
Monster Trainer: Eclipse of Monster

The Monster who once use to fight humanity became their weapon against the opponent, Taming a monster one need to have 3 basic requirement ★ The person had to be above 10 years old at least or he/she will not be allowed by the federation. ★ One must hire a Monster Catcher with him to be able to capture that beast. ★ One must be recommended by some professor, whose written agreement will be passed down to the Federation. For childhood, this kind of thing we're told to everyone who wanted to become a Monster trainer, one of the greatest professions present in the world of Ragdoll, Monster trainers are those guys who explored this world which has been unexplored by any person in the existence of the history. They participate in the tournament to get money and material to train their monsters, usually, these Monster trainers, work in a group of 5. this group of five are divided into two different professions one of them is Monster trainer who is the leading party member, another one is a Neutralize whose work is to to create a nutritional diet for every single monster of the trainer, Promoter is a guy who deals with the promotion of the trainer another word he is the one who deals with the financial things, then there is also a profession called Healer where I don't think I have to explain what these guys do and at last but not the least there is a hunter, if you want to ask what Hunter do well they are responsible for the survival of the whole team in areas like a forest where it is very hard to find food and other necessities. When listening to the above one must have thought that how easy it is to become a Monster trainer, well that's what I used to believe too but as time passed I started to realise how hard it was to become a Monster trainer. With My tenacity and wit's I was able to reach the pinnacle of this world in the future that was not because I was the strongest trainer but because all the strongest trainers were dead, was it luck or anything but for me, it was hell as I walked down the dissolute world with no sign of humanity. Finally, I'm at a legendary monster whose smile seems to be mocking me but I was able to see sympathy in its eyes. Then next thing I remember I was back at the period when I was just a child...

IwanttoKill · Fantasie
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Monster training

Alex was prepared as he looked at Latia, smiling he looked back at her, saying "from now on, I will call you Lia." given it was something, he was used to calling her in past.

Lia nodded as she looked at Alex and nodded, as she closed the door of the house, she started to move with Alex, where Alex first mission was to get a monster for Lia, She was a strong girl with a great attitude toward him and that is why he is willing to grow her up stronger.

"There is an empty field, where one can find any kind of Monster which can be tamed but, one needs to have a top-rated Basic Trainer, within the team."

//Alex was thinking of joining Royal Academy, for looking out a good party, while he already had thought of the great team, but will require him to be extraordinary in itself.//

Lia can only join the Academy, when she had an innate quality of a Trainer, up to the mark. For that, Alex had to get her a Monster she can count on, there were many methods of getting them. One can catch it himself, other methods to buy it but the prices are very costly, at last, it was to venture inside a dungeon.

Usually, Rare types only appear inside them, and he knew a spot inside the dungeon, where he can get 3 main rare types, without working hard at all, given all three of them were already capture inside a Monster Ball, one lucky guy got it and after an expedition team were sent to find that place, and found the clue about it.

Alex smiled as he walked and said "We are going to Dungeon, for the first few hours you have to hid behind me, don't worry your safety is my responsibility."

He spoke as he looked at Lia, who only nodded at him with a smile, Lia was relaxing bit by bit around him.

Smiling Alex walked out of the town with beauty by his side, Lia was quite a cute girl, she had beautiful blue coloured hair and green Emerald eyes. Given her figure she could be a devastating beauty in the future, at few points, Lia had help out Alex emotionally too.

Her figure was something which has been ingrained inside his mind and soul, that night was something he could never forget, looking back at the same girl whose only age has been regressed, but the hint of a similar figure was still left, he looked down to hide his lust.

Lia was looking around, when she looked at Alex, for some reason he was looking down, but his face was at the point, where she was able to tell that he was looking at him.

She shook her head and spoke politely "Master where should we go now, given there are several root's, we can take." It was her first time, to take initiative to talk, at which Alex was quite happy, where a smile blossom on his face.

//We will continue to walk, on route 7 while we will be stopping at the lakeside which is in a southwest direction, I had collected this data from an experienced trainer. So according to him, it was a good spot to camp out. Many kinds of herbs and berries can be found, given I had planned a recipe for my Monster.//

The Monster food preparation, was something he had learned and it was from his own experience, so he was able to adjust them, according to his will, unlike those who had learnt from recipes from the market, it was his creation, and he was pretty confident that no one would be able to produce out the same result as him, given what it needs is fresh fruits and a preservative which no one has known till yet.

Honey Drill, honey is a rare preservative, but due to its sweetness, it can tangent its taste and add different effects as mind-calming, which is a good thing for any occasion, but in many scenarios, it can be a great threat.

Given a mind-calming state, can bring down the threat awareness of the guy, to the minimal level, which can be very life-threatening in a wildness.

So in the end, preserved ones are feed at safe zones like city and temporal shipment owned campaigns, beyond that, it is way too reckless than suiciding in the jungle or forest.

Let me explain the terms forest and jungle, the term forest can be applied to a zone which is no bigger than a state, while on the other hand jungle is something bigger than a normal state, and can and up covering the area which is bigger than more than 5 to 6 state coming together.

The jungle is something only an experienced team of Elites can travel, even though Alex was quite confident about travelling inside it, but it would be dangerous to bring Lia with him on an adventure like that.

Alex calmed as he looked at Lia, and then signed with his hand to call out Fierro Ball out of the band, after it was bigger, he threw it in the sky and Fierro came out chirping. Alex found it coming down to sit on his shoulder, looking around proudly.

Given even in the monster class, flying type and flame type are both different classes, where the mixture of flying and flame type are considered to be Nobel among them. Given that Fierro had the highest potential among the starter he had picked, one can think of how powerful it can grow out to be.

Lia looked at Fierro and asked Alex "Master, why did you bring out Fierro at a time like this, given Monsters are only called out when needed to battle."

Alex smiled as he looked at Fierro and asked "Do you like to stay inside or be outside with us." at which Lia, looked a little perplexed, by the question and started to look at Alex weirdly. Fierro, when heard the question, started to fly around Alex, as if he wanted to tell them he wanted to stay outside, more and enjoy the outside world more.

Lia was not stupid and was able to tell that Fierro, always likes to be outside than being inside it, but what was weirder was not the monster, but her master given she had not seen any Young Master asking their Monster, with such a question. Lia, I was also able to understand why he wanted to ask, given all this time they had always treated them like a tool, but the way his master was treating his Monster, was very similar to a friend.

Lia smiled as she looked at Alex and then nodded her head, at which Alex was happy and knew why she was so great at Monster Trainer because she was easy to change herself into a better Trainer. Alex then walked while Fierro flew up and come down whenever tired, due to which Alex kept on feeding it Sky berries, which had all the protein needed for the growth of flying type.

Most Monster, Kept their Monster inside the ball, due to which they miss out on such an important training session, a wild Monster are usually more powerful when it comes to physical attributes, and usually, trainers can defeat them in a battle of partition, using the number in advantage or type in advantage.

Monsters outside also can learn every single move but cannot master even a single move, due to which humans can take advantage, and defeat feed them some time in one on one battle.

Alex will, chip down the number of moves that his Monster will train into, but will not allow it to grow inside the monster ball, due to which, he will be able to take advantage of most of all.

Alex was happy to guide Fierro, while he keeps it feed up, with the max nutrition it can have, due to which he believes that, Fierro stability and power will keep on Rising.

There is a 10-star system, in the case of Beginner Monster, his Fierro can be considered to be at the level of a one-star system, and the weight training is going on it will take around one week to two weeks to reach a two-star system.

But the combat power is not usually decided by the levelling system, because the star system is usually measured by the amount of energy The Monster is radiating. Where combat experience, move experience and even physical fitness, can determine the winner and a loser.

The drawback most of the trainers are usually able to draw out is related to the above 3 point's, Alex was not a novice Trainer, so he was not fine with the way, Lia mentality was related to Monster training.

He explained the reason, why is he was training his Fierro like this and all the complicated stuff about the three lacking points of the Fierro.