
Monster World - Pet Integration

In a world where monsters roam freely after an unknown power brought them from who knows where. After years of fighting the monsters, the humans in this world learn to integrate with monsters and turn them into their pets. The integration will take place in the final year of schooling after they reach the age of 16 and join the military for 4 years which is mandatory for anyone. MC is an orphan who is lives in an orphanage since childhood. He wants to grow strong so he can live his life better than how it was in the orphanage. He fights to become one of the strongest people on the planet. But fate has other plans for him as he gains friends along the way. New chapters every week. This is my first story. Please do share your comments and help me grow. Note: The cover art is not mine. It is created for me by one of my friends.

McCaulay · Fantasie
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71 Chs

Chapter 1: Introduction

Allen wakes up from his bed just like every other day. Getting bitten playfully by his taming monster - a Firey Wolf.

He is 16 years old and will get integrated with it in a few days. Everyone will start taming a monster when they reach 14 years for them to integrate them as pets easily when they turn 16.

The Firey Wolf is his taming monster who has the fire elemental power and is a bit faster than normal monsters of the same stage. Its name is Serina.

Allen is taming Serina from age of 12 as it was not given to him by the government as the government will give low-level pets to orphans and people who can't afford to buy a monster to tame.

He found Serina as a cub 4 years back. Wounded and hungry. He brought it to his room in the orphanage and nursed it back to health and fed half of his food for 2 years till he reached age 14.

Allen rejected the monster provided by the government as he shares a bond with Serina and wanted her to be his pet from the time he saw her.

So, they grew together in the orphanage for 4 years now. He can understand Serina a little even before the integration which gives him a good lead against others who are taming monsters for just 2 years.

Once he wakes up from bed, he does his daily chores and helps the cook in the kitchen prepare breakfast and lunch for his brothers and sisters.

Then helps his brothers and sisters in the orphanage to get ready for school. He also gets ready for school.

This will be his last week in school. Once the week is over, he will be integrated with Serina during the graduation ceremony and will have another week time to say goodbye to his friends and kids in the orphanage.

He will go to the Military camp for the next 4 years to complete the compulsory service. Allen is looking forward to his graduation so he will be able to speak with Serina through their mind as they will be together for the rest of their life.

Military service is compulsory for all citizens except for the family of nobles and the elites.

Allen wants to get military training and reach the Corporal stage so he can learn skills which will improve his power. But he wants to learn it because it will look cool.

He never wanted power in his life. All he wants is to live in a peaceful place with the people he loves and cares about.

He never and any ambition in his life. He wanted to make sure that he will be able to help his brothers and sisters in the orphanage when the time comes.

He always hated the people with power as they take whatever they want but will not be punished for it even if it is not legal.

After he helped with cooking, he sat with his brothers and sisters to have his breakfast. Since most of them are young, it will always be a happy time for Allen to eat.