
Day's End 1

To say they'd made a mess was a sore undervaluation to just how messy it was. Let alone the girls with their lower halves dashed with their blended juices of squirt an cum, the entire floor was practically a veritable ocean of debauchery. White blended with translucent that left little imagination to what had occurred not moments ago. Noah's cheeks paled then rapidly turned rosy.

Meira was by far the stablest of the two, able to stand upright and even walk around relatively normally. Though with the odd twitch here and there as the recurrent spasms of her recently lost virginity weighed on her. Ilsa, on the other hand, could barely keep herself upright and if she did walk it was with a waddle, like a little semen soaked penguin she panted her way off the counter. Her cutesy bottom rippling and a small orgasmic cry escaping her as her belly contracted and sent another thick tide of jism squirting from her slit to join the puddle below.

As her feet landed, she seemingly ignored the slick blend and stared at him with an untold sparkle to her eyes. Unable to hold her gaze, Noah darted his gaze away, hanging shamefully at his loss of composure.

Ilsa grunted though it sounded like just another wimpish moan than anything harsh. "You can't even look at a girl after you fucked her… you otherworlders are just pathetic." Using the counter as a crutch, she turned to Meira, met the shimmering chocolate goddesses eyes and flushed a little at the knowing smile, "but… I can't say you've got a bad cock to you." It was the oddest bit of praise Noah had ever gotten, how he was supposed to take it his mind failed to comprehend.

With a step across the cum soaked floor, Ilsa inspected the sheer mess they'd made and sighed. "I'm going to need to replace these boards one day…" she mulled sourly. A side effect brought on by having to sell her body for rent meant that her floors were frequently dashed with all manner of unspeakable fluids, and sweat was not included in that, though it was certainly there.

Her toes rolled in the thick soup and she shook her head as Meira chuckled. "Considering who you're doing business with, I think you'll be able to replace everything in here." Throwing an arm around Ilsa's shoulder, Meira began to help the girl to the back room, "let's get cleaned up," she tossed her gaze to her dress, finding it ominously spattered with fluids and twitched at how she'd need to get it washed quite heavily. When she focused on Noah she said, "look around for a bit. I'm going to help our new partner get all fixed up and proper." For a second Meira groped Ilsa's right breast but was thrown off with a glare.

Without even a chance to say anything, the girls had faded through the doorway into the back room, leaving Noah to blink and stare around the room lost for words, thoughts, and self-respect. Come the uncomfortable feeling of wet pants clung to his skin, he looked down and saw how much of a mess he was as well. Thankfully not of his own excretions. "Great, bloody perfect. You wouldn't happen to have an extra pair of pants back there for me, would you?" he called out, waiting for a few seconds till he got a simple one-word reply.


"Perfect…" he drooped his shoulders and proceeded to grumble silently. In the corner of his eyes he was drawn to his new collection of equipment and after stashing his own, decided to familiarize himself with them better as he waited for the girls to return.


"What in the seven hells was that?" Ilsa whisper screamed glaring up at Meira as she filtered through her drawer of garments for something she could use to stay and absorb the flow of juices between her legs.

"A good time if you ask me." Meira laughed and scanned the room, noting many differences from her last visit to the small bed-chamber. It was packed full of items, bags and buckets and everything else a woman like Ilsa needed in her day job as a farm supplier.

Ilsa slammed shut her drawer after finding another of her shorts and spun, shooting a spark Meira's way. "You know what I mean Meira. 'Cum inside?' what were you thinking!? What's going to happen if you get pregnant!" she jabbed her finger into Meira's belly just above her womb. "That boy isn't even a Rhegian."

"I know," Meira said softly, her hand replacing Ilsa's one on her belly. "But I'd rather it be his than that bastards," she scowled and sunk onto Ilsa's bed sending ripples all throughout her buxom Amazonian form.

Eyes widened as Ilsa's arm hung by her side, "does that mean Davor's…?" Ilsa bit her lip, unable to say anymore. She'd met, well, seen Davor here and there during her trips to the markets to set orders up to replenish her stock. She didn't know the man personally, but from those months ago when she and Meira were working together… she knew just how terrible the man was and the things he would do.

Meira shook her head, her hand still over her belly. "No, not yet. Any day now I suppose. I'm due to finish my training in a month or two and with how he looks at me… it's inevitable that he'll do something."

Windswept by through the opened window, lifting and swaying Meira's hair in faint ribbons that swiftly descended and flattened over her back as it just as quickly died down.

"Can't you do anything else? What about your father, I'm sure he could help you." Ilsa asked.

Once more Meira shook her head and sighed, "doubtful. Davor and my father are better friends than I am family. If I told him, he wouldn't believe me. Davor would spin it like I was lying, that I was cowering out at the final moment…" Meira leaned back on the bed, her breasts splayed to the side and head inclined upwards to stare at the various pieces of leather and paper nailed to the roof, prayers to the gods of a woman seeking a better life.

"Then this thing with Noah… is he actually an otherworlder?"

Meira nodded quickly and without hesitation, "oh yes. He is. I wasn't lying when I said that he'd be the key to giving you the change you want."

"So this isn't just a ploy, a way for you to get away from Davor before he touches you?"

"It isn't. At least, not just yet," Meira went still, fingers dancing a massage over her naked, sweat coated belly. "I won't be getting away from Davor for a while. Once my training is over, I may end up being called back by my father, but by then… I can just imagine the things Davor will have done to me." Each word weighed heavily on Meira's shoulders, sapping energy from her eyes and colour from her skin. "Davor has his plans Ilsa. I've heard rumours from his henchmen that he's planning to make me his pet. Or that he's seeking to make me bear him an heir, they've only been picking up in the last few weeks. It's near-daily that I hear off the side of my head another whispered mocking that they can't wait to see me break." Meira's expression curled back, her lips pulling wide revealing her teeth and nearly her gums like the snarl of a wolfkin girl.

"Is that why you let him cum inside you? Because you want him to get you pregnant? So you can't with Davor? That you'd have a reason to leave?" Slowly, Meira bobbed her head in response as Ilsa's pallor darkened and eyes trembled. "And what about him, Noah, have you told him about this plan of yours?" she shook her head.

"No. I would rather he not. Not yet at least."

"It would still be his child Meira. You shouldn't keep something like that from him."

"I'm aware. And I don't want to, believe me on that. But still something like this… if I were to tell him it would ruin what little a relationship I've built with him. No man enjoys being played a fool. No matter which world they come from."

Ilsa wet her parched lips, thirst from her sweating and all her climaxes. Meira for once looked so small, so out of her comfort zone. It wasn't something she'd show just anyone, she was far too cautious about her appearance to let such a weak sideshow. It gave too many opportunities to others to manipulate deals or whatnot. But here, with Ilsa, she was comfortable enough to let her walled-off inner self out.

Clamping her eyes shut, Ilsa huffed and puffed, slowing her heart and cooling her body before opening and staring down at Meira. "I don't know how to help you Meira, but if there's anything I can do. Just don't abandon me again."

Meira's lips quirked and met Ilsa's worried gaze, "I'm not going to abandon you, Ilsa. I promise you that." Her knee bobbed, foot rapping hastily on the floor. "There is actually something you can help me with though…" Ilsa's brow tilted questioningly, "you wouldn't happen to have any Unibloom?"

For seconds longer Ilsa visibly tilted her head in thought, processing Meira's request only to stagger when she realized. "You are kidding right?"

"I'm not."

"Unibloom," Ilsa said but shook her head and began to pace, "how much are you planning… do you want to take?" she didn't deny Meira's request, but a drug like that wasn't just something Ilsa was intent on handing to her friend outright.

"Enough to make sure this seed settles." She patted her belly softly like there was already something growing within.

Ilsa buried her hands into her hair and groaned heavily. "My gods Meira. Unibloom of all things?"

"You know how persistently infertile we Rhegians are throughout the year. I'm far from my fertile week."

Ilsa hissed, how could she forget something like that? She remembered how seriously Meira's species took children, but not of their struggles with fertility. "Isn't it a little extreme to take Unibloom?"

"It's the best fertilizer out there."

"For centaurs, Meira. For centaurs and maybe holstaurs in low amounts. Not Rhegian's. I don't even know how much you will have to take to even mimic part of the effects let alone get it to work properly."

"Five pills," Meira responded swiftly. "Four really, but five to be extra sure."

"Fi- are you kidding me!? I wouldn't even give a centaur three then again two!"

"What can I say," Meira chuckled, "we rhegian's have always been proud of our tolerances."

"That's not just tolerance Meira. That's poisoning yourself."

Pushing herself into a hunched yet seated position, Meira swept a hand over her forehead and collected a thick conglomeration of sweat which she wiped off on her thigh and meeting Ilsa's gaze, she held herself with heavy confidence.

"That's a risk I'm willing to take."




So, remember when I said I was working on an IF (Interactive Fiction game?) Well, I've got a simple Proof of concept thing done and out on patre-on. There isn't much to it, literally just a tutorial (which includes a blowjob / cunny munching scene with a robot) and you get a grope two girls. There is literally nothing else licentious right now. Which, considering it's just a proof of concept right now, makes sense.

Feel free to check it out on patreon (it's public) www.patre-on.com/posts/53846207

The next update to this will be when I get another scene or two done for it (and sort out my world building files) for you sick bastards and bastardettes to fap / flick to.

If you enjoy this story you can support it by donating on Patre-on.


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Lasaruscreators' thoughts