
Monsternomicon: The Library of Monsters

An encyclopedia detailing multiple kinds of mythical creatures and the like.

FallenSilence23 · Fantasie
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Lore Entry: The Myth of the 3

The myth of the 3 is considered whispers among the eternal beings; the Gods and Creators. It's a story that brings out the greatest fears in both the races and is believed to be one of the true reasons why they can never truly ascend higher.

The story starts as many, with two races desiring one goal, to become the dominant which who'll ascend and becomes the most powerful race to which none can contest. As a result of this desire to ascend, the Gods and Creators fought. The Gods believed this to be nothing more than a small blip, in what mortals would consider eons; which was much more as unknown to the Gods. The Creators thought they were fully incapable of transcending into the Ain Soph, and they knew the Gods were fully capable given the opportunity and time. This sparked a war with no end.

After fighting for an amount of "time", that mortals wouldn't even be able to comprehend without going into madness, the Gods created Angels to bring a source of entertainment to give them an experience outside of constant war. The Creators after witnessing a concept they've never seen before; Worship and Faith; their hatred grew even more, as the Gods were capable of performing something that not even Creators can't. As an immature attempt to copy the Gods, some stronger Creators tried to belittle other weaker Creators and make them their plaything and their "angels".

But after fighting for so long, two Gods, who weaker Gods worshipped as Supreme Gods, became unfulfilled by the endless war and attempted to contact a superior Creator than the rest, which to their surprise was quickly reciprocated peacefully as they wanted this war over. So the 3 made the attempt for Ain Soph, as the 3 strongest among all Creators and Gods, but what they never realized is that to make the attempt for Ain Soph, one must surpass Avatar of Ouroboros, The Primordial Serpent.

As an attempt to end the endless war between the two deathless races, the 3 challenged Ouroboros' Avatar and between the combined efforts of Gods and Creator, a thing unthinkable even to the two races themselves happened, they were capable of surpassing The Serpent's Avatar. The battle was not fast, easy or comprehensive, if even one of the 3 could keep up or match its strength all 3 would've been last. Ouroboros believing its avatar was going to meet its end was met with a proposal from the three other beings that surprised it.

Ouroboros agreed with the proposal and with that the 3 made their way into the Ain Soph. But what they couldn't truly understand is that they were not fully prepared for what Ain Soph truly was, and the moment they just gazed upon it as they ascended they could feel their existence and nonexistence instantly fading. The exact instant their destruction begin the deal with Ouroboros was set into motion, which was erasing them and then recreating their existence and nonexistence to the point it had to outpace Ain Soph's "melting".

After being erased and recreated so many times, Ouroboros was able to uphold its end of the deal but what came of it not even it could have known. As a result of being erased and recreated that many times the two races became completely different, separated from their previous totality of existence and nonexistence. But in the process, The Supreme Creator was able to truly make their full ascendence leaving the two other Gods behind. This deal saved the 2 but only Ouroboros and The Supreme Creator knew of them. Now the other Gods, Creators, and Angels no longer knew their existence. As a reward for besting its avatar in their battle, he rewarded them with their previous worshippers giving their feelings towards the two back but none of their memories and it also altered their worshippers to match these new races.

This Myth, Story, Whisper, or whatever you desire to call it is what gives both the Gods and Creators the fear to try to ascend. It's a warning to any who'd try to reach that which should not be grasped, for but no one truly knows whatever happened to the three. But from the moment Ouroboros' avatar came down to the Gods, two new races appeared. They are called the Divines, who guide and love the inhabitants of Limbo, and the Princes, who watch and spread chaos to the inhabitants of Limbo.