
Monsterra -- Tamermon

Welcome to the land of Monsterra, which is inhabited by both humans and monsters with incredible power and abilities. The humans who tame these monsters are known as tamers. Follow Lex as he tries to be the best Monster tamer in all of the continent of Monsterra. Socials @ : Insta: https://www.instagram.com/monsterraofficial/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Monsterraoff

Mons_Terra · Fantasie
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15 Chs

Chapter 11 Ness


"Thank you, Lex," Carlos said, adjusting his glasses and regaining his composure. 

"It's not every day you find yourself tied up and placed in the corner of your research building by some mysterious individual." 


"You saved us, who knows what that suspicious individual would have done to us." 

One of the assistants said as he moved his neck, trying to un-cramp himself, as well as cleaning up any dust his white long coat might have picked up. 


"It was nothing," Lex said, nodding at them, feeling a bit awkward at all the thanks he was getting from them. But Lex was thankful that he was able to drive away that person. He looked up at the ceiling and saw the destructive power Mirabit's attack combined with his gift had done. Their attack was stronger than the one they had shown at his grandmother's house with which they beat Maidanda. 

" What is this power?" Lex thought, wondering what his gift was. 


"You and this cute little monster sure do pack a punch," Carlos said, looking at the broken ceiling of his research building. 


"Mirabit," Mirabit said, nodding and feeling quite proud of the strength in both himself and his partner, Lex. 


"But I must say... " Carlos said adjusting his glasses, and caressing his brown hair to the side, 

"I would have never expected your grandmother to let you have a monster partner of your own, let alone be okay with you leaving Woodfield village, considering how adamant she's always been against taming. "


"A lot of things happen," Lex said, scratching his head, recalling everything that had led up to this moment: from getting his first monster partner, Mirabit, to winning his first battle against a wild monster and winning his first taming battle against his grandmother with the help of his gift. Which he was going to keep quiet about for now. 


But all of that didn't compare to fighting some suspicious person and their monster partner, which was a monster he had never seen before, granted there were many monsters he didn't know about, and which he would no doubt come across in his taming journey. But the fact that there were tamers who used their monsters partners for bad stuff, did not sit right with Lex. 

His mother's face flashed before him, as well as the stone statue he saw back at the plaza, recalling those brave tamers and their monster partners. 


"I'm just glad you and your monster partner were here," Carlos said petting Mirabit's soft light grey fur. 


"Mirabit," Mirabit said, smiling at Carlos. 


"Mirabit's the best," Lex said, smiling at Mirabit. 


"Well since you're here, perhaps we should check Mirabit's status, and see how strong he is,"

Carlos said adjusting his glasses. There was a certain pride emanating from him. 


'Wait! Really?" Lex said, surprised by Carlos's words. 

" The research institute isn't just some building for research purposes only, there is some equipment that aids tamers in their journey to get stronger with their partners. In fact, we have a brand new machine that just arrived from Stonetopolis City ."

Carlos stopped and began to caress the bottom of his chin. 

"Perhaps that is why that person was here. Hmmm…but that doesn't make much sense since this equipment you can find in other research buildings as well. " 


Carlos began to ponder why that person was in this small research building that was so far away from any bigger research building especially since it was in the south of Monsterra when the city of Stonetopolis city was only a day away. 


"Is everyone alright?" 


Lex and Carlos turned around and saw a man appear suddenly from the entrance. He was dressed in a dark brown robe with a green vest underneath a white collar shirt and dark pants, and short light brown hair that was combed to the side. 


"Major?" Carlos said, running toward him and greeting him. 

"It's good to see you." 

"Carlos, my young friend, I heard what happened, Are you and your assistants safe?." 


"Is all thanks to Lex, he saved us from that mysterious individual, he's from----" 

"Lex?" the Mayor said, interrupting Carlos, and noticing the young blonde kid with a small bunny monster peeking out of the brown leather bag that laid across his shoulder. 

"It's a pleasure to meet our young hero," the Major said, extending his hand to Lex. 


"T-Thank you," Lex said, nervously as he shook the Mayor's hand. All this attention was something Lex was not used to, especially from such an important figure like a town mayor. 


"It looks like aspirin is not the right word," the Mayor said, noticing the broken research building ceiling. 


"You and your monster partner are sure to become quite the Monster Taming sensation, no doubt." 


"Do we have any idea who that person was," another voice said, as he entered the research building. 


He had on a white and light blue cape that covered his back, a gray leather vest with a belt that wrapped around his waist, and white pants and grey boots, with short light blue hair and yellow color eyes. 

"No clue," Carlos said, shaking his head. 

"There isn't anything of importance here besides research papers on monsters that live around here, nothing special." 


"AH! Where are my manners," the Mayor said, scratching his head


"This is Julian, a master tamer from the Association. He's here for something unrelated to this incident but it's a good thing he's here." The mayor said, smiling with a sense of satisfaction in himself. 


"Is nice to meet you," Carlos said, greeting the young tamer, Julian. 


'Likewise," Julian said. 

Julian looked at Lex, to him Lex looked nothing more than some country kid, yet he couldn't deny the glaring hole in the ceiling, whoever this kid was, he had potential. 

"Your name is Lex, correct?" Julian said, extending his hand to Lex. 


"I-Is nice to meet you," Lex said shaking his hand. He looked not that much older than him, yet Lex could see a certain aura about him, he was a real tamer. 


" Did we get a good look at this mysterious individual?" Julian asked. 

"I couldn't get a good look since he knocked us out, perhaps Lex got a better look at him." 


'No, sorry, " Lex said, 

"He had on a black cloak that was covering his whole body, but he kept calling his monster partner Eviley." 


'An Eviley!" the Mayor said, 

"They're shadow types and not uncommon around here at night," Julian added, 

"Unfortunately that doesn't give us much information." 


"That's too bad," the major said, shaking his head. 

"But I bet his probably related to those monster bandits that have been appearing along Turtle Mountain Trail, causing nothing but problems for the town. " The major added, letting out a sigh. 


"Monster bandits?" Lex asked, 

"A bunch of nasty bunch terrorizing Turtle Mountain Trail, causing nothing but trouble for everyone."


The Mayor was beginning to get flustered, just thinking about them made his blood boil. 


" I'm leaving a few of my guards around the research building, and Lex, when you get the chance, I would like to give you a reward for your act of courage and bravery." 


"N-No it's okay," Lex said, flailing his hands, this was something he did not expect or want, saving Carlos alone was a reward enough in his mind. 


"Nonsense," the major added, 

"In Twinrock town we reward such acts of bravery, just visit me before you head out. " 

Lex felt embarrassed, he did not want such a thing but he felt he couldn't deny the mayor. 


"I'm glad nobody got hurt, and if you'll excuse me, gentlemen, I have other duties to attend to," the mayor said, waving goodbye at them and leaving the research building. 


"It was nice to meet you, Lex," Julian said, waving at Lex, as he followed behind the mayor. 


"Y-You too," Lex said, waving back at him. It was the first time he had seen a real tamer and wondered if he would see him again, but he figured probably not, since he was barely beginning his journey as a tamer, and Julian was already a master tamer. 


"AH! The bread," Lex said, remembering why he had come to Carlos in the first place. 

"I brought the bread that you order." 

Lex took out a bag of bread from his brown bag that was hanging from his shoulder, half of it gone already, no doubt eaten by Mirabit. 

"Sorry, it looks like Mirabit had some." 

"Mirabit," Mirabit said, scratching the back of his head apologetically. 

"Don't worry about it," Carlos said, smiling at Lex. 


"Now, Let me show you around since you're already here. " 


The research building was bigger than any place Lex had seen, so far. It had white tile floors that seemed to shine and there were machines that Lex found interesting since he had never seen anything quite like them before. 


"We don't do much but research monsters from the forest and the Twinrock cave around here," Carlos said, as Lex followed right behind him. 


"Twin rock cave?" Lex asked, curious as to what kind of place it was and more importantly, what kind of monsters lived there since all he knew were the monsters that lived around Woodfield village. 


"Is a cave east of Twinrock, it connects Twinrock town to Stonetopolis city and is a much faster route than going around Turtle Mountain, but it can be dangerous since wild monsters inhabit it and it gets pretty dark the deeper you go in it. So, many townspeople would rather take the longer route on Turtle Trail. But you don't have to worry about that since you'll be taking Turtle Trail to get to Stonetopolis city, since the cave is closed right now plus it would be too dangerous for you to go there alone." 


Lex felt a bit disappointed, he was curious to know what kind of monsters he would find in Twinrock cave, but he figured in due time he would see all the monsters that lived in Monsterra. First, he had to become a licensed tamer, so that his Monster Tamer journey could officially begin. 


Carlos stopped, and adjusted his glasses, 

"Were here" he said, pointing at a machine that was quite the sight. It had had egg shape to it with a red crystal on top, it looked almost transparent in color, and there was a light blue screen next to it, almost as if the screen was floating. 

'What's that?" Lex asked, his eyes glowing with excitement as well. 


"Is a Monster Transmitter," Carlos said, grinning gleefully. 


"It lets you look at the stats of your monster as well as move types and other information. Is quite handy when it comes to researching monsters. And it helps tamers know more about their monster partners." 


'Would you mind, little buddy," Carlos said, petting Mirabit's soft fur. 


"Mirabit," Mirabit said, smiling. 


Mirabit jumped from Lex's brown bag and into the tube-like opening of the machine. 


'Prepare to witness the power of the latest technology created by the greatest scientist of Monsterra, Doctor Spark of Utopian City," Carlos said, adjusting his glasses. 


"Dr. Spark?" Lex thought, recalling the old man he met back at the statue, and wondered if he perhaps was that same man that Carlos was talking about, but brushed those thoughts aside, even if he was, it didn't mean much to Lex since he didn't know much about research like Carlos. 


"Will he be okay?" Lex said, worried about his partner, Mirabit. He trusted Carlos, but he still couldn't help but worry about Mirabit's safety. 


"Don't worry my young friend," Carlos said, putting his hand on Lex's shoulder, 

"I assure you the machine is harmless and now lets us be in awe at the power of research," Carlos said, putting on a theatrical pose, which Lex found quite funny. 


Carlos walked to the screen of the machine that was next to the tube and began to press buttons with his fingers as if he were writing something on the screen. A light began to encase the machine as well as Mirabit's small light grey body. 


"Mirabit," Mirabit said in awe as the light particles began to gather around his body. 


"Mirabit the .." a female voice said, 


"WOA!" Lex let out, being taken back by the voice. 

"it's Ness our monster database guide,' Carlos said, 


"Mirabit," the female voice named Ness continued, 

"Is a novice level field type bunny monster. They are found around villages in proximity to forest areas. They love to eat and are quite friendly." 


"They sure love to eat," Lex thought chuckling, remembering how Mirabit ate the whole bread that was intended for Carlos. 


"It knows so much about Mirabit," Lex said, 


"Well, that's because all the information that it pulls up is information that has been archived by researchers at the Association. Every new information that tamers or researchers discover is updated into the database," Carlos said with a sense of pride. 


"Researchers are a new profession that has only been around for the last decade or so, before that, we were just called monster aficionados who wanted to know everything about monsters that weren't about battles, and is because of Dr. Spark at Utopian City that the profession has gotten more popular and well respected." 


"He's a genius, one of a generation, I'm sure you'll hear all about him as you progress in your taming journey." 


"Dr Spark," Lex said, wondering about this incredible man that Carlos held in such esteem, and if it was the old man he had met at the statue. 


"Do researchers know about everything?" 


Lex grabbed the hand that had his unique birthmark and wondered if they would also know about his gift. 


"Well? " Carlos said, scratching his brown hair, 

"We only know what we have studied, but I'm sure there are many things we still don't know that we are bound to learn the more we continue our research. " 


"You're right," Lex said, feeling a bit disappointed, but he figured that he would eventually know why he was able to use monster attacks. 


"Of course, all this information about monsters and their type is useful to tamers to better care for their monster partners, but what Ness shines in is the stats department, the area where tamers benefit from," Carlos said, touching the touchscreen and pulling up another screen, where there were a lot of numbers. 


"This is the stats menu, and it shows the stats of monsters, let's see. Mirabit's health is 15, its Strength is 25, Endurance is 12 intelligence is 35, vitality is 25 Agility is 40, and monster energy is 10, not bad," Carlos said, adjusting his glasses. 


"His speed is the best stat followed by its intelligence. " 


"Um….Carlos," Lex said, being overwhelmed by all the information Carlos was telling him since he didn't know what half of it meant. 


"Oh right, you're not familiar with all these new terminology." 

"Sorry," Lex said, feeling behind as an aspiring tamer, he was sure kids half his age knew all about stats. 


"Well, health, strength, and agility are pretty much self-explanatory but the intelligence stat determines how strong monster-type attacks are as well as what level of moves it can learn, the higher the stat the better, endurance is how long they can block attacks before getting tired and monster energy is how strong their will is when it comes to doing attacks. As a tamer is imperative that they know about their monsters' stats when it comes to battles, but that will come with time," Carlos said smiling at Lex. 


"It sounds complicated," Lex said, scratching his head. There was still so much he had to learn about being a tamer, he thought about his mother for a second, wondering if she also struggled with this, but he figured she didn't since Aunt Lily had told him how strong of a tamer she was. 


"Don't worry Lex, you'll be an expert tamer in no time, no need to rush it, " Carlos said smiling at him. 


'Now, let's see the moves shall we." 


"Let's, see, Mirabit knows wind horn and dodge, thats interesting," Carlos said, scratching his chin. 


"Is everything alright ?" Lex asked. 


"Yes, is just that Mirabit is a novice-level monster, 

and wind horn is an advanced level move which is quite astounding for him to know at his level." 


"Levels! I know those!" Lex said, knowing a little bit about it, and feeling better that he wasn't so ignorant at everything. 


"Well as you know, Monsters come in many types of levels, some monsters are only strong enough to go to enhanced level but there are alpha level and emperor level in the higher spectrum. With the emperor level being extremely rare. I think there has only been one monster known to be at the emperor level and it belonged to the tamer king. " 


"The Tamer king?" Lex asked, 

"Don't ask about that, I don't know anything about that subject," Carlo said, chuckling. 

"Anyway, as I was saying, Wind Horn is an enhanced level attack so it's quite strong, so it's rare for a novice-level monster to know any moves beyond its levels. Overall I say you have yourself a formidable monster."

Carlos nodded feeling proud of his lesson. 


"You heard that Mirabit, you're formidable," Lex said, chuckling. He knew Mirabit was strong since they were able to beat a Ragepanzee as well as his grandmother's Maidanda. But Lex wondered if the fact that Mirabit knew such a strong move had something to do with his gift. He was sure Mirabit didn't know that move before, either way, he didn't need a machine to tell him that Mirabit was strong, he could feel it himself. 


"He's truly the strongest monster ever," Lex said embracing Mirabit as it jumped on his arms. 

"Isn't that right, partner?" 


"Mirabit," Mirabit said, smiling. 


"I'm sure you guys are going to be quite the tamers," Carlos said.