yes mom! With your favourite syrup" i said with all the excitement i can muster up at that moment.

"then it's fine but only on one condition, this old man here is not going to get one piece of it" she glared at dad by saying this.

"what? I also need pancakes. This is unfair i cant pay just beacuse i care for you"  dad sighed dramtically to which my mom softened . this is how they are. they can't fight with each other and if they do they usually mend it up by an hour or so. that's why they are couple goals in my eyes.

"fine, you can have but you need to say that 'my wife is smarter than me and i love her" my mom kept a childish condition infront of my dad.

"you are the smartest honey and i love you" with that dad pecked my mom on lips.

"ewww,mom dad no showing love infront of me. You people are making me feel sick" i really had a urge to puke

"say the same thing when you will see your beloved, when we are in love we dont care where we are or who are watching us what we do care is, the one whom we love" said my mom with Adoration in her eyes for my dad

But it hurts that i can never love anyone else than him .he was the only one who created the feeling of love in me.

Seeing the pain in my eyes , my mom hugged me and said

"i know my baby girl is in love with that mistarious man who saved you that night! I dont understand how you fell in love with him? But i hope he is also in love with you, otherwise if he shows up to my door with any other girl i am gonna chop his family jewels"

"mom please! He wont i know. He will come one day and get me with all the love he ever had"

Leaving my mom and dad in living room i went to kitchen to make some panckes. How i wish i could make some for him. Sighing with little disappointment i went to make pancakes.


"pancakes are ready, my lovely mom and dad "  i announced it entering the living room only to turn & keep hands on my eyes and scream my lungs out!

"ahhhh my virgin eyes. You two being my parents doesnt have shame at all. You people are making out in living room where i am making pancakes for both of you in kitchen? I literally saw you both here all over each other i am going to get nightmares for weeks together" saying this i turned towards my parents who were now decent to look on. The face they had was like the kid who get caught doing something wrong and is going to get punished.

"are you going to say something? You know what dont say anything i am going to my room and ill have my pancakes over there you two can enjoy here alone! "

Saying this i turned around and went to kitchen took my plate and flew to my room, even though i heard apologetic calling from my mom and dad but ,no i am not going to have dinner with them afetr seeing the thing which i didn't wanted to!

Reaching my room i banged the door. I kept the plate in nightstand near the bed and went towards the window. Its still snowing heavily like that night.same pitch black night is it a sign that he is going to be back?

Hearing some noise near my door i can tell you that those two whom i call my parents are here to woo me but guess what i am not going to be easy on them this time! Sometimes i wonder how my mom and dad are related to me? I mean my mom is short with brown hairs and dad is also not that of a height with blond hair. And me i am as long as poll in street and i have this pitch black hair! I asked the same question with my parents to which they replied "you look like your grand parents my lovely mia, your grandmaa had black hairs where as your grandpa was 6ft" i guess that is the very reason but sometimes i still wonder..

Thinking of these things will make my panckes go cold. I sat on my bed with my pancakes and turned the tv on so that i can hear some great news of one direction being back together! I know i wish little more but alas i am a one direction stan! But to crush my dreams the reporter started with the news of some dead body found near by area.

"its said that this deadbody is recognised as mr.ping living in the 3rd street, who was killed by some animal. As the reports we received it is said that there is animalitic bite on the body and due to  complete blood loss from the body the victim is dead"

"I need to be careful when ill go to jungle again" i made a mental note and finished my dinner. Keeping the plate in nightstand i fell into my pillows to have the dreams of him. Keeping my hands on my neck where i have a tattoo which said "X" which i got on the same night, when he saved me. I wish i knew his name. But i am not going to loose my hope he will come back and he will love me till eternity thinking this i went to the land of dreams with him...,

To be continued....,